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Project High-level programming languages Министерство образования и науки Амурской области Государственное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования «АМУРСКИЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ» Выполнил: Аношкин А.Н. студент 345 группы специальность : Прикладная информатика (по отраслям) Проверил: Коновалова Л.Б .Слайд 2
Contents Glossary High-level language First high-level programming language Ada Basic Cobol Lisp Next
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Logo Pascal Plancalkul Prolog C C ++ Fortran Schedule of occurrence of programming languages Rating demand Programming Languages Sources of information Back
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Glossary Algorithmic language – Алгоритмический язык ; Artificial intelligence – Искусственный интеллект ; Complex data structure – Комплексная (сложная) структура данных ; Conditional statement – Условный оператор; Considered – Считается ; Constantly evolving language – Постоянно развиваемых языков ; Cycle – цикл; Declarative type – Декларативный тип ; Quite modern – Вполне современный; High-level programming language – Язык программирования высокого уровня ; Contents
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Interpreter – Интерпретатор ; List of data items – Перечень элементов данных ; Object-oriented – Объектно-ориентированный ; Participation – Участие ; Peculiar – Свойственно ; Pen plotter – Перьевой графопостроитель (плоттер) ; Primarily – Прежде всего ; Procedure-oriented language – Процедурно-ориентированный язык ; Subroutine – Подпрограмма ; Vocabulary – Лексика ; Widely used – Широко используется. Contents
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The High-Level Language The high-level language is a programming language tool that provide a description of the problem in a clear, easily understood form convenient for the programmer. Programs written in high level languages, require translation into machine code programs translator or interpreter. Contents
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The high-level language peculiar ability is to work with complex data structures. In most of these support is integrated for string types, objects, file operations. Contents
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The first High-Level programming Language The first high-level programming language is considered a computer language Plankalkul designed by German engineer Konrad Zuse in the period of 1942-1946. However, the widespread use of high-level languages began with the emergence of the Fortran compiler and the creation of the language (1957). Contents
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Ada Ada is a h igh level programming language oriented to the use of real-time systems and designed to automate management tasks processes and / or devices, such as a board (ship, aircraft, etc.) Computers. Developed by the Ministry of Defense in the 1980s. Contents
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Augusta Ada King Byron, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815, London, UK - 27 November 1852) was a mathematician. Known primarily for creating descriptions of computing machines, the draft of which was designed by Charles Babbage. Made the first program in the world (for this machine). Coined the terms "cycle" and "work cell", is considered the first programmer in history. Contents
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Basic Basic [Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code] - High level programming language developed in 1963 - 1964. Is classified as a fifth-generation languages. It is one of the widely used and constantly evolving language. Its latest version is Prolog 6.0. Contents
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Thomas Eugene Kurtz and John George Kemeny BASIC was invented in 1964 by professors at Dartmouth College by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, and under their guidance has been implemented team of college students. Over time, as other dialects began to appear, the original implementation became known as Dartmouth BASIC. Contents
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Cobol Cobol [COmmon Buisiness-Oriented Language] - High level programming language, designed to address the association KADASIL commercial and economic problems. Developed different tools to work with files. Teams of programs written in this language, actively use ordinary English vocabulary and syntax. Contents
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Grace Hopper (Grace Brewster Murray) December 9, 1906 - January 1, 1992) - American scientist and Rear Admiral US Navy. Being the pioneer in its field, it was one of the first people to write programs for the computer Harvard Mark I. She developed the first compiler for a computer programming language, developed the concept of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the creation of COBOL. Contents
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Lisp Lisp [LISt Processing] - An algorithmic language for manipulating lists of data items. Used primarily in university laboratories in the US to address the problems associated with artificial intelligence. Contents
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John McCarthy September 4, 1927, Boston, MA - October 24, 2011, at Stanford) - a prominent American computer scientist, who coined the term "artificial intelligence" (1955), inventor of Lisp (1958), the founder of functional programming, the winner of the Turing Award (1971) for his contribution in the field of research artificial intelligence. Considered himself an atheist. Contents
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LOGO LOGO [from the Greek. logos - word] - High level programming language designed for the purposes of teaching mathematical concepts. It is also used in schools and PC users when writing programs to create drawings on a computer screen and control pen plotters. Contents
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Seymour Papert and Idit Harel Seymour Papert (b. February 29, 1928, Pretoria, South Africa) - an outstanding mathematician, programmer, psychologist and educator. One of the founders of the theory of artificial intelligence. Idit Harel - American scientist - engineer . Contents
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Pascal Pascal [French acronym - Program Applique a la Selection et la Compilation Automatique de la Litterature] - procedure-oriented language. In its initial version, Pascal had a rather limited capacity, as intended for educational purposes only. Contents
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Niklaus Wirth February 15, 1934 - Swiss scientist, a specialist in the field of computer science, one of the most famous theorists in the field of programming languages, computer science professor at ETH Zurich, Turing Award winner in 1984. A leading developer and creator of programming languages Pascal, Modula-2, Oberon. Contents
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Plankalkul Plankalkul - the world's first high-level programming language. The language was designed as a primary means for programming the computer Z4. He supported the operation of destination, call subroutines, conditional statements, and many others quite modern means of programming languages. Contents
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Konrad Zuse June 22, 1910, Berlin, the German Empire - December 18, 1995 Hünfeld, Germany - German engineer, a pioneer of computer. Best known as the creator of the first really working programmable computer (1941) and the first high-level language (1945).
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Prologue Prologue [PROgramming in LOGic] - High level programming language of declarative type, designed for the development of systems and software . Contents
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C C is a Multi-purpose high - level programming language. It is the base language of the operating system Unix, but is also used by this system for writing fast and efficient software products, including operating systems. Contents
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Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie September 9, 1941, Bronxville, NY, United States - presumably 8-12 October, 2011, Berkeley Heights, United States - a computer specialist, known for his participation in the creation of programming languages, BCPL, B, C, expansion ALTRAN programming language FORTRAN, participation in the development of operating systems Multics , and UNIX. Contents
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C ++ C ++ is a h igh level programming language created on the basis of the C language. It is an extended version of implementing the principles of object-oriented programming. I s used to create complex programs. Contents
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Bjarne Stroustrup December 30, 1950 (Aarhus, Denmark) - programmer. Bjorn was born and raised in the city of Aarhus. Enrolled in the University of Aarhus (Denmark) on the Department of Informatics. After finishing his (1975), he received a master's degree. Later defended his thesis in Computer Science from Cambridge University (1979) Contents
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Fortran Fortran [FORmula TRANslator] - the first high level programming language, having translator. Fortran is widely used primarily for scientific and engineering calculations. One of the advantages of modern Fortran - a large number written on it programs and subroutine libraries. Contents
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John Warner Backus December 3, 1924 - March 17, 2007 - American Computer Scientist. He was the leader of the team that developed the first high-level programming language FORTRAN, the inventor of the Backus - Naur Form, one of the most versatile notation used to define the syntax of formal languages. Contents
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S chedule of occurrence of programming languages Contents
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Rating demand Programming Languages Programming Language Demand (in %) Pascal 3 C/C++ 3 3 Java 30 Fortran 14 Cobol 6 Prologue 8 Other languages 6 Contents
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Sources of information https://translate.google.ru/#ru/en / - 31.03.2015 20:30 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Высокоуровневый_язык_программирования - 31.03.2015 20:00 http :// referatzone.com/load/referaty/informatika/jazyki_programmirovanija_vysokogo_urovnja/42-1-0-1271 - 31.03.2015 20:05 http:// doma10.ucoz.ru/index/jazyki_programmirovanija/0-82 - 31.03.2015 20:15 http:// studopedia.ru/2_105169_ponyatie-o-yazikah-programmirovaniya-visokogo-urovnya.html - 31.03.2015 20:20 http:// studopedia.net/7_1712_yaziki-programmirovaniya-visokogo-urovnya.html - 31.03.2015 20:25 Contents
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