Презентация разработана в рамках проектной недели по английскому языку обучающимся 9 класса Бойчук Славой. Презентация рассказывает о Курганском драматическом театре.
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Secondary school № 41 KURGAN Chubanov Slava, Form 9 «A» Teacher: Samkova S.V.Слайд 2
Kurgan State Drama Theatre
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Known Kurgan entrepreneur AN Balakshin in 1897 raises the question of building your own home. To reduce the cost of construction and as propaganda adobe buildings offers make it out of adobe. Land for future building was purchased on the corner of New Street and adress and Trinity Lane (Gogol-Lenin), next to a religious school. How it all began
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In 1920, wanting to perpetuate the memory of Lenin, the workers announced a voluntary fund-raising for the construction of the People's House - a monument to Lenin, which would conduct a variety of cultural and educational work. Fundraising began in 1925. It was decided that the best monument will be the construction of the People's House of Lenin.Since 1926, construction began. Construction was national.
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The opening of the House of People held on 6 November 1930. Beautiful building with a spacious auditorium, an extensive library, the museum and the gymnasium became a center of educational work and the pride of Kurgan. January 31, 1936 at the People's House caught fire. The fire was liquidated at the beginning, because the only reservoir in the People's House 500 buckets appeared without water. Water began to haul horses. As a result, a beautiful building, which is rightly proud of Barrow, was destroyed.
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In explaining the circumstances of the fire turned out to be the evening of January 30, taking advantage of the lack of protection in the loft located above the stage theater, penetrated homeless, capturing chips, they built a fire on the plywood. At 6 am plywood caught fire, then the fire spread to the ceiling, covered with reeds. Homeless children were frightened and ran away. After the fire of trials and the building of the People's House were trying to restore, repair work lasted for several years, but has not been completed.
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A new milestone in the history of the theater can be considered the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, when in October 1941 placed here, who arrived from the city of Kremenchug plant Glavstroy Bormashina them. Stalin. The first director was appointed AA Markin. The plant worked for the army. During the war, it addressed the issue of the creation of the Kurgan Regional Drama Theater. His first theatrical season Kurgan Shadrinsk theater play, and only in the summer, to move to a wooden summer theater scene Kurgan city garden.
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It was decided to move the theater to another building and it turned out to be a former People's House. In the early 1950s, begins its reconstruction in April 1953 Regional Theatre moved into the new building. At the request of the city government eased two million at the end of construction. By the anniversary of the October completed the external finish: massive columns, moldings and lots of windows on the facade of the theater gave a solemn, monumental view - there was a man who, passing by, did not cast a proud glance at the beautiful building. All- Union magazine "Ogonyok" published a photograph of him - was like a big theat re .
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Thank you for attention.
Прыжок (быль). Л.Н.Толстой
Лев Николаевич Толстой. Индеец и англичанин (быль)
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