В 2016-2017 учебном году мы приняли участие в очередном региональном сетевом конкурсе проектов "Discoverer 14+". Тема третьего этапа проекта - "Саратов и кино". Мы стали победителями в номинации "Онлайн-ресурс". Предлагаем Вам ознакомиться с нашим блогом.
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From this difficult question we start our blog today.
We have never written a blog. Moreover, we are about to understand how to do it. We thought that it is never late to learn and decided to try this activity.
Day 1 Our task for today is to understand what we are going to write about. We had long arguments that day. Sveta wanted to write about famous actors that were born in Saratov Region. Al'bina and Dasha insisted on writing about cinemas. Dima and Sergey wanted to present some information about cinema actions that take place in Saratov. After long thoughts we came up with the idea to write about documentaries.
Day 2 We decided to stay after classes to find some interesting facts and pictures.
Day 3 We had to choose all the necessary information from the rest.
Day 4 We thought how to put our materials logically.
Day 5 We are finally ready to present our project.
We've learnt that …
there is not only a great number of cinemas in Saratov, but also an own film factory. We mean the so-called «Нижне-Волжская студия кинохроники» which is also called «Дом кино». Its detailed history can be found here:
Recently activity of the studio is limited to holding an annual film festival of the documentary melodrama "Saratov Sufferings" («Саратовские страдания») and work of the cinema hall created on «Cinema House» base. The president of the festival is Oleg Tabakov.
In the summer of 2015 the film company «VOLGA XXI» has begun shootings ofdocumentary series about theVolga.
The project is directed to promoting of the Volga region, development of internal tourism, increase in interest of Russians and foreign tourists to the largest European river, its history and people inhabiting it.
The finest trailer of the film «The Volga» with English subtitles IS WORTH SEEING! You'll never regret it! Fantastic landscapes of the Volga, beautiful Russian music, a wonderful word-play are brightly shown.
The year 2016 - the year of the Russian Cinema is rich in different film events. One of them is the festival «Гагарин.doc» which took place for the first time in Saratov. There are lots of documentaries devoted to Yury Gagarin. Among them are the films shooted by students within the competition «The First!».
The year 2016 was proclaimed the year of the 80th anniversary of Saratov region. There are many documentaries on this topic, but today we are pleased to present you two of them:
Dear Readers, we hope that you liked our blog!
Thank you for attention!
Performed by
young cinematographers –
the 7th form students
of Ozinki Secondary School-
Dzhabrailova Al'bina,
Ermolaeva Svetlana,
Karpenko Darya,
Ovcharenko Dmitry,
Yas'kov Sergey
with the help of
our English teacher:
Zharkova S.S.
за победу в 3 этапе регионального сетевого конкурса проектов "Discoverer 14+"
Тема проекта "Саратов и кино"
Номинация "Онлайн ресурс"
команде «Hand-in-hand»
Джабраилова Альбина, Ермолаева Светлана, Карпенко Дарья, Овчаренко Дмитрий, Яськов Сергей
(руководитель: Жаркова Сауле Сатвалдиевна),
МОУ "СОШ р.п. Озинки" Саратовской области
по информационным
коммуникациям и
дистанционному образованию Ф.А. Белов
Декабрь 2016
Нас с братом в деревню отправили к деду...
Акварельные гвоздики
Земля на ладонях. Фантастический рассказ
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