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« Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland » Выполнил: ученица 8 класса Чыргалан Алика Проверила: учитель английского языка Чорбаа У.Д. МБУ Тоора-Хемская СОШ Презентация по английскому языку:Слайд 3
Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Flag of the UK is called Union flag or “Union Jack”
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National flower of Wales Shamrock Every Irishman wears this nationals emblem on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. it is worn in memory of St. Patrick, Ireland’s patron saint, whose cross is embodied in the Union Jack by the thin red one under the cross of St.George . According to a legend St. Patrick used a small green shamrock as an illustration of the mystery when preaching the doctrine of the Trinity to the pagan Irish.
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National flower of Scotland Thistle In very ancient times the Norsemen once landed somewhere on the east coast of Scotland, with the intention of plundering and settling in the country. The Scots assembled with their arms and took their station behind the river Tay , the largest in Scotland, at the only practical ford. As they arrived late in the day, weary and tired after a long march, they pitched their camp and rested, not expecting the enemy before the next day. The Norsemen, however, were near; noticing that no guards or sentinels protected the camp, they crossed the river Tay , intending to take the Scots by surprise and slaughter them in their sleep. To this end, they took off their shoes so as to make the least noise possible. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle. The sudden sharp pain he felt caused him to shriek. The arms was given in the Scots’ camp. The Norsemen were put to flight, and as an acknowledgement for the timely and unexpected help from the thistle,the Scots took it as their national emblem.
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National flowers of Wales Daffodil and Leek Welshmen all over world celebrate St David’s Day by wearing either leeks or daffodils. The link between the leek and St David is the belief that he is supposed to have lived for several years on bread and wild leeks. There is a conclusive evidence that Welshmen wore leeks on St David’s Day in Shakespeare’s time. In “Henry V” Fluellen tells the King: “ If your Majesty is remembered of it, the Welshmen did good service in a garden where leeks did grow, wearing leeks in their Monmouth caps; which, your Majesty knows, to this hour is an honourable pledge of the service; and I do believe your Majesty takes no scorn to wear the leek upon Saint Tavy’s day!’ The daffodil is also associated with St David’s Day, due to the belief that it flowers on that day. It became an alternative to the Leek as a Welsh emblem in the present century, because some thought the leek vulgar.
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National flower of England Tudor’s rose The red rose was the emblem of Lancastrians, the white rose that of the Yorkists , the two Houses fighting for the English throne in the War of Roses. But their struggle ended by marriage of Henry VII, the Lancastrian with Princess Elizabeth, the Yorkist . The red rose has since become the emblem of England. The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. It happened in very old times when Norsemen wanted to settle in this country. They came close to the Scots' camps in the night and wanted to kill them in their sleep. That's why they took off their shoes so as to make no noise. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle and screamed. The Scots woke up and put the enemy to flight. The leek is the emblem of Wales. Welshmen all over the world celebrate their national holiday St David's Day by wearing leeks.
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