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Form 7 «А » school 180 Kate Pankratova Teacher : Belobrova E. D. Edward VIСлайд 2
The Bear is an emblem of Karelia. . Edward VI ( son from the third marriage of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour) became king in 15 47 . He came to the throne at the age of nine years old under the tutelage of maternal uncle, Edward Seymour . After his disgrace in 1549 a number of other Regents competed for the influence on the young king. 1537 -1553
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Petrozavodsk-is a capital of Karelia. Eduard was a healthy and strong child. His father looked up to him. I n may 1538 some of observers wrote: “Henry is holding the child, standing with him at the window... It's a spectacular sight and great comfort for the people". In September the Lord Chancellor, Lord Thomas Audley , reported a rapid physical and mental development of Edward. Other sources describe him as a tall and merry child. The traditional view that Edward was a sickly child was questioned by modern historians. At the age of 4 years old he contracted life-threatening "four-day fever". However, despite occurring diseases and poor eyesight, Edward enjoyed excellent health until the last 6 months of his life.
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28 January, 1547 - Henry VIII died On the 20-th of February Edward VI was crowned at Westminster Abbey. the Ceremony was shortened, partly because "the king was in such a tender age," partly because the reformation had found some elements of the ceremony unacceptable. During the coronation Cranmer confirmed the validity of the act of supremacy urging him to continue the reformation of the Church of England. After the ceremony Edward took part in the Banquet in his honor in the Palace of Westminster
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Edward fell ill in January 1553. In April there was a temporary improvement. By the first of July, when he last appeared in public, looking out the window, the teenager was thin and exhausted, had trouble breathing. Edward VI died on 6 July 1553
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https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AD%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4_VI#cite_note-34 The end
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