Районная научно-практическая конференция по номинации "Шаг в будущее"- тема "Выбор профессии -дело серьезное"
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Научно-практическая конференция
«Шаг в будущее»
Выбор профессии – дело серьёзное.
Автор работы: Марельтуев Сергей,
ученик 9 класса.
Руководитель: учитель английского языка 1 категории
Хаванская Екатерина Григорьевна
2016 год
Глава 1. Взгляд в прошлое…………………………………………………..стр5
1.1. Из прошлого профессии………………………………………
1.2.Взгляд из детства…………………………………………………
Глава 2. Взгляд на настоящее………………………………………………….стр5
2.1. Трудовая биография моих родителей……………………………стр5-6
2.2.Трудовая биография моих родственников…………………………стр6
Глава 3. Взгляд в будущее…………………………………………………….стр7
3.1. Профессия, о которой мечтаю я………………………………….
3.2. Престижные профессии……………………………………………стр7-8
3.3. Анкетирование одноклассников…………………………………..стр8
3.4.Памятка при выборе профессии…………………………………….стр9
Список источников………………………………………………………………..стр9
Выбор профессии – это достаточно серьёзный вопрос, к которому стоит подходить обдуманно. Правильный выбор профессии – залог дальнейшего успеха в карьере. Понятие «правильный выбор» подразумевает, прежде всего, возможность эффективного использования человеком личностного потенциала в профессиональной деятельности. Мне захотелось узнать больше о преимуществах при выборе профессии. Это связано и с уроками английского языка, которым посвящён раздел «Будущее зависит от тебя. Выбор профессии».
Everyone in my life needs to take several key decisions that determine the fate, and the choice of profession is one of them. From an early age we think of what you want to be: girls want to be teachers, doctors or models, boys want to be race car drivers, pilots or businessmen. We grow, things change, and the time comes to make a choice. You need to choose a University that will allow you to transfer your dream into reality. Many even to the end of school and can't decide, ask for advice from parents who are happy to send children to study there, where would like to be themselves. But in school the lessons we often talk about the people labor, the professions that they chose. The world of professions is very high, and I was thinking, because I, too, once will have to choose a profession, what would it be? What I want to do, what to achieve, what challenges I have to meet on that path. What are my strengths and weaknesses that I'm willing to overcome to achieve success? These issues identified the relevance and content of this work. These questions and determined the relevance and content of my work. [1]
Цель работы: узнать больше о мире профессий, чтобы сделать правильный выбор.
Задачи: 1. Собрать информацию по изучаемой теме.
2. Изучить рейтинг самых престижных профессий в стране.
3. Глубже изучить трудовые биографии моих родителей и
4.Выявить какие качества предпочитают мои друзья при выборе профессии.
5. Разработать памятки «Выбор за тобой!»
Объект исследования: мои родственники и мои одноклассники.
Методы исследования: анкетирование, беседа, социологический опрос,
Гипотеза: учащиеся 9 класса могут сделать свой профессиональный выбор с учётом интереса к любимому делу и востребованности этой профессии на рынке труда.
Практическая значимость: работа может быть использована для проведения классных часов, дискуссий.
Глава 1. Взгляд в прошлое
1.1. Из прошлого профессии
In the old days people were proud of their masters. The lessons of the masters gave names to the streets. In the ancient cities was the Armory, Myasnitskaya, Kuznetskaya street. Sometimes entire towns were called in the profession residents. I think the professional is a person who owns his skill. Hence, the word profession means occupation, type of work, which a person devotes most of his adult life. Despite the fact that skills training and choice of profession go way back, I think it's always a very important issue.
1.2. Взгляд из детства
Since childhood kids have been trying to choose their way in life. There are too many wonderful professions around. As years pass their minds change. Fortunately there are lucky people who chose their profession in childhood and since that time they have been doing everything possible to acquire proficiency. There are not some. [2]
Глава 2. Взгляд на настоящее
2.1. Трудовая биография моих родителей
In 9th grade, I seriously thought about my choice of profession. I wanted to know easily whether I choose my profession, what challenges I have to meet on the chosen field, learn what my strengths and weaknesses that I'm willing to overcome to achieve success. Some professions I'm interested in for a long time. And I decided to learn more about the profession of my parents and relatives, whether they are satisfied with the selected occupations reached success in their work.
My mother is a teacher. [3]
From childhood, she wanted to teach children. Her dream came true. Teaching activities requires a special calling. Education and training can engage people with an aptitude and a love for this business. Teaching activities requires specific and volitional qualities: endurance, patience, consistency, perseverance, self-control. I believe that all these qualities have of my mother. About these teachers, like my mother, are the words of the great teacher Shota Amonashvili :"Master, be the sun, radiating warmth, whether soil, rich in enzymes of the human senses, and this knowledge is not only in memory, and the minds of your disciples, but in their souls and hearts."
My dad is an engineer. [4]
My dad studied engineering and worked in that profession while he had the chance. The profession of mechanical engineering is versatile. Basic engineering education and experience make it easy to navigate the constantly updating world of technology.
I am proud of my parents. Each of them found their place in life and turned professional in his field. And mom and dad went to his goal and achieved it. That's very different professions, but each is interesting in its own way and loved by my parents. I have someone to be proud of and someone to emulate.
My older brother chose engineering as a profession and went to study in Novosibirsk state University on the program "Biotechnical systems and technologies. [5]
My aunt is an economist. [6]
Economist is a profession of modernity. The word "economy" was coined in Ancient Greece and meant "housekeeping".
The economist now routinely referred to as a universal expert in the field of industry, business, Commerce.
Economists do need a variety of organizations – from small businesses to the largest banks. We don't have enough space to list all specializations in the field of Finance and credit, Commerce, accounting and auditing, which encompasses the qualification of "economist".
My aunt believes that the economist is one of the most important specialists in the company. No company may conduct its activities without a business plan. This employee sets a motion vector of the joint efforts of all employees. You need to prioritize and target to get the maximum profit with minimum losses.
From the statements of John Keynes:
"For the study of economic theory does not require any special gift. However, the professional economist must possess a rare combination of abilities. He must be mathematician, historian, philosopher, statesman – and to some extent".
My uncle is a police officer. [7]
He is confident that a big plus officer ranks is the opportunities for career growth. In comparison with other civil servants, the officer has a good salary, some benefits, such as the state apartments, sanatoriums, and free medical care. But these people risk their lives because of their duty to protect people.
Officer for service in the police, you can become after graduating from the Academy. To make a career in the army, you need to enroll in one of higher command schools or military Institute.
Глава 3. Взгляд в будущее
3.1. Профессия, о которой я мечтаю
Since childhood I dream to become a soldier, but I think that my dream must to be justified, that is how I, as a person conform to this important profession. Each state is primarily interested in ensuring its safety. Saying "People do not want to feed its own army will be forced to feed someone else's" belonging to the French Emperor and military leader Napoleon Bonaparte has not lost its relevance in the modern world.
My interest in the military profession will continue to grow as I get more information on them. I like the uniforms and songs of military subjects. Nowadays, few who chooses military service. Boys mainly think about how to "hang" from the army, afraid of bullying, which is often spoken of. If before thought ill of those who did not serve in the army, now on the contrary. Good that there are still guys who go into the army, believe that their duty is to serve the Motherland. [8]
3.2. Престижные профессии
Are there all professions prestigious? The answer is only: “Yes!” I believe that the main factor here is the relationship of man to his work. But some jobs are so prestigious that many young people strive to meet them.
In the diagram I showed the 10 most prestigious professions in
3.3. Анкетирование одноклассников
I conducted a survey among the pupils of the school to know on what basis you guys choose future profession.
That's what happened.
2. Money
3. Necessity
4. Knowledge, skills
5. Communication
6. Advice
7. Convenience
8. Prestige
9. Dream
3.4. Памятка при выборе профессии
1-Choice of profession — a difficult and responsible step in your life.
2-Not granted the choice of their future profession case.
3- Use of information professionals.
4-the Profession should be chosen deliberately, taking into account their abilities,
5-internal belief (indifferent only go where necessary),
6- actual possibilities, weighing all the "pros" and "cons".
The conclusion
Choosing a future profession influences all the future life of a person. Everyone chooses his future track depending on his dreams, knowledge, talents and gifts. Financial income and demand for the profession also matter. Correctly chosen profession is quite fundamental to prosperity and career prospects. I want to end up doing a job that I like. Many of my friends consider only a lucrative profession. There is no denying that well-being is a significant thing. But I would sooner choose my labor of love than suffer a whole life long doing dislike job. It seems to me that the popularity for professions changes every year. Today it’s profitable to be a programmer, a lawyer and a doctor, tomorrow - a plumber, a driver and a cook. First of all work has to make us happy. One, who does not love his work, will do it in bad faith. This subsequently will adversely affect the quality of the performed work. In accordance with the tasks I had: 1. Presented and explained the profession of my parents and relatives. They need interesting and popular. 2. Presents a survey of high school students and shown prestigious profession. Analysis of the diagnostic results allowed to conclude that the question of the importance of the future profession is interested not only me but also my friends. To undertake the work, I realized that there is still time for the choice of profession. You want the man chose a place for the soul and then he will be happy because he likes and benefits people.
Список источников:
1.Choosing a career (from “ English” №18 2006 г.).
2.PDF-версии журнала «Английский язык» (№ 5 2013г.) и газеты «Первое сентября» (№7 2013г.)
3. Энциклопедия для детей «Выбор профессии» (под редакцией Е. Ананьева)
Приложения: презентация.
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