Geographical features of CANADA
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Geographical features of CANADAСлайд 3
Geographical position Canada is the second largest country in the world. Canada is situated in North America. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories.
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The population of Canada is 28 million people. About 57% people speak English and 32% speak French.
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The Climate Of Canada The climate of Canada is extremely diverse. Mountain ranges of the Cordillera limit the influx of Pacific air masses, but cold Arctic air penetrates freely in the southern parts of the country. On the West coast the climate is softened under the influence of the warm North Pacific current. In the Rocky mountains thee is a typical mountain climate. The most abundant precipitation falls in the West of Canada – often in excess of 2500 mm per year. The center and East of the country receive much less atmospheric moisture – not more than 500 mm per year. In the Central part, where rainfall is scarce and evaporates quickly, stretches of grassy Prairie. In the cold polar zone where the average temperature does not exceed 10C, dominated by boggy tundra. The climate of Eastern Canada is lukewarm. The average annual rainfall exceeds 1000 mm when a uniform distribution across all months of the year. The average July temperature is around 20C. Winter cold for three months the temperature stays below 0C.
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Oceans rivers and lakes of Canada. . The area of the largest Great Slave lake is 31.1 sq km . The longest river is the Mackenzie (under this name it flows out of Great Bear lake to the Arctic ocean) Rocky mountains.
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The flora of Canada The largest natural area of flora of the Canadian taiga and tundra is The Northern part . In the South taiga stretches with rocks. On the coasts of oceans grow coniferous forests. The Eastern part of the country is famous for the broadleaf forests. In Western Canada stretch of the steppe zone - Prairie.
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Fauna of Canada is very rich and diverse. In the wild woods, you can meet wolves, foxes, lynxes and coyotes, antelope, the species of deer. In Northern and Western parts of the country inhabited by bison, elk, caribou, and musk oxen, sheep, and wild cats. The latter are considered unique animals of the country.
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Natural attractions. Niagara falls , the White desert , the Iguassu Falls.
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On the territory there are significant deposits of ore minerals; which are concentrated within the Canadian shield and the mountains of the Cordillera. Especially large reserves of iron ore, various ores of nonferrous metals (especially Nickel, ores, copper, titanium and other nonferrous metals).
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National holidays of Canada 1 and 2 January: New year. April 14: Holy Monday. On 16 and 17 April: Easter and Easter Monday. Last Sunday of May: feast of the Queen Victoria ("Feast dollar"). July 1: Canada Day. Holiday for all: concerts, performances, entertainment, fireworks. The days of Canadian culture.
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Prepared by Bogdanov A.
Груз обид
Одна беседа. Лев Кассиль
Стрижонок Скрип. В.П. Астафьев
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