В презентации говорится о жизни Ванги, даре и желании целительницы помогать людям.
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Hall of fame. Vanga . made by Michailova Ann , Sevryugina VictoriaСлайд 2
Dates and birthplace : V anga was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica , Yugoslavia, in a family of small landowners. # landowners- землевладелец V anga ( Vangelina Pandeva gushterova . 1911-1996)
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In 1925, V anga was sent to the house of the blinds, which was placed in Zemun . Here she learned a lot: Braile , playing the piano, as well as knitting, cooking, cleaning the house. All this was useful in further life. #Blind- слепой Education
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carrer V anga first gained public attention during World War II. There was a rumor that she was able to determine where the people missed in the war were, whether they were alive or their place of death and the burial. In 1941, some “mysterious horseman” visited V anga , after which she was said to possess supernatural power.
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According to the statements of followers, V anga had the ability to define human disease with high accuracy and predict their fate. In 1967, V anga was framed as a public servant. From that moment she began to receive official salary - 200 lleva a month, and it was worth the visit for the citizens of the socialist States - 10 lleva for the citizens of “Western” countries - 50 dollars. Up to this point V anga took people for three, taking different gifts. #1leva=33,60 rubles Achievements and personality
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Famous for the fa с t that she had supernatural power Illness and death V anga died on August 11, 1996 because of the right breast cancer, not allowing to be operated. She gave all her possessions to state property.
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The end
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