"My mother and the father and fellow countrymen zabaykalets will be proud of me.
I didn't let you down..."
Hero-worship of a feat, great courage and firmness of the 19-year-old young man was expressed in the poem "Aldar" by the transbaikal poet Boris Makarov. A feat … the rare word nowadays, today we speak about heroes of last wars more, but, time shows, that there is a place for a feat today as well. And heroes exist nowadays, but we seldom write about them in newspapers and TV, but to remember about them is necessary. The present generation doesn't know the history of the country and the names of the heroes. Therefore, the aim of my work is exposure of pupils to the understanding of value of a feat. We shouldn't forget those people who gave their life and health for the benefit of society. So, I think that this topic is important and significant.
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"My mother and the father and fellow countrymen zabaykalets will be proud of me.
I didn't let you down..."
Hero-worship of a feat, great courage and firmness of the 19-year-old young man was expressed in the poem "Aldar" by the transbaikal poet Boris Makarov. A feat … the rare word nowadays, today we speak about heroes of last wars more, but, time shows, that there is a place for a feat today as well. And heroes exist nowadays, but we seldom write about them in newspapers and TV, but to remember about them is necessary. The present generation doesn't know the history of the country and the names of the heroes. Therefore, the aim of my work is exposure of pupils to the understanding of value of a feat. We shouldn't forget those people who gave their life and health for the benefit of society. So, I think that this topic is important and significant.
The value of the action of Aldar Tsydenzhapov can't be overestimated. His feat is a guiding star between the present and the future of generations.
Aldar was born on the 4th of August in 1991 in Aginskoye settlement, of the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area. He finished secondary school № 1 there. After school he was going to enter the institute, but later he changed his mind and firstly Aldar decided to follow his granddad’s footsteps and to serve at sea. In November, 2009 he began the military service at the Pacific fleet, the city Fokino of Primorsky Krai.
On the 24th of September the tragedy happened. The fire burn up at the engine-room of the ship. Aldar who took up duty, understood that in few seconds the ship could have blown up. The young man was not puzzled and rushed into the flame to block the firing and to prevent explosion. About 9 seconds the boy was in wildfire. His clothes were burned and melted, there was nothing to breathe with, but he continued to screw the gate. After stopping the fire he could leave the bay with the flame without any help, even having strong burns. Later doctors established that Aldar's burns were 99,5 % of all the body surface. Aldar’s prompt actions rescued the ship and its crew with 300 people on it.
On the 24th of September the fire burn up at the engine-room of the ship. Aldar understood that in few seconds the ship could have blown up. The young man rushed into the flame to block the firing and to prevent explosion. About 9 seconds the boy was in wildfire. His burns were 99,5 % of all the body surface. Aldar’s prompt actions rescued the ship and its crew with 300 people on it.
Aldar was transported to Vladivostok’s hospital. For four days doctors fought s for his life, but on the 28th of September he died, having a chance to say goodbye to the parents who had arrived to hospital. Aldar was buried in his settlement.
On the 28th of September, 2015 it’ll be 5 years since this tragic event. By the presidential decree of Russian Federation, the sailor of the Pacific fleet Tsydenzhapov Aldar Batorovich obtained the rank of the Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for the courage and heroism while performing a military duty. One of the streets of Aginskoye was called after the name of Aldar Tsydenzhapov. The Aldar’s bust monument was built there as well. The memorial board is open at the building of the school where he studied. There is the competition of ice hockey there, which became traditional among pupils.
We conducted a poll among freshmen of several groups of the Republican Multilevel College. The poll included three questions: 1. Have you heard the name Aldar Tsydenzhapov? 2. What do you know about this person? 3. To mention the names of famous people of Buryatia. So, 27 people took part in the poll. The results of it showed us that only 3 of 27 students answered the first and the second questions. The rest of the students know nothing about him.
So, as we can see from the results of the poll, young generation don’t know even simple facts about the people, who are worth remembering.
For perpetuation of a feat of the hero the idea of construction of a monument in Ulan-Ude was offered with a purpose for young generation to know the heroes, and respect their memory. In 2011 Bator Batuyevich Bolotov from Youzhny Argaley, the former employee of science institute began to turn the plans into reality. But there were problems with the permission of a place by the city authorities: almost five years passed and there are no results. Bator Batuyevich sent appeals to different power structures and got refuses, reasoning that the Hero of Russia Aldar Tsydenzhapov has no relation to Ulan-Ude. But we consider that the young seaman Aldar – the son of all Buryat people and people must know about him.
Articles devoted to our hero were published in the Inform-Polis newspaper. So, in the article from February 27, 2015 it is reported that residents of Buryatia organized fund raising for the monument to the Buryat sailor establishment. It is already known that the monument will be situated near the memorial "A black tulip". So, the issue of its location is settled. However, the difficulties are connected with financial side. More than 6 million rubles are necessary for production of the monument. The Charity foundation can't collect the necessary sum therefore its continued.
As for me, I can’t believe that the Person who prevented such huge accident doesn’t deserve to be remembered? In fact, the sailor rescued not only the crew and the ship, but he also prevented environmental disaster. In case of explosion all this could bring multi-billion damage and of course, human victims. I consider that this courageous act shouldn't be forgotten. It is a pity that funds can’t be found for a good cause though our government has money for holding holidays, for example. Much money is spent for salutes, entertainment programs, and there is no financial support for important and significant issue.
Moreover, I suppose, that parents should grow their children so, that they feel the link with the traditions, customs and historical events of the country from their childhood. Besides, I’d recommend to organize lessons in schools, to show documentary films, telling us about the important events of the history and of course, about the heroes. In this case, I hope, no one will be forgotten.
"My mother and the father and fellow countrymen zabaykalets will be proud of me.
I didn't let you down..."
Hero-worship of a feat, great courage and firmness of the 19-year-old young man was expressed in the poem "Aldar" by the transbaikal poet Boris Makarov. A feat … the rare word nowadays, today we speak about heroes of last wars more, but, time shows, that there is a place for a feat today as well. And heroes exist nowadays, but we seldom write about them in newspapers and TV, but to remember about them is necessary. The present generation doesn't know the history of the country and the names of the heroes. Therefore, the aim of my work is exposure of pupils to the understanding of value of a feat. We shouldn't forget those people who gave their life and health for the benefit of society. So, I think that this topic is important and significant.
The value of the action of Aldar Tsydenzhapov can't be overestimated. His feat is a guiding star between the present and the future of generations.
Aldar was born on the 4th of August in 1991 in Aginskoye settlement, of the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area. He finished secondary school № 1 there. After school he was going to enter the institute, but later he changed his mind and firstly Aldar decided to follow his granddad’s footsteps and to serve at sea. In November, 2009 he began the military service at the Pacific fleet, the city Fokino of Primorsky Krai.
On the 24th of September the tragedy happened. The fire burn up at the engine-room of the ship. Aldar who took up duty, understood that in few seconds the ship could have blown up. The young man was not puzzled and rushed into the flame to block the firing and to prevent explosion. About 9 seconds the boy was in wildfire. His clothes were burned and melted, there was nothing to breathe with, but he continued to screw the gate. After stopping the fire he could leave the bay with the flame without any help, even having strong burns. Later doctors established that Aldar's burns were 99,5 % of all the body surface. Aldar’s prompt actions rescued the ship and its crew with 300 people on it.
On the 24th of September the fire burn up at the engine-room of the ship. Aldar understood that in few seconds the ship could have blown up. The young man rushed into the flame to block the firing and to prevent explosion. About 9 seconds the boy was in wildfire. His burns were 99,5 % of all the body surface. Aldar’s prompt actions rescued the ship and its crew with 300 people on it.
Aldar was transported to Vladivostok’s hospital. For four days doctors fought s for his life, but on the 28th of September he died, having a chance to say goodbye to the parents who had arrived to hospital. Aldar was buried in his settlement.
On the 28th of September, 2015 it’ll be 5 years since this tragic event. By the presidential decree of Russian Federation, the sailor of the Pacific fleet Tsydenzhapov Aldar Batorovich obtained the rank of the Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for the courage and heroism while performing a military duty. One of the streets of Aginskoye was called after the name of Aldar Tsydenzhapov. The Aldar’s bust monument was built there as well. The memorial board is open at the building of the school where he studied. There is the competition of ice hockey there, which became traditional among pupils.
We conducted a poll among freshmen of several groups of the Republican Multilevel College. The poll included three questions: 1. Have you heard the name Aldar Tsydenzhapov? 2. What do you know about this person? 3. To mention the names of famous people of Buryatia. So, 27 people took part in the poll. The results of it showed us that only 3 of 27 students answered the first and the second questions. The rest of the students know nothing about him.
So, as we can see from the results of the poll, young generation don’t know even simple facts about the people, who are worth remembering.
For perpetuation of a feat of the hero the idea of construction of a monument in Ulan-Ude was offered with a purpose for young generation to know the heroes, and respect their memory. In 2011 Bator Batuyevich Bolotov from Youzhny Argaley, the former employee of science institute began to turn the plans into reality. But there were problems with the permission of a place by the city authorities: almost five years passed and there are no results. Bator Batuyevich sent appeals to different power structures and got refuses, reasoning that the Hero of Russia Aldar Tsydenzhapov has no relation to Ulan-Ude. But we consider that the young seaman Aldar – the son of all Buryat people and people must know about him.
Articles devoted to our hero were published in the Inform-Polis newspaper. So, in the article from February 27, 2015 it is reported that residents of Buryatia organized fund raising for the monument to the Buryat sailor establishment. It is already known that the monument will be situated near the memorial "A black tulip". So, the issue of its location is settled. However, the difficulties are connected with financial side. More than 6 million rubles are necessary for production of the monument. The Charity foundation can't collect the necessary sum therefore its continued.
As for me, I can’t believe that the Person who prevented such huge accident doesn’t deserve to be remembered? In fact, the sailor rescued not only the crew and the ship, but he also prevented environmental disaster. In case of explosion all this could bring multi-billion damage and of course, human victims. I consider that this courageous act shouldn't be forgotten. It is a pity that funds can’t be found for a good cause though our government has money for holding holidays, for example. Much money is spent for salutes, entertainment programs, and there is no financial support for important and significant issue.
Moreover, I suppose, that parents should grow their children so, that they feel the link with the traditions, customs and historical events of the country from their childhood. Besides, I’d recommend to organize lessons in schools, to show documentary films, telling us about the important events of the history and of course, about the heroes. In this case, I hope, no one will be forgotten.
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