Али решил в своей работе представить одну из книг, которую знают и любят все дети "Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена".
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My favorite book Творческая работа Александрова али Ученика 7 класса «А » Школы № 1465 г .Москва Октябрь 2016Слайд 2
My favorite book is « T he adventures of Baron Munchausen“. It was written by Rudolph Raspe . In 1785 Rudolf Raspe anonymously published in London « The Tales of Baron Munchhausen , his wonderful travels” .
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Rudolf Erich Raspe was born in March 1736 and died November 16, 1794. A German writer, poet and historian is famous as the author of the stories of Baron Munchausen, in which the narrative is his name. Writer
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It describes the magical adventures of Baron Munchausen . I suggest you to read this wonderful book. I t is very easy to read. And it will not create any issues when reading. This book can be read at any age, it fits all. Why you need to read Baron Munchausen?
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The exploits of Baron
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The End
Сладость для сердца
Д.С.Лихачёв. Письма о добром и прекрасном: МОЛОДОСТЬ – ВСЯ ЖИЗНЬ
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