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Р ollution of the worldСлайд 2
Water pollution Pollutants that comes into the water in different ways: as a result of accidents, deliberate dumping, spills and leaks .. the largest pollution sources - farms, which occupy in England and Wales, almost 80% of the land. Farming wastes get into fresh water sources ….
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Water pollution Groundwater becomes more and more contaminated. With the help of modern technology people very intensively use underground water, depleting and polluting it. Around cities is booming private housing and small businesses, with independent water supply.
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Air pollution As a result of a booming industry and transport of air pollution in major cities around the world has become an acute problem of our time.
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Air pollution One of the main causes of air pollution - is burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. Sculpture dioxide - another air pollutant . It is the result of burning of fossil fuels, especially coal. Its presence in the air is the main cause of respiratory diseases . Particules - are also a source of air pollution. They are tiny particles of unburned fuel and other substances ,formed in the engines, and industrial enterprises.
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Soil pollution Methods of soil pollution : Pesticides as a polluting factor. Atmospheric acid attacks on land. А cid rains
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Soil pollution problems arise from the Uncontrolled use of pesticides and herbicides courses soil pollution and. For the cultivatio n of various crops a lot of chemicals, are widely used, which leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the soil
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How to make the planet clean? Even today, you can contribute to protecting of the the environment. And it is not true that it takes a lot of time, effort, or money. It only seems that some people are not able to solve the global problem .
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How to make the planet clean? However, even at first glance little things ultimately provide substantial benefits. Plant a tree, clearing away litter after the picnic, teach children not to litter in the street
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Choose the world to live!
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