Данная иследовательская работа выполнялась моим учеником Алояном Алексаном. Он изучал историю Смалика, его значение и применение в наше время. Он также проводил анкетирование и составлял графики , что помогло ему определить важность использования Смайликов среди его одноклассников.
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Made by pupil of class 4 “A”
MAEI “Gymnasium N.12”
Alik Aloyan
Class chief: Lankina Arina
Novosibirsk 2016
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The main Part………………………………………………………………………………….4
Chapter 2. Practical Part…………………………………………………………….6
2.1 Participating in the Science Day………………………………………………..6
2.2 Decorating a New Year tree with Smiley faces…………………………………7
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………….8
I am a student of the 4-th form. My name is Alik . I love to smile very much. Also I use different smiling faces everywhere . Now I have a collection of different smilies.
Smiley Faces are also known as Smileys. Smileys are used to show the emotions and feeling of a person. Ones I got interested how Smiley had appeared. I entered the computer and was interested to know that the story of this smiley had an overwhelming success.
The goal of the paper is to know the history of smiley faces and their role in everyday life.
To achieve this goal we need to solve the following objects:
- to explore the literature on this topic;
- to study the ’ history;
- to conduct a survey whether kids of our class understand the role of smiley faces;
- to draw a proper conclusion; and
- to use smiley faces as decoration of Christmas tree.
The object of the research is smiley faces.
The subject of the research is whether children know the history of smiley faces.
The methods of investigation are:
- gathering of information on this topic;
- survey;
- research analysis.
Chapter 1.
1.1 The history of smiley
The first Smiley Face was created in 1963 by Harvey Ball.
This smiley face was so simple and it was a “Happy Face” Smiley.
The designer of this smiley took 10 minutes to create it. This smiley has a simple yellow circle. Inside this circle, there was two black dots which represented the eyes, and a bracket which represented the lips of a person.
This smiley face made the foundation and all other smileys were made from this smiley face. But that's not the beginning!
The earliest recorded use of characters and symbols to represent emotions was in 1857 when people used Morse code, specifically, the number 73 represented love and kisses.
The first instance of the use of smiley face emotions on the internet was in thanks to a gentle man by the name of Scott Falman. He implemented the use of the smiley face symbol such as:
Nowadays, as the technology is growing fast, many telecommunication companies are using these smileys in their products. Many social networking sites like ,
are using these smileys in their applications like Chat Application. And now these smileys are growing better and better in graphics and animation.
Life is full of fun and cheers and without the fun life is very boring and dull. Smile is very important in life. With the help of smiley faces we are able to make something different. We are able to remove all the pains of our life. People are always in hurry and have not much time to write long messages. So smiley faces help us to save our time .
It's no use to prove you smiley faces are extremely popular. The smiley faces is a magic gift. It warms everybody without exception, cheers up, makes to feel happy. It is so pleasant to see a smiley everywhere
Chapter 2. Practical Part
2.1 Participating in the Science Day
On the first of December the Science Day was held in my English lesson. I decided to take part in that day. I called my work "The popularity of Smiley faces".
The aim of my work was to learn and present a history of smiley faces to all school children.
Also I asked some questions to my classmates , such as : 1. What is smiley face ?
16 students answered that it was funny faces. 12 - that it was graphic emotions.
2. Do you use smiley faces?
Everybody answered yes
3. Where do you use smiley faces ?
Everybody answered that they used smileys in messages.
4 . What is the role of smiley face in their life ?
Most of the students answered that the smileys helped them to show their emotions .
The results of the survey show that all students know what the smiley face is and they use such faces in everyday life. So smiley face is important thing in modern life.
2.2 Decorating a New Year tree with Smiley faces
After a successful presentation of my report about smiley face, I decided to continue my work. I asked my classmates to draw their favorite smiley face . They suggested me creating Christmas smiley faces, because, we think, it was time of Christmas Eve. Everybody agreed this idea.
We worked hard and at last our Christmas smiley faces appeared .Aren’t they charming!!!!!
We were happy.
A little bit later I decided to decorate a New Year tree with our Smiley Faces. We suggested the idea to our teacher and she supported it with great pleasure. On the twenty-fifth of December we gathered together with our classmates in the school hall. Every member of our form hung his or her toy on the New Year tree. It seemed our tree was the best decoration at school! I was proud of my work. We believed that we gave people wonderful mood before Christmas and New Year.
After having studied the literature on the topic, conducted a survey, I would like to draw a conclusion to my research.
I learned by experience that children use smileys. Today smiley faces are very popular and play a big role in people’s life. We can use smileys not only as a graphic emotion in our messages but also as a Christmas decoration.
In conclusion I want to say if you’re happy share this feeling with everybody, use more smiley faces. It can make others happy too :-)
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