В данной работе автор рассматривает актуальную для современного мира проблему расизма в двух мощных державах.
В настоящее время эта проблема касается многих стран и народов. С каждым годом подрастающее поколение относится всё негативнее к людям других национальностей. Необходимо воспитывать в подростках толерантность, доброту, уважение к людям других рас и национальностей.
В своей работе автор рассматривает это явление в различных его аспектах: историческая картина проблемы, а также современное её состояние,
умело синтезирует и обобщает информацию, сравнивает отношение людей к другим национальностям в обеих странах.
Достоинством работы является ее актуальность и сравнительный характер практической части. Автор сравнивает различные факты, анализирует и делает выводы на их основе. Материал реферата в композиционном отношении выстроен правильно, логично, последовательно. Работа имеет одну теоретическую главу и одну практическую. Включает сравнительные таблицы и диаграммы. Ученик грамотно ставит цели, рассматривает тему всесторонне, делает логичные выводы.
Данное исследование достигло поставленных целей.
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The problem of racism in Russia and America
Выполнила: Поткина Мария,
ученица 9в класса
Научный руководитель:
Морозова Н.В.,
учитель английского языка
Нижний Новгород
Chapter 1.Racism in Russia and America …………………………….…4
1.2 Racism currently in Russia and America…………………………………..
Chapter 2. Compare the problem of racism in America and Russia……………
Enclosure ………………………………………………………………………
Racism is a serious problem looming over Russia. Only for the first three months of 2015, there were 22 cases of conflicts on the ground of national hostility. At the same time in America ....
Later in the hospital were more than a dozen people, two of them unfortunately died. Therefore, the problem of racism in America and Russia is urgent and requires resolution from the authorities
Racism is a special look at the state of things in the world. In some ways this worldview with their canons and characteristics. The main idea of racism is that some Nations are a step higher than others. As tools of division into higher and lower classes are ethnic signs: skin color, eye shape, facial features and even the language spoken by the people.
This topic is actual one. Terms such as "xenophobia", "chauvinism", "ethnocentrism", "extremism", "terrorism", have become part of modern discourse; in discussing them actively participate as specialists and the public. In comparison with them the problem of racism clearly are out of the focus of public attention. And although in the 1990s, there have been many radical groups and movements who have acted under the slogans of racial (and it was seen by many observers), racism is still on the periphery of scientific research, and scientists are reluctant to enter into discussions on this issue. One of the few exceptions was the recent statement of the Russian physical anthropologists, directed against racial intolerance.
The subject of the report is the problem of racism in Russia and America. And the object is the attitude of the Russians and the Americans to the racism.
The aim is to compare two powerful countries according to the problem of racism there. For reaching the aim, we should decide some tasks.
1.To describe the problem of racism in Russia
2.To analyze the attitude to other nationalities in America
3.To compare the attitude of Russians and Americans to other nations
In my work I enjoyed the variety of online resources, books, dictionaries.
Chapter 1.Racism in Russia and America
1.1 History of racism in Russia and America
The article "the Myths of modern racism in Russia" Victor Shnirelman that some Russian nationalists after the collapse of the USSR problems suggested as their reservation Russian Imperial consciousness. Some of Niobrara to primordialists myths, is based "not on science, but on the fake texts "book of Veles", created in the environment of Russian emigration in начале1950-ies". Based on some contemporary theories related to the development of Indo-European problems, they condolensence concept, in fact, autodiscoverredirect with the Slavic-Rus.
In recent decades the extraordinary popularity of wauke received the German national-organic theory of the nineteenth century. It has penetrated into the Soviet theory of ethnos in the form of the concept of" ethno-social organism". The last step in reabilitacionnogo approach, according to Shnirelman, did Libguile historian, who inherited ethnos biological beginning. Was gomelvtormet "theory of ethno-genesis", which contained ideas about "poor peoples" ("chimeras") and "complementary" inter-ethnic relations.
Racism did not appear suddenly. The roots of racial attitudes go, oddly enough, in the Soviet era, but the favorable climate for the growth of their popularity came just in the last ten to fifteen years. Soviet Marxism had its own peculiarities. Retaining lip devotion class approach, in fact, over the last Soviet decades he paid more attention not so much to the class as an ethnic division of society. It was not only about the identity. Ethnic groups perceived as separate from the integrity of their original cultures and languages, and - attention! - With its "national character." They could be good or evil, to show generosity and kindness, or, conversely, different vindictiveness or cunning. Ethnicity attributed to well-defined patterns of behavior, with an iron consistency perceived as properties immanent to
any member of an ethnic group. ¹
1.2 Racism currently in Russia
The causes of racism in Russia
First, the growing number of "guest workers" from other countries.
It may seem that such a phenomenon there is nothing wrong. But the problem is that many guest workers charge for their services is much less than the Russians. Such a dumping on prices leads to the fact that indigenous people had much to Excel in order to compete.
Secondly, some guests do not know how to behave. The proof of this can be a news where they tell that a group of Dagestan’s or Caucasians beat up teenagers.
Thirdly, not all visitors from abroad to earn their bread in an honest way. After all, statistics suggest that many drug dens and points are controlled by the guests from other countries.
According to the Fund of analytical programs "Expertise", 42 % of Russians believe that non-Russians in Russia have "too much power and influence." Every fourth participant of the study conducted in all seven Federal districts, believes that "accommodation of some national groups should be limited to": first of all, among "Caucasians" (this was stated by 60 % of respondents 2533), Chinese (51 %), Vietnamese (48 %), immigrants from Central Asia (47 %). Africans with Jews shared 5th place .
The Russians and the Chechens, Russians and Azerbaijanis, Russians and Georgians, Russians and Uzbeks, Russians and Arabs, Russians and Negroes of the nation brand complementary (i.e., associated). This means that our interests will always be the opposite, and any approximation to each other on the distance of a pistol shot will be perceived as a challenge.
The most striking manifestations of racist tendencies in Russia are:
• increased the number of racist motivated crimes and attacks, including Staronavodnytska groups, particularly against people of non-Slavic appearance, the natives of the Caucasus, from Africa, Asia and the Arab world, at least — from the North Caucasus
• the growing level of violence that accompanied some of these attacks, resulting in nekotorykh to the death of the victims;
• the spread of this violence to human rights defenders, intellectuals and students, web synergy against racism;
• the climate of relative impunity that often persons guilty take hoto, law enforcement officials, despite the significant growth in the last metacycle prosecutions and convictions for acts including racial hatred ibrado as a motivating factor
• the existence and increasing influence of political parties with racist and xenodontinae;
• the actual match the social, economic and political marginalization with the places of living the Russian Federation ethnic minorities and other discriminated groups.
Speaking of racism, not to mention one of its variants. Social racism is the hatred of one class against another. Despite the fact that it can occur even within one nation. For example, rich people believe "retarded" ordinary workers, or intellectuals looking with contempt on commoners. The sad thing is that in modern Russia the similar phenomenon occurs quite often. The reason for this is a big difference in the living standards of ordinary working and wealthy entrepreneur. This leads to the fact that the first begin to hate the rich for their arrogance. And the latter contemptuously refer to the workmen, because they could not achieve success in this life.
We cannot talk about what is racism in Russia without referring to nationalism. After all, despite all their similarities, they are completely different concepts.
So, if racism is an ardent hatred of other races, nationalism is, rather, ideology, aiming at the protection of its own people. A nationalist loves his country and his people, so is on his guard. If other races do not threaten its values, acting diligently and in a brotherly way, and aggression towards them will not.
The main sources of contemporary racism is xenophobia against migrants and refugees, the majority of violations against members of such groups occur in the context of discriminatory practices. Poverty, low level of development, marginalization, social exclusion and economic disparities are closely linked to racism and related intolerance contribute to the persistence of racist attitudes and practices.
It is believed that in addition to the spread of racial discrimination as such, its contemporary forms and manifestations in different ways trying to regain political, moral and even legal force, including with the help of certain political parties and platforms to spread the means of modern communications.
Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said that "does not really do not see any problems" with the situation faced by black players in Russia, which has caused concern because officials see this problem too easy.
"I would like to see the statistics for other countries such as the UK or the US, and how much racism in their stadiums. I do not think less, "- said the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Igor Ananskikh, when asked about the report The Guardian" Owl "and the center of Fare network. He said that after the entry into force of the law in the past year about the behavior of fans at sporting number of offenses decreased stands. "I often go to football, and there is much racism cannot see."
Population of Russia
Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation was a reflection of one of the fears, concluded in short words - "come in large numbers". Such fear is not so much of everyday racism and xenophobia, but also on the specific Soviet fear that someone will tear off the best piece of the social pie: fill the corridors of clinics and prestigious schools, destroy the queue for an apartment and a line at the grocery store, and finally overwhelm trolley. To put it a bit more civilized and modern, will force the government to spend taxpayer money not just to those who earned them. You can put even more modern: like most civilized countries, Russia respects human rights, but first and foremost cares about its citizens.
In this case, it is not necessary to talk about the complete identity. The fate of illegal immigrants hoping to obtain citizenship in any country of the EU and Russia are fundamentally different. In the West, such a competitor begins life in a new place in an appropriate closed institution, to put it simply - the camp, where satisfying food (in contrast to the former homeland), but freedom is limited. Naturally, the taxpayer pays a hospitable country and grubs, and high walls, and the staff. When the guest receives a residence permit, he often relies and benefits, at least remember the famous American velfer.
A Russian citizen can be happy: he is relieved of such costs. Illegal immigrants are temporarily living outside the barbed wire, we have negligible. The rest of the work earnestly for the benefit of the Russian economy (what is often the shadow economy - the problem of the tax system), without burdening our meager social sphere. Labor migrants almost do not learn, not treated, and does not enjoy the protection of the state. Moreover, the traders and fruit, and the workers at construction sites often to your Komm contain separate police posts.
It is unlikely that the new law will leave the building without malaria. He just will preserve the current situation, when hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people in Russia part with her dream of becoming a citizen (although still remain residents). The law is not so and scary, the main harm from it in one - now no census will not help us to know how much does a person lives in Russia: if a citizen can, and let the door scribe in "illegal" shack he just did not look in . However, to live "pretending" Russia knows how long ago.
April 20, 2011, Konstantin Poltoranin, a spokesman for the Federal Migration Service was fired after saying that "the survival of the white race was at stake.
October 24, 2013, speaking during Poedinok program on television channel Rossia 1, the leader of the emergency of the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, known for its spectacular header flashes, called for the imposition of limits on the level of fertility in the dominated Muslim North Caucasus region of Russia and Restrictions on the movement of people from the area across the country. These outbreaks have occurred shortly after the terrorist attacks in Volgograd, which left several dead Russian. Zhirinovsky later apologized for his words.
During the program was a lively public opinion poll, conducted through text messaging and the Internet. Zhirinovsky won those voters with more than 140 thousand Russian, voting in favor of it.
"Amnesty International" noted that law enforcement officials in Russia themselves often use discriminatory practices. Since the report says that people from the North Caucasus and Central Asia have become a target for police.
Gudkov believes that to blame the Russian authorities. "On the one hand, the government talks about intolerance and non-nationalism on the other hand, the nationalist rhetoric of the authorities and the general campaign against terrorists and extremists, which covered all visitors and workers, raises the general level of xenophobia.", - He says.
In addition, according to Gudkov, among law enforcement officials and military officers very widespread xenophobia, and many openly talking about solidarity with the nationalists.
In such a situation it is difficult to say whether the government will be able to counter the racism or take it under control. The report, "Amnesty International" called on President Putin to take "comprehensive action plan" to combat racism and anti-Semitism.
Racism in the U.S. has existed since the Foundation of the state. The society, founded by white people, distinguished by their national and religious lines strongly differed in their attitude to other groups. The main victims of racism were non-white indigenous people — Indians and Negroes-slaves, i.e.
African Americans. Legally civil law applied only to the white population. But despite this, non-read white population - Italians, Spaniards, Frenchmen, Greeks, some Germans, Dutch, Irish, poles, Jews - were victims of xenophobia on the part of Protestants at the household level. Their Protestant majority thought "the other white". Despite the ban on racial segregation in the 1960s, racial discrimination persisted in the United States and in our days.
The stereotype that "black is a criminal", has very deep roots. This archetype is so prevalent that most whites and blacks in the conduct of the respective national survey agreed with the statement that "blacks are aggressive or violent". In support of this view, other studies have shown that the public generally associates violent street crime with African Americans. Another survey, conducted nationwide, showed that the American public believes that black people are guilty of much more dangerous crimes than it actually is, which is confirmed by official statistical data.
The history of the USA went hand in hand with constant conflicts on the basis of ethnicity. For 239 years of existence, the idea of a racial war, ingrained in the minds of Americans. Anyone with skin color darker than white Protestant for many years been oppressed. Now is the time response from their side. Americans may talk about political correctness and tolerance. It won't change history and reality. Until the middle of the second half of the twentieth century, African Americans were officially oppressed, and for a long time it was not officially. The time for answers would come sooner or later. And how would the government tried to assure the public that similar incidents will not happen again, they will continue to happen. The next 2-3 generations the problem will remain relevant, as the memory of years of oppression is still fresh, and Ferguson only spurred the crowd to action.
US history is closely linked with the history of riots on the grounds of ethnicity. Since the days of colonization, white Protestants were hostile to all unlike them.
The issue of racism one way or another are observed practically in all States. No exception and the United States of America, despite the fact that in the Declaration of independence of 1776 stated: "We hold it self-evident truths: that all men are created equal and are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights". 80 years after the adoption of the Declaration of a conflict between the slave South and the industrial North led to the denouement of the Civil war.
As a result of victory in the civil war, northerners blacks gained their freedom, but had not received land. He turned into tenants-sharecroppers, semi-free. The efforts of the former owners were directed to ensure that the actual position of blacks has not changed. It was aimed at resolution of the so-called Black codes issued by the parliaments of the southern States:
- Negroes, unemployed, had admitted to "vagrants", for which the courts applied the penalties, and when payment is forced to work on plantations. So there was a "criminal" slavery, carried off to the grave 48% of prisoners; fear of accusation of vagrancy forced the Negro to accept any job for any reward;
- blacks prohibited the occupation craft or trade professions: they had only the plantation or the service
- Negroes, under the age of 18 were forcibly given in "discipleship" white masters.
In 1968 he was assassinated Negro leader Martin Luther king, whose name was linked to the liberation movement of the American blacks. This crime stirred up the society and the result was the repeated entry of blacks.
Early 70's brought changes to the voting rights Act. Such provisions have become temporary ban on the use of literacy tests and other discriminatory tests black Americans.
The extension of voting rights has become a common trend in the development of American democracy in the twentieth century, however, was very slow and "creaking". So, compared to 1970 in 1987, more than four-fold increase in the number of black Americans holding elected office in America, but this number was only 1.3% of all elected office officials, although blacks make up 11% among Americans, with voting rights.
Thus, according to conducted in 2000. the US census (US Census) between racial categories of the population of the country traced a range of economic and social differences.
In particular, 85% of the members of the Asian race over the age of 25 have graduated from high school and 42% have any higher education diploma. The corresponding figures for other groups are as follows: 88% and 28% respectively for white, non-Latin origin, 77% and 15% for blacks and 56% and 11% for Latin group.
Racial discrimination Racism is, unfortunately, also a very known phenomenon. It is defined as discrimination based on race. In this type of deep roots: giving examples of racial discrimination, the enumeration can begin with the modern practice of aversion, but legal segregation in the South America 50-ies, when there was a clear separation of public spaces for the white and black population, the false compromise of the past, etc, African Americans were often accused of crimes they never committed. Needless to say that in this formal situation, the public attitude of European descent for the Negro was no better. But in the US, not only on this race struck discrimination. Again, examples from history: the racism against indigenous people of America Indians.
There is a belief that racial segregation does not escape from schools now. In the report of the Project on civil rights at Harvard University in 2006, Professor Gary Orfield says: "the Level of segregation in the country has risen to the level of the late 1960-ies. We lost almost all the progress made in the abolition of segregation in urban communities"
"Racism in America is not a problem of a personal nature and societal problem," Abdul Alim Musa
Racial segregation in the United States — the white branch of the U.S. population from other ethnic groups.
Of particular interest and the scandals surrounding the police practice of "Stop-and-frisk" (stop and frisk), successfully used for many years in new York. According to this practice, given police the right to stop suspicious persons, to check their papers and search. According to statistics, a significant proportion of murders are committed by "African Americans against African Americans". Thus, the practice of "Stop-and-frisk" has saved the lives of several thousand black residents. However, liberal circles advocated the abolition of such practices, without offering anything concrete in return. Thus, the requirement of the liberals to abolish "Stop-and-frisk" directed against the black population of the city, i.e. it can be called racist.
Thus, the problem of racism in America, of course, persists today, but is taking on new forms. And, although in the USA there are a large number of institutions that are developing programs and technology to combat crime on racial grounds, "the roots" of the problem so deeply "entrenched" in American society that the system often "fails". In fact, has been declared a "zero tolerance": that's why a lot of teenagers now in jail.
And since crime is the most developed in disadvantaged areas, where live mostly poor blacks, the result of this practice was that, according to statistics, blacks are in prison was six times more than whites. However, experts admit that public opinion polls in the US show a low level of racism. However, according, the polls do not reflect the underlying sentiment. "No one confesses out loud! If you confess, you will immediately be ejected from society, you become a pariah. Cruel Puritan morals actually have not gone away. There it is impossible to Express his opinion anywhere and who are not falling. All of the strictly monitored", - said the publicist. "When the white region appears black teenager, it is always a danger sign for local. Rather, he is perceived as a drug dealer, a bully, a thug. Such a mentality is under the soil. Obviously, there are many well educated blacks professionals in their profession and so forth. We see this in the movies. But this mass consciousness is maintained," stated the expert.
Two statements of US politicians:
"It's hard to imagine a situation more stupid and dangerous than to give the right to make decisions in the hands of people who do not pay for their bad decisions."
"If you think that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, 60 years ago you called radical and racist today."
"Most of the attacks are committed by black race."
"Be proud black Americans who fought against racial discrimination, the results of a recent survey of Rasmussen, showed that 31% of black Americans think that most black racists, and only 24% think that the majority of white racists?".
"Most schools in areas inhabited by black is defined as" persistently dangerous. "The road to the school today is more dangerous for the students than in 1957, in the era of desegregation. Could they be proud of this brave people who fought against segregation?".
By all standards, this left could say only incorrigible racists. The first two statements belong to Thomas Sowell, dark-skinned publicist, economist and philosopher, and the remaining three statements - dark-skinned publicist Ueltoru Williams, having a regular column on Delmarva Now blog.
However, it is well known that in many sports dark-skinned Americans dominated. In today's sports are high standards that apply to all athletes, without exception. And if, for example, a dark-skinned athlete cannot stand them, no excuses not taken into account, even some of our favorite left as "legacy of slavery" or "difficult childhood". No one left journalist and left-wing political activity does not blame the coaches in "cultural bias" and racism, if they are dismissed unsuccessful black athletes.
Competition is fierce in the sport and in order to succeed, an athlete must make every effort, showing a great capacity for work. The same pattern is observed in the entertainment industry, in which blacks also succeed.
The left does not occur to distribute sports and entertainment industry racial quotas, privileges and preferences, which flourished in education and hiring.
In sports and entertainment skinned Americans have demonstrated the ability to survive and achieve outstanding success in a tough and ruthless competition and high standards. Yet the Left persistently deprive the country of black citizens the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities in the conditions of competition in other areas of American life.
The long-term policy of handouts and unfair advantage for Black drove them into humiliating ghetto meager existence, deprived them of the possibility of obtaining modern quality education, and therefore works to ensure a decent life.
The racial problem - a direct consequence of the capitalist contradictions. In the words of Malcolm X, viewing American society: "racism is embedded in capitalism." Everywhere where there is inequality, people will share on superficial grounds: race, religion, gender, etc.
The number of racial groups and the r ace percent of the US population:
White Americans are about 75% of about 230 million people
Black (African-Americans), about 12.5% of about 40 million people
Other race about 5% of about 15 million people
Asians (Asian Americans), about 4.5% of about 14 million people
Two or more races of about 2.5% about 7.5 million
Native Americans (Indians or Eskimos), about 0.8% of about 2.5 million people
Native Hawaiian or Pacific about 0.2% about 0.5 million people
If you believe the demagogy left, now half, and maybe more Americans are racists. Leftists argue that most of these people are unconsciously racist, and continue to take in some way benefit from the "privilege for whites."
In the 60s of the last century, the University of Pennsylvania professor Martin Seligman (Martin Seligman) developed the theory of "learned helplessness" (Learned Helplessness). According to this theory, a person or himself learns to believe in what he is helpless, or taught to believe. Extensive research by Martin Seligman found that such adverse circumstances, such as ill health or poverty, have little impact on a person's life, if it has a high positive belief in yourself.
Psychologists call this "emotional quotient" (emotional quotient, EQ), which determines a person's ability to control their negative emotions, to resist external pressure, to control your thoughts and your actions. Martin Seligman has shown that achieving high EQ little affected by heredity, but is determined by Hope, which must be obtained as a result of training. And it is the direct responsibility of parents and teachers. In the United States compared with other countries created the best opportunities to achieve success in life for people with high EQ.
Today's Left is cultured in the poor barrios helpless, frustrating. Left teach these people that they can only rely on the government, which offers them a variety of social programs. Leftists encourage them to blame for all the failures of others and kindle in them a hatred of successful people.
Anger and disappointment bring more misery and humiliation than bright hope, the belief in their strength and tenacity to succeed. But in the struggle left the civil rights of blacks such thing as hope, no.
Racism in the United States remains a challenge. This problem has moved from the political to the cultural field. Racist laws, codes, rules and regulations have long been eliminated.
Obama and Holder with the support of the Left trying to light the fire of racial hatred in the country. They are trying to start a civil race war in the United States.
News for 12.02.16
Candidates for the presidency in the United States, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders believes that racism in the United States has not been eliminated.
So, Clinton said that while the Obama presidency because of racial issues were not so sharp, but discrimination on racial grounds and on a place in the country. This opinion was expressed during the policy debate in Milwaukee. Racism makes itself felt in employment, payment of wages, access to education.
With the position of Clinton Sanders agreed. He noted that the perpetrators of this situation in the United States are the representatives of big business. That's great entrepreneurs are those activities that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
2. General information
In general, ethnicity appeals the modern world, especially to the symbols. For example, a person can call himself “a Kazakh”and “Kazakh” to consider their native language, but to speak only in Russian. We all live in today is not all in one, but in several different cultures. Yes, we speak in Russian, but look at the American Adventure, wear Chinese clothes, buy Japanese cars ... And what constitutes the image of traditional Russian culture? Samovar, who came from Iran, matryoshka, imported from Asia, and potatoes, caught in Russia from South America! All this shows that ethnicity is based not so much on reality, but on images. In fact, the so-called ethnic culture hybrid and heterogeneous. Do they have no biological.
The cause of racism - not skin color, and the human mind. Therefore, the healing of racial prejudice, xenophobia and intolerance must be sought primarily in getting rid of misconceptions which for so many centuries been a source of misconceptions about the superiority or, conversely, a lower position of different groups among mankind.
Racist thinking permeates our consciousness. We're all a little bit racist. We believe in the ethnic balance. We do not see how, in addition to restrictive measures, it is possible to cope with the threats that come with migration. We are driven by the logic of fear, in which cause and effect are reversed.
Of course, the cultural distance between migrants and host populations exist. But due to it again features of socialization and the skills acquired as a result of the behavior. It is the distance between rural residents and city dwellers, residents of small towns, accustomed to the dense network of interpersonal contacts, and residents of megacities, where anonymity reigns. It is the distance between poorly educated people with little social skills and an environment with higher levels of education and, consequently, higher professional training. Cultural differences - only accompaniment to structural and functional differences.
In a multinational, today Russia has other "domestic" form of ethnic discrimination related to sustainable xenophobia, hostility and intolerance towards other cultures, languages, beliefs and traditions. These forms constitute a strange mixture: part they got to our society inherited from the vast Russian Empire, with its specific methods of colonization own margins, were partly due to national discrimination, Private existed within a single community "Soviet people", partly reflect the global trends of today: many countries have now "infected" virus of nationalism due to the influx of migrant workers and immigration in general.
The danger lies in the other: the state, which would never have "raised the flag of the" classic "black-white" racism can easily be seduced by the opportunity to use the "latent" xenophobia as a form of national idea.
We think it is time to translate the discussion of the problems related to migration, from the cultural and psychological in the socio-structural plan. Not the dialogue / conflict of cultures and not about "tolerance" it is necessary to talk, but about the deep social - especially legal - changes without which all invectives against racism and all calls for inter-ethnic tolerance will remain so much hot air.
Racism, anti-scientific set of concepts, which are based on the position of the physical and mental inequality of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences in the history and culture of human society. For all types of racism are typical false misanthropic ideas about the primordial division of people into superior and inferior races, of which the first supposedly are the only creators of civilization, whose mission to dominate, and the second, on the contrary, are not capable of making even the absorption of high culture and are doomed to be objects of exploitation .
The concept of the natural inequality of the races originated in the slave society, where they served to justify the social differences between slave owners and slaves. In the Middle Ages assertions about "blood" differences between "knowing" and "black" were intended to justify the class inequality. In an era of primitive accumulation of capital (16-18 cc.), When the European states for the first time captured the colony, racism serves the purposes of inhuman exploitation, and often justify the extermination of the American Indians, Africans, many of the peoples of South Asia, Australia and Oceania. In the mid-19th century. It was first generalizing works on racism. The main directions in the sociology of the period began to Social Darwinism and racial theories, and later became the ideological basis of the fascist dictatorship. All these teachings do not recognize the specific differences in the nature of society, for which human society - a special case of biology. Classes for such theories - a group of people with naturally due to differences arising from the struggle for existence. The whole story - it is a struggle for survival, where the strongest wins. The German racial theories played a special role. Incitement of national and racial hatred are always engaged in the ruling classes. General theory of unequal classes of groups can be traced throughout most of human history, therefore, justified, for example, slavery.
Racism in the form of hostility to another individuals and society and attributing negative qualities they existed davno1. But only in the middle of the XIX century, as is shown in this thesis, the defenders of feudal privilege and domination of the aristocracy in their fight against democracy (the extension of voting rights, the idea of socialism, feminism, and so on. P.) Made of old easily aroused hostility to other nations in the explanation world history, the general theory of the historical process. This theory is summarized in the new and soon acquired a historically new form: it was the imperial racism.
Theoretical foundations of contemporary racism were laid JA Gobineau in "Essay on the inequality of human races." Egalitarian idea of democracy, he contrasted the inequality of people. The essence of Gobineau position was extended their anti-democratic thesis, according to which there are different values in their race. Any decline of culture is called "degeneration", the cause of which - a mixture of "high-grade" the races with "inferior". Therefore, culture can save the societies that watch over the "purity" of their blood for many generations (for example, the nobility). Gobineau first attempted (apparently in response to the revolutionary events in France at the time) to portray the history of the world as a history of the struggle "noble" races with "inferior". He was the first to interpret the history of mankind as the history of the struggle of races and therefore can be considered as the founder of modern racism.
Modern racism associated himself with social Darwinism. Imperialism is a fusion gave a collective entity of the "struggle for existence", has created a pseudo-scientific design: based on biologic "nation". Now the fight became subjects 'race' or understood in the sense of a racist nation. The conclusion of this fundamental axiom of racism on the disparity of races was the attribution of their "race" of all human virtues and virtues output from excellent physical (anatomical) and psychological (moral) bases.
Racism on the merger with the Social Darwinism acquired biological and advanced (imperialist) basis. Now the race is considered not only different in value, but also being in combat with each other, the outcome of which could only be victory or defeat. Announcing this fight "law of life", racists put the task of subjugation of "inferior" races, nations' culture carriers. "
Racist social Darwinism concepts were most openly stated in the socio-psychological theory G. Lebona. The problem of race and race relations, Le Bon was solved with extremely reactionary position. As every nation is guided by its own, transmitted by inheritance, "the spirit of the race", the representatives of different races and peoples in the virtue of different heredity have different ideas about the same things. This means that they can never understand each other, and a lack of understanding is the basis for the disagreement, conflict and war. The meaning of this thesis lies in the fact that the socio-economic reasons.
Socio-political and scientific struggle against all varieties of fascism. I turned around as soon as began to appear racist writings. Active participation in it have adopted advanced public figures, writers and scientists of all countries. Fact sheets, accumulated by different social and natural sciences, anthropology, ethnography, and others. Discipline that studies the races and nations, showed the utter bankruptcy of racism. All morphological and physiological traits which distinguished race, unimportant to the overall biological evolution and historical development of mankind.
Historical experience shows that the socio-economic and cultural progress is not due to the racial composition of the population, and social systems.
The practice of building socialism and communism in the USSR, the peoples whose racial extremely heterogeneous, proving the invalidity of the full concept of the existence of "superior" and "inferior" races and race on the conditionality of the historical process.
Racism also show economic and cultural successes of others. Socialist countries of Europe, North Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, the population of which belongs to different races and all kinds of mixed and transitional groups between them.
Other positive efforts made by States include: legislative measures to limit the introduction of more severe penalties for racially motivated crimes; use ethnic monitoring in order to determine the number of persons of a particular ethnic or national origin in various fields of employment and setting targets in order to create additional jobs for minorities in areas where they are underrepresented; the establishment of new consultative bodies dealing with issues that are related to the fight against racism and intolerance, including the deployment and implementation of public awareness campaigns aimed at, in order to prevent racial discrimination and strengthen tolerance; and the establishment of human rights institutions and the appointment of ombudsmen dealing with the problem of ethnic and racial equality.
Other recommendations relate to control of the statements, imbued with a sense of hatred, promoting the process of empowerment through education and the provision of adequate housing and access to health services.
Authorities in the states need to ensure the implementation of the minorities of the fundamental right to equality - both within the law and in society in general. In this regard, an important role belongs to local governments, civil organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Police officers, prosecutors and judges should have a clearer picture of racial discrimination and racially motivated crimes, and in some cases, it may be appropriate to make changes in the personnel composition of the police force in order to better reflect the multi-ethnic character of the communities in the service of which they are . Minorities also need to be integrated into their communities.
The document, known as closing the eyes to injustice, was recently prepared by the association "Human Rights Network", to deny the facts which were presented to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in the United States Government's report in April.
The Government's report to the UN wrongly reflects the situation of racial discrimination in the country, said the executive director of "Human Rights Network Ayamu Barack." Our report is an attempt to civil society organizations in the United States to correct the allegations contained in the Government's report, - he stressed.
Barak said that national minorities - African Americans, American Indians, Hispanic residents of the United States, as well as American-Muslims are discriminated against in various areas, including voting rights, civil rights, and education. Thus, the document notes that some 5.4 million people are deprived of the right to vote. Of these, the vast majority belongs to ethnic minorities.
Experts from human rights organizations argue that immigrants and their children are often faced with the injustice of the authorities towards them. Representatives of national minorities, the document says, is incomparably more often than white Americans, have been arrested and sentenced to prison. Black Americans often police stop on the street.
Currently, Western racism has undergone some metamorphosis. It is as if turned inside out, turning in a complete denial of itself, giving rise to the ideology of tolerance. Western civilization has repented of his past? Certainly not, repentance - this is just the lot of us, Russian. Just in the modern development of the world market of racism factor, accompanying business success, it makes it a hindrance. After several crises of overproduction Western economic, and behind it, and social thought in every person instead of the labor force began to see the other participant in the economic process - the buyer. Under such conditions, downplaying any human categories inevitably leads to their separation from the market, resulting in a shortfall in profits. Thus, the Western Protestant civilization back to its beginning, and again for the election or rejection indices human Heaven took his business success in this world. Note to the tolerance of the poor in the West, no one is calling!
On the other hand, tolerance - a double-edged weapon. The authors expect to be above the mass of isolated individuals originating from various races and peoples. The North American continent, where attempts to create a special "American" nation hopelessly failed, more suited as a location for their headquarters. They will feel safe as long as the next to them there is not enough people, united by a strong idea. Then the collapse of the global control center of the world is inevitable, it is only important to protect ourselves from adopting his ideology. Because the victory, and victory on a world scale, even now, not so far away as it seems to many. And the most important condition to its elementary simple - do not take someone else's! Do not take other people's ideas, other people's past and someone else's future!
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According to statistics provided in September center "Sova", most often the victims of violence, as in the past, are natives of Central Asia and representatives of youth groups, which are perceived as hostile to neo-Nazis. Among the other victims - natives of the Caucasus, Africa, representatives of various religious groups and persons who are "non-Slavic appearance."
In August 2011, by racist and nationalist-motivated attacks suffered by one person: in St. Petersburg, a native of Kenya was wounded.
Since the beginning of the year from racist violence killed 15 people and injured 80 people, seven received death threats. The incidents were recorded in 22 regions of Russia, according to the "Owl" survey center.
Nevertheless, in general, in the first half of 2011, a decrease in the total number of crimes on nationalist grounds, said the center "Sova". However, the reason for this tightening of penalties for such crimes, rather than a decrease in the number of people, including young people, supporting the extremist ideology, experts say.
Nationalism gained a strong position among the ethnic Russian, 56 percent of whom support the ideology of the "Russia - for Russian", according to a new annual report of the international human rights organization "International Group on the rights of minorities."
According to the UN Special Representative on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and similar intolerance, Doudou Diène, which he expressed in the report to the Human Rights Council, the roots of racism, xenophobia and discrimination in Russia today go deep into the history of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and associated with pogroms, deportation and resettlement of entire peoples.
The deep social and economic crisis has created a fertile ground for the emergence of both extreme nationalist groups, including neo-Nazis and political parties using racist and xenophobic slogans to maintain the fears of Russian society.
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Астрономический календарь. Июнь, 2019