В работе рассказывается об архитектуре персонального компьютера. Работа представлена на английском языке.
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Architecture of the Personal computer Выполнила: студентка 335 группы Занегина Е.С. Проверил преподаватель: Коновалова Л.Б. Министерство образования и науки администрации Амурской области Государственное образовательное учреждение Среднего профессионального образования Амурский педагогический колледжСлайд 2
С ontents Glossary Structure of the system unit Personal computer main and modular device Processor Maternal (system) payment Devices of long-term memory (ROM) Data input devices Data output devices Network devices Acoustic columns and earphones -
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Glossary The tire of data- шина данных; The address tire - шина адреса; The management tire - шина управления; Word length - Разрядность; Clock frequency - Тактовая частота; Maternal (system) payment - материнская(системная) плата; Long-term - долговременный; Acoustic columns and earphones - акустические колонки и наушники
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Structure of the system unit Processor Motherboard Random access memory (RAM) Winchester (HDD) Videocard Sound card Power unit Disk drive 3,5" (FDD) CD/DVD-ROM disk drive Network interface card Internal modem
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Personal computer main and modular device The tire of data - the tire for data transmission between various devices. The address tire - the tire for a choice of the device or a memory cell where are sent or from where data on the tire of data are read out. The management tire - the tire for the signaling, defining nature of exchange of information on the highway.
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Processor The processor – the device carrying out data processing and operating the personal computer. Main characteristics of the processor: Clock frequency – quantity of steps in a second. Word length – quantity of bits which can be transferred or be processed by the processor at the same time. Productivity – the speed of performance of certain operations in any program environment.
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Maternal (system) payment The main hardware component of the computer is the motherboard. On the motherboard the highway of exchange of information is realized, there are sockets for installation of the processor and random access memory, and also slots for installation of controlers of external devices.
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Devices of long-term memory (ROM) Device name Information capacity The dangerous influences FDD 1,4 Мбайт Magnetic fields; high temperature HDD 500 Гбайт Blows at installation and operation CD-R/RW диск 700 Мбайт Scratches DVD-R/RW диск 8,5 Гбайт Scratches Flash - memory 8 Гбайт Wrong shutdown
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Data input devices The keyboard – the input equipment of text and numerical information. Graphic tablet – the device for drawing and input of the hand-written text. The scanner – the device for transformation of graphic information from an analog form in digital. The digital camera – the device for receiving a photo and video directly in a digital format. Microphone + the sound card – the device for the sound translation from an analog form in digital. Mouse, the trackball, the joystick – manipulators.
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Data output devices The monitor – the device for a conclusion of text, numerical and graphic information. The printer – the device for a conclusion to paper of text, numerical and graphic information. Acoustic columns and earphones – devices for a sound conclusion.
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Network devices The network adapter – the device for transfer and reception of information on a network. The modem – the device for transfer, modulation and information demodulation. Twisted couple – the device for connection of computers in PM.
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List of literature Русско – английский словарь А64: «АСТ ПРЕСС» 2001-544С 2.12.2012 г. 20.00 http://www.translate.ru/ http://imcs.dvfu.ru/lib/eastprog/architecture.html
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