Созданная обучающимися презентация не только рассказывает, что такое Лимерики, но и помогает создать сбственный забавный стишок, развивает мотивацию к групповой работе, способствует творческому восприятию культуры страны изучаемог языка.
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Limericks have a lot of fun! By 7 “B”Слайд 2
Limericks are one of the most fun and well-known poetic forms. No one knows for sure where the name “limerick” comes from, but most people think it is related to the county of Limerick, in Ireland. What is it…LIMERICK? There was an Old Man of Dumbree , Who taught little Owls to drink Tea; For he said, "To eat mice Is not proper or nice," That amiable Man of Dumbree . (Edward Lear) Жил был старый учитель на Крите, Он совят приучал к чаепитью. «Я внушу малышам Отвращенье к мышам», - Говорил этот славный учитель. (Эдвард Лир)
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It is difficult to find who was the inventor of limericks and why this name was derived from the name of the city of Limerick in Ireland… Some cognitive history facts
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The most popular limerick writer-Edward Lear There was an Old Person of Dundalk , Who tried to teach fishes to walk; When they tumbled down dead, He grew weary, and said, 'I had better go back to Dundalk !' There was an Old Man with a nose, Who said, 'If you choose to suppose, That my nose is too long, You are certainly wrong!' That remarkable Man with a nose . There was a young lady of Lucca Whose lovers completely forsook her; She ran up a tree And said "Fiddle-de- dee !" Which embarrassed the people of Lucca.
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THE RULES OF LIMERICKS They are five lines long. Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with one another. Lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other. They have a distinctive rhythm They are usually funny . So…how to write limericks? There was an Old Man on a hill , Who seldom, if ever, stood still ; He ran up and down , In his Grandmother's gown , Which adorned that Old Man on a hill . LOOK!
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1) There was a Young Lady whose nose 2) … 3 ) … 4 ) … 5 ) To carry that wonderful nose.
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1) There was a Young Lady whose nose 2) Was so long that it reached to her toes; 3) So she hired the old lady 4) Whose conduct was steady 5) To carry that wonderful nose.
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There was a Young Lady whose bonnet, Came untied when the birds sate upon it; But she said: 'I don't care! All the birds in the air Are welcome to sit on my bonnet! Some examples There was a pretty cat from Lat Who had a little nice hat. One day she took a book And decided to have a look And then she lay on her mat. There was a small white dog Who had the best friend frog. They wanted to drive a car, But they came to a small star And they saw really thick smog . Once to boy, who has lived in Destroy A gemboy was presented to boy The boy was upset The boy was too sad Because of disgusting gemboy . And this we did by ourselves!
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Have a nice day! A project was made by Chesnokova Sonya, Danchenko Ksenia , Dzhanunts Yana, Kalita Bogdan , Kaverau Jane, Kirova Eva, Kistaeva Maria, Kolchina Ksenia , Koroleva Julia, Makarov Andrej, Naletova Ira, Popov Artem , Shtelmachenko Polina and Titov Maksim .
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