Для каждого человека самый красивый город тот, в котором ты родился и вырос. И неважно, большой он или нет. Наш Советский - небольшой северный городок в Ханты-Мансийском автономном округе Югра, но родной и любимый!
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Слайд 1
Our extraordinary beautiful town!!Слайд 2
But there is also other, more gloomy side.
Слайд 3
The main causes of pollution: exhaust fumes from cars the emissions of industrial waste. 3. the source of contamination is the population itself.
Слайд 4
The measures: removal of chemical wastes outside the city. 2. cleaning the filters. 3. the planting of trees . 4. preventive work among the population 5 the work of administration and special services.
Слайд 5
conclusion: To make our town environmentally friendly we need to fight pollution smoothly and all together.
Слайд 6
The future of the town and the whole planet depends on us.
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