В презентации рассказывается обобычая, традициях,культуре Шотландии.
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Министерство образования и науки Амурской области ГПОАУ АО«Амурский педагогический колледж» Ситиков Алексей, Специальность 09.02.05 «Прикладная информатика» Welcome to Scotland!Слайд 2
Dear readers, I love Scotland, with its severe nature, beautiful architecture, rich culture and traditions of the unusual, which today and will reach. I so, welcome to Scotland and I want to introduce you to its rich traditions !
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Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth; Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, The hills of the Highlands for ever I love. My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here, My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer; Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe, My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go. Farewell to the mountains, high-cover'd with snow, Farewell to the straths and green vallies below; Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods, Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods. My heart's in the Highlands. 1789
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Scottish traditions Scottish kitchen Holidays in Scotland A list of references
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Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England. Its symbol is a thistle; its patron is St. Andrew. The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. Though Scotland is a part of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland it still remains an individual country with its own traditions, customs, history and the way of life. In one word, Scotland is not England at all. It is a country with a unique culture full of ancient legends, bright contrasts and mysterious castles. Secrets and mystery always appear immediately when you open a book about Scotland.
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Thanks to modern fashion kilts popular outside the country. Of course, the subject of modern men's national dress of Scotland differs significantly from its historical counterpart, but it does not affect the population. They wear a kilt with such confidence and pride that these feelings just infect others.
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Unique musical instrument - bagpipes - creates such a fascinating, candid, emotional and shrill sounds that he heard them once, never with nothing to confuse. In combination with other musical instruments, the bagpipe is a wonderful element of ethnic music.
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In contrast to the popular dances and developing Ireland that have been recognized throughout the world, the Scottish are not as famous, but they are no less original and interesting. The main focus of these are ballroom dancing. Their dancing in "sets", companies, consisting of 3-4 pairs .
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Scottish cuisine is very diverse and unusual, I'll tell you about a few traditional dishes and you will see that Scotland more interesting country than you thought.
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Very popular in Scotland cake gets its name from the main ingredients of chicken ("cocci") and onions ("Lykke"). Stewed in a creamy sauce and tender chicken puff pastry - a great combination!
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This hearty and delicious soup is named after the place where he was born - the fishing village of Cullen in the north-east of Scotland. Interestingly, the word «skink» Gaelic means beef shin, which is completely absent in this dish. Needless to say, Scottish cuisine - original, distinctive, but mysterious.
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Klapshot This traditional Irish dish - perfect side dish to a hearty goulash. Klapshot in English cuisine takes an intermediate position between independent vegetable dishes and garnishes. His taste of klapshot allow feeding with hot meat
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Being on the streets of Scotland in the New Year's Eve, you need to be very careful, because this is the only night of the year, when the streets of the country decorating Christmas rolled barrels of tar set on fire, symbolizing the passing year.
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In the Scottish village of Stonehaven decided to walk on the street, waving over his head huge fireballs, symbolizing the sun, which clears the coming year.
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Victory Day is celebrated in the Scottish army of King Robert the Bruce at Bannokburne June 24, 1314, when the army was defeated King Edward II, and restored the country's independence.
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Artistic confusion at every corner. In fact, seven of Edinburgh festivals : opera , musical, ethnic , book , film and experimental theater . Plus military bands competition . The main two - opera and experimental theater , he's " Fringe ." First - a huge event featuring international stars . Last - non- happening , happening strongly everywhere: on the streets, on the steps of churches and even in pubs . Predict what you will get, it is impossible , even if you carefully study the program , but the fact of the interest.
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« Games Highlanders" are held throughout the year, but summer is necessary to most events. Still, in the summer of Scots compete in strength and agility was the easiest, and organize competitions tradition is preserved to this day in many towns and villages of Scotland.
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Robert Burns. My Heart's In The Highlands http://www.stihomaniya.ru/2012/02/v-gorax-moe-serdce.html Scotland. http://www.sixthsense.ru/topics/great_britain/60447 11/04/2014 http://www.bestreferat.ru/referat-39232.html http://urls.by/27qk http://urls.by/27sb http://urls.by/27sc http://urls.by/27sd http://urls.by/27se http://urls.by/27sf http://redigo.ru/events/765 http://redigo.ru/events/563 http://redigo.ru/events/760 Illustrations taken from: http://urls.by/27sg http://urls.by/27kt http://urls.by/27sh http://urls.by/27si http://urls.by/27sj http://urls.by/27sk http://urls.by/27sl http://urls.by/27sm http://urls.by/27so http://urls.by/27sp http://urls.by/27sq http://urls.by/27sr http://www.beton-karkas.ru/ http://urls.by/27st http://urls.by/27qk http://urls.by/27ql http://urls.by/27qm http://urls.by/27t1 http://urls.by/27t4 http://tebuka.ru/?p=10886 Использовалось сокращение ссылок http://urls.by/
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