Исследование посвящено взаимодействию двух мировых языков,выявлены сходства и различия английского и испанского языков.
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«Школа №41" Канавинского района
English and Spanish as two great world languages: the interconnection, originality and influence.
ученица 9«Б» класса,
Максимова Дарья Максимовна
Научный руководитель:
Пуганова Мария Викторовна
г. Нижний Новгород
1. English and Spanish as two great world languages. 6-13
1.1.Grammar structure 6-8
1.2. Other linguistic features 9-13
2. The interconnection and influence Spanish on English 14-32
2.1. Borrowings 14-24
2.2. Misleading similarities:false friends or «falsos amigos»…………………25-32
3.Conclusion 33-34
Sources of information 35
The name of my work is “The features of similarity, differences and originality of
English and Spanish as two great world languages”.
The aim of my work is to have a look at two the most widespread world languages and try to find and compare common similarities and different features in grammar and vocabulary. Also, I’d like to focus on such important things as borrowings from the Spanish language, the misleading words-fake friends of the interpreters.
The topic of my paper is up-to-date, because these two languages are considered to be one of the most popular languages in the world. English is the language of the world communication and Spanish is the second widespread language. These two languages are the most popular languages in many spheres of people’s life: tourism, trade, politics, culture etc.
English is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states, the most commonly spoken language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, and a widely spoken language in countries in the Caribbean, Africa, and South Asia. It is the third most common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish. It is the most widely learned second language and is an official language of the United Nations, of the European Union, and of many other world and regional international organisations.
Modern English has little inflection compared with many other languages, and relies on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of
complex tenses, aspect and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation. Despite noticeable variation among the accents and dialects of English used in different countries and regions – in terms of phonetics and phonology, and sometimes also vocabulary, grammar and spelling – English speakers from around the world are able to communicate with one another effectively.
More and more companies recognize the importance of the fact that their staff knew Spanish, a language that allows you to go to one of the markets with the greatest growth in production in the world.
Why do people learn Spanish? If you speak Spanish, you can communicate with almost 500 million people worldwide. Think about the great opportunities in getting a job and if you are learning or knowing Spanish. You can travel without problems to 21 countries where Spanish is the official language of Spain and Latin America will be opened to you with a new perspective.
Spanish is a second language, the most widespread in the world, after China and takes the place on the use of communication in the world.
By 2030, more than 7.5% of the world population are carriers of the language, about 535 million people.3-4 generations of about 10% of the world population will understand and use Spanish.
By 2050, the United States will be the country with the largest Spanish population.
18 million students are studying Spanish as a foreign language.
Spanish - is the native language of 426 million people in the world and is the official language in 21 countries (Mexico: 112 million, Colombia: 46 million, Spain: 46 million, Argentina: 40 million, Peru: 28 million, Venezuela: 27 million .
Also, Spanish is spoken in many other countries in which that language is not an official: United States: 37 million, Canada 909 000 Brazil 460 000 Philippines 439 000 .
Learning Spanish opens new doors to new job opportunities and possibilities at the international level.
Latin American countries are experiencing considerable economic growth and become important commercial partners worldwide.
I have never heard about any comparison of these two languages, and it makes my work new and modern. Besides the theme seems to me new, because in most cases at Russian schools pupils learn one foreign language. But more pupils, I know, begin to learn other languages and my work based on my personal experience of the beginning of learning another foreign language. Nowadays more people can afford the opportunity to see the world, different countries, the visit them and in the most cases after their travelling they have a wish to speak with the native speakers face to face or online.
Moreover, learning foreign languages is a good way to improve your memory and enrich your way of thinking.
2015 was announced as the year of languages of Spain and Russia.
The English language and the Spanish anguage have their own original features .Each language has its alphabet .The alphabets of the languages are practically the same .If we have a look at them we can see definite similarity.
The Spanish alphabet
The English alphabet
Unlike the English alphabet in the Spanish one there are original letters ,such as LL ll, Ñ ñ. In the base of Spanish writing there is the Latin alphabet. Traditionally ch ,ll ,rr before 1994 are considered to be separate letters. Nowadays it isn`t so .The letters Kk(кa) and Ww (увэ добле) are used in borrowerd words only and in writing personal names. For example, sitio web («веб-сайт»),Kesara,Kemena, Kemen. Consonants in the ends of the words are not pronounced: Madrid[МАДРИ].Above the vowels the stress can be seen:mama̒ [МAМA](«мама»),interes[ИНТЕРЭС] («интерес»),unico[УНИКО] (уникальный).Most sounds of the Spanish Language have got Russian analougues-quite the contrary in the English language, where there are more different sounds.
Another difference is that Spanish words are read by rules ,practically all letters are pronounced,that`s why the Spanish text can be read without any difficulties .Compared with the English language ,there are a lot of exceptions in reading in English. Though there are some similar things ,such as ch can be read as [ч] in both languages .For example, chico [чико](«мальчик»)in Spanish but stronger and harder and achieve [ ] (« достигать») in English. Also we can find another similar feature – the sound[ ᶿ].But in the English language this sound th gives .For example, health. In the Spanish language such sound can be given by the letters Cc and Zz. For example, ceilo[ ᶿ elo] («небо»),zapatos [ ᶿ apatoᶿ] («обувь»).the letter Cc in the beginning of the words is read as [k]in most cases as in English –come, and casa(« дом») - in the Spanish language .before e,i only it is read as [s] in Spanish-centro[СЭНТРО] («центр»),cine [СИНЭ] («кино»).The letter Nn unlike in English gives the sound [m] before b,f,m,p,v- trunvia[ТРАМБИА] («трамвай»).Тhere isn`t such thing in English .Also we can`t find another point-the letter Vv and Bb are read in the same way [b]:Valencia[БАЛЕНСИА],vigor [БИГОР] («cила»).
The English language and the Spanish language have many things in common in grammar structure. In both languages there are personal pronouns. But in English there isn`t the polite form as in the Spanish-usted(обращение на «ВЫ» к ней ,нему . In both languages there are the definite and the indefinite articles -un/una ,unas/unos and el/la,los/las-in Spanish) and a,an, the –in English .But in Spanish language they are used and changes in singular and plural forms.
Another difference is that the adjectives are situated after nouns and are agreed with the nouns. For example, un perro grande («большая собака») and las floras rojas(«красные цветы»).In most cases it is difficult to determin the race of the nouns in Spanish. Most words are not as we used to think. They may be female or male in English and Russian and we need to consult a dictionary each time when we deal with the Spanish words. In both languages there are countable and uncountable nouns.(queso,zumo,te,café,nieve/cheese,juice,tea,coffee,snow)
As for the tenses, there are present, future, past. But the Spanish language has got more complicated system of past tenses. To add to this it has got more difficult number of irregular verbs. All the rest verbs are divided into three groups:
In both languages there is a set of such verbs as ser/estar-to be;tener-to have got; haber(hay)-ther is /are.Ther is the difference between ser and estar in Spanish. If you mean emotions ,family relation or you speak about the present situation you must use the verb estar. For example ,Estoy muy triste (мне очень грустно).
When you speak about аbout something constant such as name,nationality,appearance,character, profession, the verb ser is used. For example,Eres de Rusia(ты из России).
Here is the table :
The word order is not so strict and compulsory in Spanish. Punctuation marks are in the beginning of the sentence and in the end of it in Spanish- ¡Buenos D´ıas!
There are some other linguistic features of two languages. For example,Spanish plural = English singular.There is often a plural noun in Spanish corresponding to an English singular noun:
Spanish plural English singular
por los aires(по воздуху)- through the air(по воздуху)
las barbas (борода) - beard (борода)
las bodas(свадьба) - wedding(свадьба)
los cellos(ревность) - jealousy(ревность)
los conocimientos(знания)- knowledge(знания)
(los) Correos(почта) - Post Office(почта)
con creces with interest (financially), abundantly
los datos(дата,информация) - information/data(дата,информация)
los deberes(домашняя работа)- homework(домашняя работа)
¡Buenos D´ıas!(доброе утро) - Good morning! !(доброе утро)
las lluvias(ливень) - rain(s)
¡Felices Pascuas/Navidades!(С Рождеством) -Merry Christmas! (С Рождеством)
las nieves(снег) - snow(снег)
los transportes (p´ublicos)- public transportation
It has to be added that this list is only a rough guide, many of these nouns may be used in the singular, but in a different way. However, El aire means “the air” as in Necesitamos aire para respirar (We need air to breathe) or
Hay mucho aire hoy (It’s breezy today) while the plural would be used in saltar por los aires (to explode into the air).
Las bodas is used in las bodas de plata/oro (silver/golden wedding) but in the singular it means specifically “wedding” as in Ayer asist´ı a una boda (Yesterday I attended a wedding).
Deber means duty.
Las lluvias is frequently used in las lluvias abundantes/torrenciales (heavy/torrential rain)
but No me gusta la lluvia (I don’t like rain)
Las nieves has a poetic touch, as in Escasean las nieves este a˜no (There has not been muchsnow this year). But Me gusta jugar en la nieve (I like playing in the snow)
And quite the contrary -Spanish singular = English plural
la escalera( ступенька)- stairs
la gente (люди)-people
el pijama (пижама)- pajamas
Irregular verbs have the habit of worrying people, for they seem to herald a long list of tiresome tenses to be learnt.
Spanish irregular verbs are more complicated than English verbs, and there do seem to be a lot of them. However, many of them are quite rare, so that perhaps fifty irregular verbs need to be learnt.
There is another large group of verbs which Spanish speakers call “irregular,” but which English speakers refer to as “radical/stem changing.” The special feature of these radical changing verbs is that the root vowel of the infinitive changes to a diphthong, in the indicative for instance. This explains why well-informed Spanish speakers refer to this phenomenon as diptongaci´on = diphthongization. The first, second, third person singular and third personal plural the root vowel u changes to ue, the root vowel e changes to ie, the root vowel e changes to i, and the root vowel o changes to ue
jugar (to play) cerrar (to shut) pedir (to ask for) soltar (to release / let go)
juego cierro pido suelto
juegas cierras pides sueltas
juega cierra pide suelta
jugamos cerramos pedimos soltamos
jug´ais cerr´ais ped´ıs solt´ais
juegan cierran piden sueltan
Other common verbs where this change takes place are as follows:
o–ue e–ie e–I contar (to count/relate/tell) defender (to defend) corregir (to cor0
Among the most common irregular verbs are: caer (to fall), haber (to have), hacer (to do/make), ir (to go), poner (to put), tener (to have), ver (to see), and two verbs to be treated separately in the following unit, i.e. ser (to be) and estar (to be).
It is important to bear in mind, that in Spanish America the vosotros/as form is not used and is replaced by Uds.
Another linquistic difference is that the names of the days of the week in Spanish refer to the names of the planets.In Spanish-speaking countries, week starts on Monday, and then flows smoothly on Sunday:
lunes - Monday
martes - Tuesday
miércoles - Wednesday
jueves - Thursday
viernes - pyatintsa
sábado - Saturday
domingo - Sunday
Etymology most days of the week goes back to Roman mythology. The Romans at the time saw the connection between their gods and the changing views of the night sky, so it is only natural that as a result of the planet (which the Romans could watch) received divine names: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Along with the moon and the sun they form the principal's seven celestial bodies. So when in the 4th century from Mesopotamia, came the idea of the seven-day week, the Romans, not particularly thinking, assigned weekdays astronomical names. Week of the Romans, it is worth noting with Sunday: in the end, the first day of the week was named in honor of the Sun, the second in honor of the Moon and the list goes on in honor of Mercury, Venus, etc.
As for our Spanish: 5 days comes from the name of the planets. And they are very easy to calculate: it ends at the end of -es. This is nothing but a reduction in the Latin word dies (day): dies Martis ----> martes. Contact obvious. Saturn is a bit pushed aside and days of the week, he did not enter.
Word domingo - Sunday - comes from Latin "Day of God" and sábado - Saturday - originates from the Hebrew word Sabbath ("Sabbath": as we know, God rested on the seventh day of creation .. and if the report went days from Sunday, the seventh day just falls on a Saturday.)
Making a conclusion,it is possible to say, that the days of the week are written in small letters, all the days of the week – masculine, days of the week ending in -es, in the plural do not change, changes only article.
el sábado - los sábados
el domingo - los domingos
On the day of the week used the verb ser:
¿Qué día es hoy? - What day is today?
Hoy es lunes. - Today is Monday.
Mañana es martes. - Tomorrow, Tuesday.
Different attitude to the life has found its reflection in the languages.
Epicureanism, the desire for the pleasures of life, relaxed attitude to work is estimated in the Spanish language as a negative "trabajo te hay caido" -like you hard.For Americans, as well as for the British, for example through time they examine the achievement of wealth :«Time is money» .Punctuality is not for the Spanish, which are characterized by being late for work, dancing at carnivals.
In Spanish, it traced the pursuit of beauty .It is evident, for example, how they see the snowman as a snow doll.A butterfly is not an oil fly .
The history of the origin of the Spanish word « mariposa»as beautiful as coloring the wings of these insects. The old songs and nursery rhymes when referring to these insects (which, by the way, 70 000 species) said: "María pósate, descansa en el suelo" ("Mary sit down and rest on the floor").
British butterflies called "oil-flies - butterfly, German - Milchdieb (milk thief), the French - papillon, from the Latin papilio (ne) - mole and Portuguese -borboleta, from the words of the folk and from classical Latin adjective bellus 'good' , 'beautiful'.
Borrowing - is the process of the emergence of foreign words in the language, and also the foreign language element. The cause of these words - the name of the new things and the expression of previously unknown concepts. Borrowing - this is the result of economic, political, cultural and scientific relations between peoples.
This process is an integral component of functioning and historical change of language, one of the main sources of replenishment of the vocabulary, the most important factor in the development of languages. But despite the fact that the share of loan words in the language is great to count their exact number is impossible, because in the first place, this number is constantly increasing, and secondly, to initiate a process of assimilation, which prevents the establishment of the etymology of a word.
Borrowing penetrate the language both written and spoken way, with words borrowed by an oral, fully assimilated quickly enough, and the words which have come into the language written by the longer retain their phonetic spelling and grammatical features. The process of borrowing can take place directly or through the intermediary language. There are ways of borrowing, such as transcription, transliteration and tracing.
Transcription is the phonetic way, as this process is maintained sound form of the dictionary units, which can sometimes slightly modified in accordance with the phonetic rules of the language: regime, ballet, bouquet, etc.
In this process, as the transliteration of foreign words borrowed writing. Letters borrowed words are replaced by the letters of the native language, the word is read in accordance with the rules of the native language.
First settled the problem of the interaction of language attempted in 1875, IA Baudouin de Courtenay. Further, in XIX-early. XXvv. Shuhard introduces the term "confusion of tongues", there is such a thing as "the crossing of languages", borrowed from biology. In the XIX - beg. XX centuries. the attention of scientists focused on finding terminology for this phenomenon. At this time the borrow is considered as the displacement of words or, less frequently, words and movement of individual elements of speech from one language into another.
Due to the wide spread of scientific and technological progress appear international word - "internationalism."
International vocabulary (from the Latin. Inter - between + natio, nationis - people) - these are the words of a common origin, which exist in many languages, and have the same value, but usually are made in accordance with the phonetic and morphological rules of the language. Scientific and technical terms as well as terms of social and political life, economy, literature, constitute the bulk of the international vocabulary. This group includes many languages borrowed words from the language of the people, in which there was this object or phenomenon .
The host language may be narrowing or expanding the value of the borrowed words.
Word season, which was originally used as a synonym for spring, eventually expanded its value from "part of the year between winter and summer" to "any part of the year". Fighting synonyms may also end up being one of the words begins to denote the restriction value. In this case, the word becomes a special stylistically marked: affection originally used to mean any feeling [Arnold 2001: 52].
Spanish borrowing began to appear in the English language from the XVI century. Historical events that caused the inflow of debt associated with the great geographical discoveries end XV - beginning of XVI centuries. The subsequent discovery of America (1492) and the discovery of the sea route to India (1498), the development of trade, the colonization of the Americas by the Spanish and, later, England cooperation with Spain led to the borrowing of a number of Spanish words as well as words from languages of the people to be colonized.
The earliest borrowings related to the Spanish language, came into the English vocabulary has XIX century by century, the French language. Some of them - these are the words of Arabic origin, reflecting the trade relations with the East and the influence of Eastern culture, for example, cotton, zenith. In the XV century, it was made a few such borrowings: lemon, tare (Tare) - directly from the Spanish.
In XVI close economic and political ties between Spain and England, on the one hand, and Spain and France on the other, contributed to the penetration of a number of Spanish words into English directly from the Spanish and French through.
In the first half of the XVI century, due to the dynastic relations between England and Spain in England there were many Spaniards, from whom the British have learned some words related to Spanish customs and trade. The conflict between the two countries at the end of the XVI century has also left its traces in the English lexicon.
From the Spanish debt this period can be use as an example the following words: infanta, don, hidalgo, renegade, bravado, armada, comrade, mulatto, mosquito.
Of the most famous words borrowed in the XVII century, the following: cargo, guitar, castanet, toreador, matador, duenna, dona, embargo, parade, escapade.
Among the loans made in the XVIII century, it is possible to note the names of Spanish dances, games, foods, garments, social and political terms. For example, quadrille, bolero, picador, marinade, caramel, flotilla, cigar.
Most borrowings from the Spanish language in the XIX century was done in North and South America. Some of these loans through the American literature entered the vocabulary of the English language. Of these loans may be mentioned: querilla (the root of German origin: werra-war), cigarette, lasso, mustang.
As seen from the above examples, the majority of borrowings from Spanish retain their shape and are commonly used in the English language in the stylistic purposes, often to give "local color" story. From the Spanish words, firmly entered into the vocabulary of the English language and is not perceived as a more barbarisms, the following words: cotton, zenith, renegade, grenade, alligator, banana, cargo, guitar, guerilla, cigarette, cafeteria, tango, rumba.
For recent and widely used borrowings are such as dinero, macho, amigo, gringo and others.
In the XVI century in Spain dawn of its colonial power. Open in 1492. Christopher Columbus new continent - America was unprecedented until that time a source of enrichment of European countries and, above all, Spain. The local population was subjected to massive plunder, and thus obtained wealth transported to Europe. Operation of the richest mines of precious metals also served as a source of enrichment for the Spanish colonizers. Widely developed colonial trade, with Spain for a long time served as the main mediator in trade between the overseas colonies and European countries.
In English there are many words of foreign origin, who came through the Spanish language, that is, indirectly .
Latin borrowings in English, Spanish came through:
Latin Spanish English
Armatus Armado Armada
Prcoquum Albaricoque Apricot
At the beginning of VII century BC Spain came under the rule of the Arabs (Moors), who brought with them the advanced culture of the era. The Arabs were in Spain before the end of the XV century and the high culture should be reflected in the language of the indigenous population of the peninsula. For this reason, in the Spanish language has a considerable number of words of Arabic origin.
When conducting our research Howden vocabulary, continuous sampling method was found 16 Arab borrowings, which have penetrated into English indirectly through Spanish .
Arab borrowing included in the English language through a Spanish:
English Spanish Arab
Apricot Albaricoque Albarkuk
Calibre Calibre Kalib
In the XVI century. Spain has become one of the strongest European powers. Between Spain and England maintained close political and trade relations. In the XVI-XVII centuries. British waged a bitter struggle with the Spaniards for supremacy at sea, ending victory for England.
Since the Middle Ages, the Spanish changed more slowly than English and more consistently than the French.
The flowering of Spanish literature XVI-XVII centuries and an English translation of Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Calderon contributed to borrow a significant amount of Spanish words (eg., quixotic, on behalf of the character of Don Quixote, don, dona, hidalgo).
Like the Italian borrowings Spanish words often fell into English from Spanish and a French form, eg., Grenade, palisade, although they are found in the XVI and XVII century. In the form of grenado, palisado (the correct form of Spanish would grenada, palisada).
The largest number of Spanish elements belongs to the XVII century. Some of them reflect the characteristics of the Spanish "Grand", duenna "chaperone", torreador "Torero", juntio "junta", cortez "Cortes" and others.
Spanish borrowing can be divided into the following semantic fields:
- Trade: cask "barrel", first in the sense of "helmet", "helmet"; sherry "sherry", appeared on the geographical names of Spanish. vino deXeres;
- The names of individuals and titled persons: don, infante, hidalgo "Hidalgo," "Spanish nobleman"
- Political, military and naval terms: grenade
- The name of games, dances, musical instruments: spad
- The name of culinary items: marinade, caramel.
Most borrowings from Spanish retains its exotic appearance and is used in English in the stylistic purposes, often to give local color story.
In any language and dialect there are words that do not have one-word translation in other languages. This so-called non-equivalent vocabulary. In the case of borrowings in foreign language words bezekvivalentnoy called exotic vocabulary (exoticisms). So, brought to Europe in the XVI century. Tobacco soon became widespread in England. The result is that the word, it means firmly rooted in English from him made in the XVII century. Tobacco-box "snuff", "box for storing snuff", tobacco-pouch "tobacco pouch" tobaccopipe "pipe" in the colloquial use of the word familiarity tobacco decreased baccy. Word armada (from the Spanish. Armado) "armed" in the XX century. gets a new meaning to "a large group of aircraft."
The word canoe "shuttle", "kayak" (XVI century.) App. canoa from the language of the inhabitants of the island of Haiti, where the so-called Indian dugout boats, entered the phraseological combinations to paddle one s own canoe "row in his own boat," ie, act independently, on their own.
Speech by England during the Napoleonic Wars on the side of Spain revived interest in this country in the social circles of England. Subsequently, the interest is actually put in enthusiasm "Spanish exoticism", whereby English Dictionary added a certain amount of Spanish words purely ethnographic character.
As a result of all these forms of contact, successive over four centuries, the English vocabulary can be counted several dozen Spanish words borrowed directly from the Spanish language.
New England Spanish borrowing period:
albatross albatross alcaduduz morpheme mediate
alligator alligator el lagarto morpheme mediate
Apricot apricot apricock morpheme mediate
avocado avocado avocado tracing straight
barrack barraca barracks morpheme mediate
The form of the Spanish word in the English language is converted primarily only morphologically and phonetically. For example, brocade (App. Brocado "brocade"), junta in English pronounced [`dzante], Spanish [hunta], etc. phonemic are borrowing.
Sometimes, however, the transformation of the Spanish word it goes to the morphological structure. For example, the merger of the article and the noun substitution agentive suffix - or, in the English language appeared the word alligator, corresponding to its Spanish prototype el lagarto "alligator", in fact "the lizard." Spanish and English nouns with suffixes - cion and - tion in the modern period too are the same.
Spanish and English nouns with suffixes - cion, - tion:
Spanish English
Abreviacion abbreviation
With the suffix - or, - er
Spanish English
Administrador Administrator
Alternator Alternator
Bachiller Bachelor
Benefactor Benefactor
Capacitador Capacitor
Thus, there is:
1) the similarity in both languages in phonetics and semantics;
2) the number of nouns with the suffixes - tion, - cion, - or, - er in modern times more than in New England period;
3) the source of the suffix - er in English and Spanish one - the Latin language;
4) The suffix - or, - er is more characteristic of scientific style.
In Spanish, the suffix - or has other phonetic variations: - dor is borrowed suffix nouns (Lat.), The frequency, in the Russian language corresponds to the suffix - op, as well as - er stands for:
1. persons by occupation and by their actions and characteristics (attached to the basics of borrowed nouns): Senador, Administrador, Aggresor, Agitador, Inspektor, Invador, Operador.
2. The technical equipment, instruments: Akkumulador, Karburador, Ventilador, Refrigerador, Microprocesador.
The research has shown that, in the Spanish suffix - or may be used to produce also individual, while in English it has the scientific and technical characteristics.
The English nouns with the prefix - de nouns with the prefix - dis English-Russian dictionary in the modern period, as well as Spanish nouns etymological dictionary in the New England period.
Words with the prefix de - mainly related to the book (technical) vocabulary and limited in use in modern English. In Russian, the word with the prefix match the words with the prefix "de".
Spanish English
Deposicion Declaration
Deposito Deposit
Depresion Depression
Defect Defect
Defensor Defender
Desacato Disrespect
The development of foreign trade in England in the XVI century has inevitably led to a clash of economic interests of both countries, which was accompanied by a long and persistent struggle on land and sea between Spain and England.
These factors, as well as a visit to Spain by the British and familiarity with Spanish literature, reached in the XV-XVII centuries its dawn, had an impact on the assimilation of a number of English words of Spanish.
First of all, we should mention the word associated with the trade. It may be noted:
A) a group of words denoting the self-shopping concepts, such as:
Sargo - load
Contraband - smuggling
Embargo - the prohibition
B) a group of words denoting objects of trade, export from the colonial countries, for example:
What follows is called a group of words denoting those natural phenomena, plants and animals, which have met the colonizers in their possessions, such as:
In connection with the Spanish-English wars in the English language has penetrated a few words denoting the concept of war:
The last word appeared in English in the early XIX century in connection with the struggle of the Spanish people against Napoleon's troops, took on the character of guerrilla warfare.
In addition to these words, may be called a few words borrowed from Spanish, do not constitute a particular semantic groups:
English noun picaninny - Negro was the result of the assimilation of Spanish phrases pequeno nino - a little boy, baby.
From the above, on Italian and Spanish borrowing in the English language it is clear that the number of words borrowed from these languages, is comparatively small. The fact that these words appeared in English only in the New England period may explain the fact that until now these words still continue to maintain its unstressed final vowel.
Borrowed words from Spanish into English appeared in the Mexican-American recipes.
Some words from Spanish, which are adapted in English many years ago, have now become standard. For example, words such as tuna (atn, fish), jerk or jerky - beef sliced thinly (charqui), paupano (pampano - fish that lives in salt water), tomato (tomate), potato (patata), banana, word cacao , cocoa, chocolate and came into English through Spanish, but the word of the language of the Aztec chocolateproiskhodit Indian Spices are the main ingredient in Mexican cuisine. The name of the following ingredients were borrowed from Spanish:
- Achiote seeds: dried radish seeds, which are used as a seasoning
- Epazote: an herb used extensively in bean dishes (in the United States is also called "wormseed")
Among Mexican drink known mescal, tequila, margarita.
Thus, borrowing from the Spanish language, related to the field of "Kitchen" also influenced the English language: English vocabulary was enriched by the Spanish words.
The course work was disclosed problem loans of the Spanish language in the English language and interaction throughout history.
The study of the vocabulary of modern English language allows a number of conclusions.
The vocabulary of modern English language is etymologically mixed. Long and multilateral influence of other languages on the vocabulary of the English language has led to the penetration of a large number of foreign-language borrowing.
All of them, mostly nouns of flora and fauna, household items, clothing, medicine and religion. Drawing of this period, mostly transmitted oral route.
In the modern period revealed more than nouns with suffixes - or, - er, - tion, - cion prefixes de-, dis-, as they are productive, and it is connected with the development of science, technology and international contacts. In phonetics, morphology, semantics, and found similarities in both Spanish and English.
The English language was not only the winner, it had a significant impact languages of different countries. Since the Middle Ages, the Spanish changed more slowly than the English. Talking about ways of borrowing, it should be noted that Spanish borrowing largely penetrated into English indirectly through oral and written. Spanish borrowing in cooking, especially Mexican cuisine, also made a special contribution to the vocabulary of the English language.
False friends - words similar in sound but different meanings in different languages.
Carta - a letter. Map in Spanish will mapa.
Pomada - cake. A lipstick - it lápiz labial.
Careta - mask. The coach will carroza.
Rana - frog. A wound - it herida.
Profesor - teacher. Professor of the Institute - is catedrático, the one who has the chair.
Sol - the sun. A salt - is sal.
Matraz - bulb. Mattress - is colchón.
So first, the Spanish word, and then translating that Russian ear seems right, then a Spanish word that means in reality, and then as the Spanish would be "wrong" word of Russian.
In the Spanish language there are words, which are not needed in translation. For example, cosmos – космос, constitution – конституция etc. But there are a lot of words similar to the words in the Russian language, but they have another sense. They are said to be “falsos amigos” (ложные друзья переводчика). “Falsos amigos” in Spanish are direct or indirect borrowings from the third origin (it is often international words). Main origins such fake translations are relations of the similarity of the material both languages by sounding or by function.
Here is the list of the most widespread fake friends of the interpreter:
arcada – (но на самом деле это) пролет моста – (а аркада по-испански) – las arcadas
artículo – артикль,статья; артикль (товар) – unidad
bacalao – треска; бакалавр – bachiller; бакалея – panadería
banco – банк – по-испански это не только банк, но и скамейка
banda – диапазон; банда – pandilla
batería – это батарея, но в значении военном и “батарейка”, а батарея парового отопления – radiador
beneficio – это и бенефис ( спектакль, устраиваемый в честь одного из выступающих актёров (например, как выражение признания его мастерства) или работников театра), но еще и более общее значение – выгода.
borde – край; борт – costal
brillante – выдающийся, светящийся, искрящийся (и редко “бриллиант”) – diamante
broma- шутка; бром – bromo
cacoa – дерево какао – какао (chocolate)
cacha – щека, рукоятка – каша (papilla)
calzones – штаны, брюки – кальсоны (calzoncillos)
canícula – (книж.) разгар лета, жары – каникулы (vacaciones)
el capital – капитал, но если la capital – столица
carrera – карьера, но прежде всего это “бег, пробежка, гонка”, а потом уже и “карьера”(как в каком-то смысле “гонка”)
carta – письмо – карта (el mapa)
cascada – не только каскад, но и водопад
caseta – домик, ларёк – кассета (cassette – удивительное слово, потому что по правилам в испанском языке есть только одна буква, которая может удваиваться – rr)
casino- и казино и клуб
cedro – кедр – цедра (cáscara de limón)
compromiso – компромисс и обещание (el anillo de compromiso– помолвочное кольцо, то есть кольцо, одевая которое люди “обещают” хранить верность друг другу до свадьбы)
correspondiente – соответствующий чему-либо- корреспондент (corresponsal)
charlatán – болтун (потому что charlar – болтать без умолку) – шарлатан(estafador)
fea – уродливая- фея (hada)
genio – гений – дух, настроение, характер и только потом уже гений
gesto – жест – гость(huésped)
gimnasio – спортивный зал – гимназия (escuela secundaria clásica)
globo – земной шар – глобус (esfera)
graduado – и “градуированный” тоже, но прежде всего “дипломированный”(специалист), т.е. студент, окончивший университет
inteligencia – ум – интеллигенция (intelectualidad)
inválido- недействительный (например, билет), потому что от глагола valer (быть пригодным, годиться, подходить) – инвалид (descapacitado)
liberal – либеральный, это значит “свободный”, “великодушный, щедрый”, это и есть основное значение испанского слова. (carácter liberal — широкая натура; ser liberal con algo — легко расставаться с (благами) ; не держаться, не цепляться за что)
liga – клей, упругость, сплав, потому что от глагола ligar (связывать воедино) – лига (sociedad)
maestro – маэстро, но прежде всего “учитель”
magistral – учительский, педагогический – магистраль (arteria, línea)
manera – “манера”,но в смысле “способ”
mayor – больше, старше (сравнительная степень от прилагательного grande) – майор (comandante)
nota – это и музыкальная нота и оценка в школе, и записка (на холодильнике, например)
oficial – официальный, но среди военных еще и “офицер”
palma – не только “пальма”, но и “ладонь”
pan – хлеб – пан (señor)
papa – картофель – папа (papá)
par – пара – пар (vapor)
para – для- пара (par)
parada – остановка (например, автобуса) – парад (desfile)
americano – житель любой американской страны – житель США (norteamericano, estadounidense)
débil – слабый – дебил (idiota)
faro – не только “фара автомобиля”, но и “маяк”
jornal – дневной заработок – журнал (la revista)
marasmo – стагнация, упадок – маразм (demencia)
arena – песок – арена (la plaza, el campo, la cancha)
batuta – палочка дирижера – батут – inflable, catillo, cama eslástica
pila – батарейка, а не пила – la sierra (как в названиях горных цепей Sierra Nevada etc.)
profesor – прежде всего учитель, а потом профессор
enfermera (медсестра) – фермер (agricultor)
jardin (сад) – гардина (cortina)
False friends - a couple of words in two different languages, which are identical in pronunciation or spelling, but different in their semantic meaning.False friends lead to errors in translation and a misunderstanding of the English. It is for the reason that similar words, instead of helping faster and easier to learn the language, leading to mistakes, they are two scientists, linguists M. and J. Derokkini Kёsslerom in 1928 were so symbolic called "false friends".Take a look at examples of false friends, different in meaning, and once it becomes clear what kind of pitfalls lurk beneath them:
Aspirant - a candidate, not a graduate student
Codex - Codex, not code
List - list instead of sheet
Patron - chef patron, but do not chuck
Similar pairs of words in different languages is not always possible to explain the etymology of the total, that is the fact that these words are borrowed. Of course, in many cases, a common root false friends taken from any language, but their value over time, in two separate languages became different. However, this kind of similarity, and the result is a match.False friends may occur between some guys languages: Polish and Ukrainian, English and German, Russian and English, etc. Of course, we will deal with false friends, the Russian-speaking, to study the "treacherous" in English. Unfortunately, Russian and English, entered the small number of language pairs, where there are superficially similar, but different in the sense of the word. In the vast number of languages needs to engage in a detailed study of "false friends" had no interpreters.
In fact, these words are not so terrible, but sometimes they set traps for beginners: you can not encounter more than a few dozen pairs of words that really remember. A full and I must say, a very long list of false friends should not teach. The question "and may need?" Seems absurd when you try to memorize thousands of pairs of identical spelling but different in meaning of words.
In English and Russian, too, may be encountered with the words that are similar to each other:
territory - territory
strategy - a strategy
clan - the clan
However, it was a slight deviation from our subject. And now I propose to draw attention to the most common words of the English language that are similar to Russian, but different in meaning.
Examples of "false friends" interpreter:
Accurate Trim accurate, correct
Actually Actually Actually
Angina Angina Angina
Babushka Babushka Solitaire
Baton Baton Wand
Gasoline Benzene Benzene
Ticket Billet Billet
Camera Camera (prison) Photo Camera
Chef Chef Chef
Compositor Composer Typewriting
Complexion Complexion Complexion
Conductor Conductor Conductor
Colon Colon Column
Data Date Data
Fabric Fabric Factory
Family Surname Family
Intellectuals Intelligence Intellect, mind
Crazy Lunatic Lunatic
Magazine Store Magazine
Mark Brand Assessment, mark the spot
Mayor Mayor Mayor
Macaroni Macaroon Biscuits (Almond)
Matrass Hospital Mattress duck
Motorist Motorist Motorist
Obligation Bond Obligation
Personal Personal Staff
Prospect Prospect View, overview, panorama
Repetition Repetition Rehearsal
Replica Replica reproduction, a replica
Resin Resin Rubber
Satin Satin Satin
Speculation Speculation assumption
Performances Spectacles Glasses
Spectre spectrum foreboding
Spirt Alcohol jet, spurt
Sideboard Servant Servant
Trace Route Trace
Urbane Urban, Urban Courteous
Velvet Velvet Velvet
Virtuous Virtuous Virtuoso
Wagon Wagon van, wagon
Jack Wallet Wallet
False friends, or interlanguage homonyms (interlanguage Paronyms) - a couple of words in the two languages, similar in spelling and / or pronunciation, often with a common origin, but differ in meaning. For example, Polish. miasto - city, not a place; czas - time, not an hour, nalóg - a bad habit, and not a tax, sklep - shop, not the crypt; Eng. angina - angina, instead of angina; genial - good, but not brilliant; magazine - the magazine, not the store; Eng. and Spanish. mosquito - the mosquito, not a mosquito. False friends can lead to misunderstandings and translation of the text. Some of them are formed due to the fact that after drawing the word in one of the languages change, in other cases, there were no borrowing, and words come from a common root in some ancient language but have different values; sometimes accord purely coincidental.
In contrast to false friends, there are also words in the two languages have the same meaning and a similar sound. These "friends of the translator" called lexical cognates.
During the work I’ve found out, that these two languages have as a lot similarities as a lot of differences.
Firstly, in phonetics there are particular differences, such as reading Bb, Vv, Cc, Zz, Ññ in Spanish. Also there isn’t a transcription of Spanish words in most dictionaries. The Spanish pronunciation is similar to Russian. And the sounds [t], [d] are not pronounced so as in the English language. In Spanish they are harder.
I have found out more common things in grammar: articles, tenses. I mean some grammar structures: “to be going to do smth”. Present Perfect, Present Continuous, irregular verbs. But in Spanish verbs are more complicated. As for such verb as “to be”; in Spanish there are two “to be”: ser/estar.
The order in word combinations, I mean noun + adjective is also another. In Spanish on the first place there is the noun, and after it there is the adjective.
As for the word order, in Spanish it isn’t compulsory as it is in the English language.
Also punctuation marks in Spanish in front of the sentence and after it.
In the Spanish language the masculine origin is very strong. We can prove it unifying by grammar structures (noun + adjective). Also the names of the days of the week are masculine.
It was not just an easy thing to compare two languages, because I had to consult many sources of information, books and the teacher. I had to consult a lot of dictionaries to know, to find and to have the opportunity to compare linguistic and lexical features.
I couldn’t cope with it without the help of my teacher, because I’m just a beginner in learning Spanish. This work was challenging but really captivating for me. When you know that there are different languages, you don’t think how they similar and different at the same time.
But when you begin comparing, you understand that we can’t find only differences, there also a lot of the same features. It was interesting to find information about words. Becides the fact is that English borrowed a lot from Spanish.
This word work made me make definite conclusions. Now I can understand how the culture of the country affects on the way of thinking and people’s lifestyle. It’s necessary to know it especially when you’re going to visit another country as a tourist or even if you’d like to change the place of living.
To sum up, there is a strong interconnection between two languages: English and Spanish. This process was historical and still has been going on nowadays. Each language has its originality and beauty. I think this work can de continued. I’d be interested in focusing on some cultural diversity, to study the stereotypes of national culture in international communication.
Sources of information:
1. Арнольд, И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка / И.В. Арнольд. - М., АспектПресс, 2001 г.
2. Baugh A. A. аnd Cable Th. A History of the English Language. - 5 Edition New York, 2001.
3. Hoad T. F. The concise Oxford dictionary of English. - Oxford, 1993.
4.Матвеев С.А.Испанский язык за 3 месяца.-Москва:АСТ,2014
5. Маковский, М. Большой этимологический словарь современного английского языка / М. Маковский. - М., Либроком, 2014 г.
6. Ronald E. Batchelor. A Student Grammar of Spanish. camʙʀɪdɢe uɴɪveʀsɪtʏ pʀess Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo 2006
8. http://study-english.info/false-friends.php#ixzz3y6982iVQ
9. http://multilinguablog.com
10. ru.wikipedia.org
11. ru.wiktionary.org
academic | академический, а не академик (academician) — звание учёного в научной иерархии и ученый, обладающий этим званием; |
accurate | точный, а не аккуратный в значении «опрятный» (tidy); В русском языке осталось в виде наречия «аккурат» (аккурат в 5 часов) |
airline | авиакомпания, а не только авиалиния; |
air-port | (пишется через дефис) — иллюминатор (в борту корабля); |
aggressive | энергичный, инициативный, а не только агрессивный (например, aggressive salesman); |
alley | переулок, а не только аллея; blind alley — тупик; |
ammunition | боеприпасы, а не амуниция; |
anecdote | интересный или поучительный случай из жизни известных людей, а не анекдот в современном значении слова (joke); |
angina | также стенокардия, а не только ангина (tonsillitis); |
argument | также спор, а не только аргумент |
artist | художник, живописец, а не только артист |
audience | это как правило аудитория — публика в зале наблюдающая за происходящим на сцене, а не только аудиенция |
ball | слова baseball, football, basketball обозначают не только названия игр, но и мяч, которым в них играют («He caught the football», «Do you have a baseball?», «football-shaped» и т. п.); |
banner | знамя; девиз; крупный заголовок (не только баннер); |
barrack | также казарма, а не только барак; |
benzene | это не бензин, а бензол; в то же время gasoline — это бензин, а не газойль; |
biscuit | печенье, а не бисквит (sponge cake); |
brilliant | блестящий, а не бриллиантовый (diamond); |
cabin | каюта корабля, салон самолёта, будка, хижина, лачуга, хибара, бревенчатый домик, сруб (в сельской местности или в горах), кабина одноместного самолёта/гоночного автомобиля — cockpit, кабина тяжёлого (пассажирского) самолёта — (crew) compartment или flight deck, кабина грузовика/автобуса/поезда — cab, кабина лифта — lift car брит.; elevator car амер.), душевая кабина — shower stall, shower booth, кабина в общественном туалете — bathroom stall, кабина для голосования — polling /voting booth, кабина для переодевания на пляже — bathing box |
cabinet | шкаф (а также Кабинет Министров), но не кабинет (комната); |
cable | трос (не только кабель); |
caravan | прицеп, дом на колесах, а не только караван; |
carton | небольшая коробка (а не картон — cardboard); |
cartoon | мультипликационный фильм, короткий комикс (а не картон — cardboard); |
casting | отливка, а не только кастинг (film casting — отливка пленки, мембраны); |
Caucasian | представитель Европейской расы, «белый»; а не только выходец с Кавказа; |
chef | шеф-повар (а не шеф — chief, boss, patron); |
closet | шкаф, чулан, кладовка, а не только клозет; |
collector | коллекционер, а не только коллектор; |
comfort | утешение, поддержка, а не только комфорт; |
complexion или complection | цвет лица, состояние кожи лица; характер, вид, а не комплекция — build, bodily constitution; |
compositor | наборщик, а не композитор (composer, musician); |
conductor | дирижёр, гид, проводник (электропроводный материал), а также ж.-д. проводник, погонщик, интендант, а не только кондуктор (в русском языке имеет значение «проводник» и «часть электрической машины»); |
constitution | не только конституция, но и телосложение; |
control | управлять (не только контролировать или проверять — verify, check); |
convoy | свита, эскорт, а не только конвой; |
crest | гребень, грива или шлем (а не крест — cross); |
debris | останки, осколки, а не дебри; |
decade | 10 лет (а не декада - 10 дней); |
design | в технике не внешний вид, как в русском языке, а конструкция, устройство (например, об автомобиле или корабле); также план, замысел |
designer | инженер-разработчик, а не дизайнер - человек, занимающийся графическим, ландшафтным, автомобильным и тому подобным дизайном (обычно stylist); |
director | глава, режиссёр, дирижёр, духовный отец (не только директор, руководитель компании); |
dock | причал, пристань (не только док — помещение для ремонта кораблей); |
dramatic | поразительный, волнующий; яркий (о цвете); резкий, неожиданный; кардинальный, радикальный (например, о переменах), а не только драматический или драматичный; |
drug | лекарство, наркотик, а не друг; |
Dutchman | голландец, а не датчанин — Dane; также Dutch — голландский (амер. англ. немецкий), а не датский — Danish; |
elеctric | электрический, а не электрик (electrician) |
engineer | моторист, машинист (не только инженер); |
episode 1 | часть 1, выпуск 1, серия 1 (не только эпизод 1); |
erection | также возведение, стройка, а не только эрекция; |
examine | врачебный или технический осмотр, допрос (а не экзамен — test, exam); |
expertise | (хорошие) профессиональные знания и навыки, (а не экспертиза — expert examination, evaluation); (в последнее время русское слово «экспертиза» в речи некоторых много говорящих по-английски россиян стало принимать и его английское значение, что является лексической интерференцией и ошибкой) |
extravagant | чаще в значении неэкономный, расточительный, а не экстравагантный |
faggot | (оскорбительное) гомосексуалист (а не фагот - bassoon) |
figure | чеpтёж, иллюстрация; цифра; число (не только фигура); |
fiction | художественная литература, беллетристика, а не только фикция; |
football | (в американском английском) — американский футбол, а не футбол (soccer); |
formula | состав; рецепт; закон; формулировка, а не только химическая формула; |
fruit | плод (в самом широком смысле), не только фрукт; |
gallant | храбрый (не только галантный; тж. gallant sail — брамсель); |
gas | (в американском английском), gasoline — бензиновое топливо, а не только газ; |
gay | лицо с нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентацией вообще как мужского, так и женского пола. Прямое значение слова — «веселый», в котором оно часто употребляется в классической английской литературе. |
general | основной, общий, обычный (не только генеральный и генерал); |
genial | добрый (а не гениальный — genius); |
guide | не только гид, но и вообще любые руководства |
glands (ед. ч. gland) | железы в целом, а не именно гланды (tonsils) |
idea | понятие, мысль (не только идея); |
instruments | измерительные приборы; музыкальные инструменты; финансовые инструменты (financial instruments) (а неинструменты — tools); |
intelligent | умный, интеллектуальный (а не интеллигентный); |
interest (финансы) | не интерес (устар.), а проценты, или доход по вкладу и т. п. |
interview | собеседование (интервью только в случае, если оно проводится журналистом); |
lift | поднятие, подъём, поднимать, повышать (а не только лифт — elevator (амер, кан.), lift(брит). также означает украсть, стянуть, стащить); |
liquor | крепкое спиртное, а не ликёр — liqueur; |
lobster | омар (в литературном русском языке слова «лобстер» не существует) |
lord | владыка, Господь, а не только лорд; |
lunatic | сумасшедший (не лунатик — sleep-walker); |
machinist | слесарь (не только машинист) |
magazine | журнал (не научный) и магазин для патронов, но не магазин с товарами — shop, store; |
master | хозяин, магистр (а не только мастер); |
matron | старшая медсестра, кастелянша (не только матрона); |
mayor | мэр города (а не майор — major); |
morale | боевой дух (а не мораль — morality); |
more | сравн. ст. от much — более (а не море — sea); |
mosquito | комар (а не москит — sandfly или phlebotomine); |
most | превосх. ст. от much — более всего, большинство или наибольший (а не мост — bridge); |
mystery | тайна, и лишь в редких случаях мистерия; |
nationality | не только национальность, национальная принадлежность, но и гражданство, принадлежность к стране происхождения (почти всегда вызывает недопонимание между выходцами из бывшего Советского Союза и Запада. Для избежания недопонимания — примерный ответ: Where are you from? I am an ethnic Russian from Uzbekistan, Ты откуда? Я этнический русский из Узбекистана); |
net | сеть; |
novel | роман (чаще, чем новелла); это слово очень часто переводят неправильно; |
officer | чиновник, должностное лицо, сотрудник (например Консульства, особенно в предложении «at the interview was present not only the Secretary of the Consulate but one of the other officers too» — «на собеседовании присутствовал не только Секретарь Консульства но и еще один из сотрудников»), а не только офицер; |
original | настоящий, подлинный, изначальный (не только оригинальный); |
paragraph | не только параграф, но и абзац; |
partisan | партиец; протазан (копьё с широким плоским наконечником), а не только партизан; |
party | также и вечеринка (не только партия); |
pathetic | убогий, жалкий (а не только патетический или пафосный); |
patron | спонсор, уважаемый клиент (а не патрон), не только в значении босса ; |
periodic acid | иодная кислота, а не «периодическая»; |
phenomenon | явление (не только феномен — редкое или уникальное явление); |
phonograph | граммофон, патефон, проигрыватель (электрофон), а не только фонограф; |
piston | поршень, а не пистон; |
plaster | замазка, штукатурка (а не пластырь — bandaid); |
plastic | прилагательное пластичный, пластический (не только пластик как материал); |
poem | cтихотворение, а не только поэма; |
principal | директор школы, колледжа, ректор ВУЗа, а также ведущий актёр или солист в труппе (а не принципиальный —principle); |
problem | задача, упражнение — например, chess problem — шахматная задача, а не только проблема; |
rehabilitation | перевоспитание, подготовка к полноценной жизни, возвращение к нормальному состоянию, а не реабилитация(оправдание, восстановление в правах, отмена необоснованного обвинения). |
reactive | ответный, а не реактивный (jet/rocket propelled). Например, тип снаряда, который в русском языке называют активно-реактивным, иногда ошибочно переводят на английский как «active-reactive» то есть «активно — ответный» вместо «rocket assisted». |
realise | чётко представлять, осознавать (а не только реализовывать); |
regular | нормальный, обычный, стандартный (а не только регулярный; regular water — простая (питьевая) вода, а не регулярная); |
repetition | повторение (а не репетиция — rehearsal) |
resin | смола, канифоль, камедь (а не резина — rubber); |
restaurant | в американском английском — любое предприятие общепита вообще (даже закусочная McDonald’s), а не толькоресторан; |
revision | исправление, переработка, а не только ревизия; |
revolution | революция, но также «вращение»; «оборот» |
romance | рыцарский стихотворный роман (не только романс); |
satin | атлас, атласное платье (а не сатин — sateen или chintz); |
scholar | изучающий что-то, а не только школьник; |
sever | разрывать, отрывать (а не север — north); |
sex | половая принадлежность, а не только секс; |
silicon | кремний (а не силикон — silicone). Силиконовая долина — распространённое в русском языке название Кремниевой Долины. |
speaker | не только спикер, но также и динамик; |
speculation | предположение, умозрительное построение, рискованное начинание (без негативного оттенка, который есть в русском языке); |
student | учащийся вообще, а не только студент; |
sympathetic | сочувствующий, сочувственный (а не только «симпатичный»); |
sympathy | чаще всего сочувствие, а не симпатия в значении «влечение, внутреннее расположение к кому-, чему-л.»; легко запоминается, если обратиться к этимологии слова: sym- — со-, вместе + pathos — чувство; отсюда: слова с идентичным смыслом sympathetic, sympathize и пр.; |
technique | способ, методика, метод; также техника в смысле «набор приёмов» близко к русскому слову «технология», (техника в прямом смысле обозначается словом technics); |
thesis | не только «тезис», но и «диссертация», а также «сочинение», «эссе» |
tort | гражданское правонарушение, а не торт; |
trailer | прицеп, автодом, трейлер (кинематограф) (не только трейлер — прицеп-платформа для перевозки крупных штучных грузов); |
trophy | в спорте «кубок» или «приз» (а не только «трофей» — War booty, каким он является в текстах о войне); |
tunic | также китель, гимнастерка, а не только туника; |
universal | всемирный, а не только универсальный; |
utilise | также использовать (а не только утилизировать); |
velvet | бархат (а не вельвет — corduroy); |
virtual | действительный, фактический, а не только виртуальный. |
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