В 1939 году Гитлеровская армия оккупировала Австрию, через год оккупировала Чехословакию и Польшу, а еще через 8 месяцев оккупировала Данию и Норвегию.
В 1941 году правительство Нацисткой Германии приняла план, в котором было указано, что Германия сможет бы искоренить Советский Союз в течении 3 недель. Гитлер был уверен в этом...
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Union of nations who fought for freedom in World War II By Bronnikov MichaelСлайд 2
World War II It was war between two world military coalitions, which became the largest armed conflict in history. It was attended by 62 countries .
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1st September of 1939 Germany attacked Poland , Czechoslovakia and Austria.
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Hitler's Plan He was confident that Germany could capture USSR for 3 weeks
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In 1941 war between USSR and Germany was started . Millions people were ready to protected their homeland .
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Fought for every inch of land !
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June 2 3 , 1941, Winston Churchill spoke on the radio about a statement of support for the Soviet Union.
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Atlantic Charter Atlantic Charter - one of the key programm documents of anti-Hitler coalition. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President of the US Franklin Roosevelt have discussed and adopted this documents at the Atlantic Conference «Riviera »
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September 1941 The London Inter-Allied Conference (more than 10 countries) agreed with the basic principles of the Atlantic Charter.
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1st January of 1942 Conference in Washington
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Differences between Stalin and Churchill.
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Soviet-American agreement
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In the US and the UK made weapons for the USSR, wrote letters , taught our pilots and soldiers .
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The Tehran conference November 20, 1945
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Yalta Conference
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Coalitions army began advancing Germany and soon came to Berlin .
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The decisive force in the coalition was the Soviet Union, which played the primary role in achieving victory.
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Conference in Moscow In 1945 in Moscow was held Conference of Foreign Ministers of USSR , US , UK They discussed preparations for the peace treaties with Italy, Romania, Bulgaria .
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Remember our heroes !
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