проект по английскому языку " Курение является антисоциальным". Зиминой Каролины 7а класса лицея №1598 ШО 6 г.Москвы.
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Smoking is antisocial Ученицы 7 класса «А» Зиминой КаролиныСлайд 2
We’ve just moved into a new flat. And the first thing I put on one of the walls was a “no smoking “ sign .And if anything is antisocial, It is smoking .
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Besides being impolite, smoking is deadly. In Britain about 50 000 people die every year because of smoking. They die from lung cancer, heart attacks and other causes, too. In fact, statistics show that a smoker shortens his life by 5,5 minutes with each cigarette.
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Smokers say that they don’t care and if they want to kill themselves with tobacco that’s their business.
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Happily, at present smoking is prohibited in many ways . You can see “ No smoking “ signs in many theaters, cinemas , trains, buses and restaurants.
Слайд 6
Thanks for attention ! No smoking please.
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