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Seven wonders Of the Ancient world Doinikov VladimirСлайд 2
Great Pyramid of Giza The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now Cairo, Egypt in Africa. It is believed to have been built as a tomb for Fourth dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and constructed over a 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC . The tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years , it is sometimes called Khufu's Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu.
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The Great Pyramid consists of 2.3 million blocks . The Pyramid weigh 6.3 million tons. The only one « Wonder of the Ancient» World that wasn't destroyed by the time.
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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (also known as Hanging Gardens of Semiramis) (near present-day Al Hillah in Iraq) are considered one of the original Seven Wonders of the World. They were built by Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BC. He is reported to have constructed the gardens to please his wife, Amytis of Media, who longed for the trees and fragrant plants of her homeland. The gardens were destroyed in an earthquake after the 1st century BC. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
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Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Temple was very big( 115 meters long, 180 meters wide) Cress, the tsar of Lidia, decided to build the palace for the Moon Goddess Artemida. It took 120 years to build it. In the middle of the palace there was the statue of Artemida. In 356 year BC the palace was buried by Herosta t who just wanted to become famous.
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Statue of Zeus at Olympia In the 5th century the citizens of Olympia decided to build the palace and the statue of Zeus. Was cared by the classical sculptor Phidias in 432 BC in Olympia, Greece The statue was 12 meters high Zeus was made of gold and ivory Later the statue was removed to Constantinople. Then the palace was ruined because of the fire.
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Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
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Colossus of Rhodes The Colossus was a giant statue in Rhodes. In ancient times the citizens of Rhodes wanted to be independent. The Greeks besieged with them several times but unfaithfully. The citizens built the statue for the Sun God to thank him. The statue was built from bronze and was 33 meters long. After 50 years the statue was ruined because of the earthquake.
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Lighthouse of Alexandria The lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC to help ships avoid reefs. It was the 1 - st lighthouse and it had been standing for 1500 years. The lighthouse was built on a small island Faros in the Mediterranean Sea. Ships could see it in 50 km. in the 15th century the lighthouse was ruined because of the earthquake It was 120 meters high , it was for many centuries among the tallest manmade structures on the Earth
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