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the_place_that_i_want_to_visit.pptx | 1.88 МБ |
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The place that I want to visit C h ernobyl Made by D.Klimentyev Form 6-a School 180 Teacher: E.D.BelobrovaСлайд 2
In Ukraine there was a city. People called it Chernobyl. It was a nice city and many people lived and were happy there. It is Chernobyl nuclear Power Station
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But on the 26 th of April 1986 something went wrong and a fire started at the station. The cause of the fire was the 4 th reactor of this station.
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The city was beautiful but now people can’t live there because of the high level of nuclear radiation.
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It is a deserted city now.
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Some good facts: Despite the high level of nuclear radiation in this city, some people still live there. They have 1 big house for 1 man. Mankind hops that Chernobyl will recover. Scientists say that people will be able to live there, but it will not be soon.
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http://sigolki.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/chernobyl-160735.jpg http://www.credo-ua.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/171.jpg http://stalker.pnhost.ru/images/gallery/chern5.jpg http:// известные.рф / images/2/1/goroda-prizraki_4.jpg Использованные интернет-ресурсы
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