Эссе было подготовлео для Весенней межрегиональной дистанционной олимпиады по английскому языку, которую организовала кафедра иностранных языков и лингвистики Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры. Ученица 10 класса Толстошеева Алина заняла 5 место.
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Learning foreign languages is a powerful way to tell the world how wonderful Russia is.
Language is the magician who discovers new treasure and colors of the world. Learning foreign languages reflects the reality in its own way. It is a good opportunity to acquire knowledge about other amazing countries, people, culture, traditions and to tell about the beautiful large country Russia we live in.
Nowadays, English has become an international language. Firstly, people want to communicate in foreign languages, to make new friends, to develop their consciousness, to learn the history and culture of another country. Secondly, in our country Russian people like travelling abroad improving your knowledge in English, that’s why they can tell the story of their region, especially ethnic cuisine, emergence of theatre, music and many unique things as well as to advise different attractions.
However, many people have difficulties to study new languages. In addition, they believe that this is a useless skill. Some people are patriots and they do not want to talk in foreign languages. They are proud of the native homeland.
To sum up, I agree with the statement that the study of foreign languages is very important in our modern life. If you want to get some interesting facts during your travelling abroad and to give information about unforgettable trip through Russia, recommend your friends and relatives to review their opinions and principles, to pay attention to the importance of English language in the world, who will become an assistant in overcoming difficulties and understanding of other nationalities.
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