We have to go to school from Monday till Friday. We have to get early in the morning, study at school and then do our homework. All of us have our favourite subjects.
There is a timetable in our school and we have got five or six different lessons every day. Sometimes we go to school with our pleasure but sometimes we would like to sleep at home longer.
Let’s see which day of the school week is the easiest and the most interesting!
Здоровье детей – это главный фактор будущего нашей страны. В наше скоростное время эта тема имеет большую актуальность, поэтому мы решили провести определенную работу и узнать, как организация школьного расписания влияет на психологическое здоровье ребенка.
Дети много времени проводят в школе. А здоровье детей во многом зависит от того, как они переносят учебный процесс. Чтобы выяснить, как наше расписание влияет на наше отношение к учебе и наше желание идти в школу, мы решили подойти к этому вопросу с трех сторон.
1. Мы выразили свое собственное отношение к школе и разным урокам.
2. Существуют правила и нормы санитарной службы по организации учебных занятий. Мы провели исследование, насколько наше расписание соответствует рекомендациям СанПиН.
3. Мы провели опрос родителей с целью выяснить их отношение к распределению нашей школьной нагрузки.
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Слайд 1
Project “Our School Week” Работу выполняли: ученицы 5 «В» класса ГБОУ Школа № 384 Комарова Надежда Бурканова Анастасия Климова Карина Руководитель проекта: Сафронова Э.О. -2016-Слайд 2
Цель проекта: Формирование языковой, исследовательской компетенции учащихся, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка. Задачи проекта: 1. Расширить и систематизировать лексический запас учащихся; 2. Совершенствовать навыки самостоятельной работы; 3. Воспитывать положительное отношение к школе и учебному процессу.
Слайд 3
INTRODUCTION We have to go to school from Monday till Friday. We have to get up early, study at school and then do our homework. Let’s look at our timetable and see which day of the school week is the most interesting and not hard, and when we would like to sleep longer.
Слайд 4
Чтобы выяснить, как наше расписание влияет на наше отношение к учебе и наше желание идти в школу, мы решили подойти к этому вопросу с трех сторон: 1. Мы выразили свое собственное отношение к школе и разным урокам. 2. Мы провели исследование, насколько наше расписание соответствует рекомендациям СанПиН . 3. Мы провели опрос родителей с целью выяснить их отношение к распределению нашей школьной нагрузки;
Слайд 5
TIMETABLE № of the lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Russian Maths Social Studies I.T. Russian 2. Maths Art Russian English Literature 3. Biology Russian Maths Maths Maths 4. Geography English Russian Music English 5. Literature Technology P.E. History P.E. 6. P.E. Technology Russian History
Слайд 6
MONDAY It is the first working day of the week. On Monday we have 6 lessons. They are Russian, Maths , Biology, Geography, Literature and Physical Education. Each lesson lasts forty-five minutes. Every day our first lesson starts at 8.30 a.m. and finishes at 9.15 a.m. There is a break after each lesson. We have Biology and Geography only once a week. The last, sixth lesson (P.E.) finishes at 2.10 p.m. and we can go home!
Слайд 7
Tuesday On Tuesday we have got only our favorite lessons. They are Technology, Maths , English, Russian and Art. These subjects are very interesting and not very difficult for us. On this day we study English with our Form teacher. There are two Technology lessons on Tuesday. We often cook tasty dishes there. Tuesday is a very lovely day!
Слайд 8
Wednesday We have only five lessons on this day, but it is a very hard day, because we have a few difficult subjects. They are Social Studies and P.E. The fifth lesson on this day is Physical Education. It begins at 12.20 and finishes at 1.05 p.m. Wednesday is the shortest but the hardest school day.
Слайд 9
Thursday We have got six lessons, but they are not very difficult. The first lesson is Information Technology. Everybody is fond of computer nowadays. Also we have English and Maths . Then we go to the Music classroom and listen to and sing wonderful songs. The fifth lesson is History. Then Russian is. And we go home!
Слайд 10
friday Wow! Everybody loves Friday! It is the last school day of the week. We have got six not bad lessons. They are Russian, Literature, Maths , English, P.E. and History. After History we go home and have a rest after our busy school week. On Friday we watch English cartoons and films for children, go for a walk with our friends, play different games. Friday is a wonderful day!
Слайд 11
Saturday and sunday Saturday and Sunday are days off and we have not to go to school! We spend our time with our families, help about the house and go to the cinema and museums. We have a lot of interesting things to do! We love days off!
Слайд 12
СанПиН и мы (5В) № СанПиН Мы (5В класс) 1 Мах допустимая нагрузка в неделю – 29 час. Понедельник – 6 час. Вторник – 6 час. Среда – 5 час. Четверг – 6 час. Пятница – 6 час. Всего: 29 час. 2 Не более 6 уроков в день + 3 Не менее 3 занятий физкультурой в неделю + 4 Чередование по шкале трудности учебных предметов + 5 Облегченный учебный день в четверг и пятницу + - 6 Перемены – не менее 10 мин. +
Слайд 13
Parents’ opinions We’ve asked 8 parents of our classmates. The parents are glad that we have got not only such difficult lessons as Maths and Russian, but we study English, History, Art and other subjects, which develop our culture and taste. In whole, our parents like our timetable.
Слайд 14
conclusion To sum up, we can say: We have got a good and right timetable! - We want to study! - We want to know a lot! - We love our school! We are ready to go to school every day!
Слайд 15
Thank you for your attention!
Комарова Надежда Ивановна, ГБОУ Школа № 384 им. Д.К.Корнеева, 5 «В» класс
Бурканова Анастасия Ивановна, ГБОУ Школа № 384 им. Д.К.Корнеева, 5 «В» класс
Климова Карина Алексеевна, ГБОУ Школа № 384 им. Д.К.Корнеева, 5 «В» класс
Сафронова Элла Олеговна, учитель английского языка, ГБОУ Школа № 384 им.
1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………… 3
2. TIMETABLE ……………………………………. …………………………... 4
3. АНАЛИЗ СООТВЕТСТВИЯ СанПиН ……………………………………… 6
4. PARENTS’ OPINIONS ……………………………………………………….. 6
5. CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………….. 7
6. BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………….. 8
7. APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………… 9
We have to go to school from Monday till Friday. We have to get early in the morning, study at school and then do our homework. All of us have our favourite subjects.
There is a timetable in our school and we have got five or six different lessons every day. Sometimes we go to school with our pleasure but sometimes we would like to sleep at home longer.
Let’s see which day of the school week is the easiest and the most interesting!
Здоровье детей – это главный фактор будущего нашей страны. В наше скоростное время эта тема имеет большую актуальность, поэтому мы решили провести определенную работу и узнать, как организация школьного расписания влияет на психологическое здоровье ребенка.
Дети много времени проводят в школе. А здоровье детей во многом зависит от того, как они переносят учебный процесс. Чтобы выяснить, как наше расписание влияет на наше отношение к учебе и наше желание идти в школу, мы решили подойти к этому вопросу с трех сторон.
1. Мы выразили свое собственное отношение к школе и разным урокам.
2. Существуют правила и нормы санитарной службы по организации учебных занятий. Мы провели исследование, насколько наше расписание соответствует рекомендациям СанПиН.
3. Мы провели опрос родителей с целью выяснить их отношение к распределению нашей школьной нагрузки;
ЦЕЛЬ ПРОЕКТА: Формирование языковой, исследовательской компетенции учащихся, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
1. Расширить и систематизировать лексический запас учащихся;
2. Совершенствовать навыки самостоятельной работы;
3. Воспитывать положительное отношение к учебе и школе.
Monday is the first working day of the week in Russia. So we have to go to school. On Monday we have got six lessons. They are Russian, Maths, Biology, Geography, Literature and P.E.Each lesson lasts forty-five minutes. There is a break after each lesson.
The first lesson on Monday is Russian. It starts at 8.30 a.m. and finishes at 9.15 a.m. The break is 15 minutes and we can go to our school canteen to have breakfast.
The second lesson is Maths. It begins at 9.30 and finishes at 10.15.a.m. The second break is 15 minutes, too.
Then we go to the third lesson. It is Biology. We learn about different animals, birds and plants. After the third lesson the break is 10 minutes.
After Biology on Monday we have Geography. We study different countries, seas and oceans. It is our fourth lesson. We have got Biology and Geography only once a week.
Literature is our fifth lesson. There are many wonderful famous writers and poets in Russia and we read very interesting books.
The sixth lesson is Physical Education (P.E.). We run, jump, play different sport games. It is a very active but very tiring lesson.
At last we can go home to rest a little!
On Tuesday we have got only our favourite lessons. They are Technology, Maths, English, Russian and Art.
These subjects are very interesting and not very difficult for us.
The first lesson is Mathematics. We learn to count there.
Then we have Art. We like painting and always have this lesson with our pleasure.
The third lesson is Russian. It starts at 10.30 a.m. and finishes at 11.15 a.m.
After Russian we have got English.We study English with our Form teacher. We try to speak English, read English books, do a lot of exercises and watch cartoons in English. The fourth lesson begins at 11.25 a.m. and finishes at 12.10 p.m.
The break after the fourth lesson is 10 minutes.
There are two Technology lessons on Tuesday.
We often cook tasty dishes there.
Tuesday is a very lovely day!
Now we would like to tell about Wednesday.
We have got only five lessons but we think that it is a hard day, because there are a few difficult
subjects on this day. They are Social Studies and P.E.
Also we have two Russian lessons and Maths.
The fifth lesson starts at 12.20 and ends at 1.05 p.m. And we are happy to go home!
We can say that Wednesday is the shortest but the hardest school day!
It’s time to tell about Thursday.
In our opinion, it is the easiest day of the school week.
We have six lessons but they are not very difficult for us.
The first lesson is I.T. (Information Technology). Nowadays everybody is interested in computers.
Then we study English and Maths.
After that we go to the Music classroom. We listen to beautiful music and sing wonderful songs.
The fifth lesson is History. It is a very interesting subject. We learn about the history of ancient Egypt.
The last lesson is Russian. It starts at 1.25 p.m. and finishes at 2.10 p.m.
After Russian it’s time to go home!
Wow! Everybody loves Friday!
It is the last school day of the week. We have got not bad lessons. They are Russian, Literature, Maths, English, P.E. and History. Certainly, they are not the easiest ones, but they are very important.
Finally, we go home to have a rest after our busy school week.
On Friday we can go for a walk with our friends, watch films for children and play different games.
Friday is a wonderful day!
Saturday and Sunday are days off and we have not to go to school!
We spend these days with our families, help about the house and go to the cinema and museums.
We have a lot of interesting things to do!
They are our favorite days!
Предлагаем вам анализ соответствия нашего расписания
рекомендациям СанПиН для 5 класса:
№ | СанПиН | Мы (5В класс) |
1 | Мах допустимая нагрузка в неделю – 29 час. | Понедельник – 6 час. Вторник – 6 час. Среда – 5 час. Четверг – 6 час. Пятница – 6 час. Всего: 29 час. |
2 | Не более 6 уроков в день | + |
3 | Не менее 3 занятий физкультурой в неделю | + |
4 | Чередование по шкале трудности учебных предметов | + |
5 | Облегченный учебный день в четверг и пятницу | + - |
6 | Перемены – не менее 10 мин. | + |
Как Вы можете видеть, наше расписание почти по всем пунктам соответствует санитарным правилам, а некоторое несоответствие в пункте № 5 , на наш взгляд, компенсируется качеством уроков и их психологическим комфортом.
We’ve asked 8 parents of our classmates. 5 mothers think that we have got too many lessons for the pupils of the 5th class. 2 mothers and 1 father think that we have got not bad timetable. All the parents are happy that we have 3 lessons of P.E. a week, because they help us to become healthier and stronger.
The parents are glad that we have got not only such difficult lessons as Maths and Russian, but we study English, History, Art and other subjects, which develop our culture and taste.
In whole, our parents like our timetable.
Coming to the end of our work, we can see that our timetable is good and right. We hope that it doesn’t do any harm to our health.
We know that all of us have our own favourite school days and lessons. Everybody can be interested in different subjects. Each subject gives us a lot of different skills and knowledge. We have got kind and skillful teachers.Our life is our knowledge of the world, experience and our attitude to this world.
To sum up, we would like to say: - We want to study!
- We want to know a lot!
- We love our school!
And we are ready to go to school every day!
Подводя итог нашей работы, мы пришли к выводу, что наше расписание составлено правильно. Такое расписание не наносит вреда нашему здоровью. Оно соответствует санитарным правилам, устраивает нас и наших родителей. Мы проводим много времени в школе и довольны тем, что распорядок нашего школьного дня построен грамотно. Be healthy!
1. CaнПиН «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к условиям и организации обучения в общеобразовательных учреждениях»;
1 | Russian | Maths | Social Studies | I.T. | Russian |
2 | Maths | Art | Russian | English | Literature |
3 | Biology | Russian | Maths | Maths | Maths |
4 | Geography | English | Russian | Music | English |
5 | Literature | Technology | P.E. | History | P.E. |
6 | P.E. | Technology | Russian | History |
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