Данная презентация содержит информацию обо всех ступенях образования в США.
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Education in the USA Выполнила ученица 6 «В» класса Старжинская Юлия Учитель английского языка Храмова Ирина ВасильевнаСлайд 2
There are three basic levels in the U.S. educational system-elementary school, which usually goes from kindergarten to sixth grade; junior high school, from seventh though or ninth grade, which is compulsory (so children must be in school from the ages of 7 though 16); and high school, from ninth or tenth through twelfth grade.
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At the end of every school year American children take a test. If they perform well, they go to the next grade, if not-they have to repeat the year.
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Some American children finish only junior high schools as they begin working to help their families. The certificate of the junior high schools does not allow them to enter college or university. They can do it only if they finish high school.
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About 90 percent of all children attend public schools, which are free . While the remaining 10 percent go to private schools.
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There are required or compulsory subject at each level. In some areas and at more advanced levels, students can choose some subjects. Pupils who do not do well often have to repeat courses, or have to have special tutoring, usually done in and by the schools.
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Many schools also support summer classes, where students can make up for failed courses or even take extra courses.
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In addition to bilingual and bicultural education programs, many schools have special programs for those, who have learning and reading difficulties. They also try to integrate students with different abilities and backgrounds into an educational system shared by all.
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At the same time at the high school level there are some specialized schools that emphasize vocational subject like business or auto mechanics and some schools that give advanced coursework in mathematics and the sciences.
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Schools in the US also stress «character» or «social skills» through extracurricular activities, including sports. Because many schools start at around 8 o clock every morning and classes often do not finish until 3 or 4 o clock in the afternoon, such activities mean that many students do not return home until the early evening.
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Most schools publish their own student newspapers, and some have their own radio stations. Almost all have student orchestras, bands, and choirs, which give public performances. There are theater and drama groups, chess and debating clubs, Latin, French, Spanish, or German clubs, groups which meet after school to discuss computers, or chemistry, or the raising of prize horses of cows. Students can learn flying, and mountain climbing. They can act as volunteers in hospitals and homes for the aged and do other public-service work.
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Many different sports are also available, and most schools share their facilities – swimming pools, tennis courts, tracks, and stadiums – with the public. Often the students themselves organize and support school activities though «car washes», babysitting, bake sales, or by mowing the lawns. Such activities not only give pupils a chance to be together outside of normal classes, they also help develop a feeling of «school spirit» among the students and in the community.
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