Презентация к уроку по теме "Парки Лондона"
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Парки Лондона Выполнила Душкова Оксана Ученица 6 «А» классаСлайд 2
Londoners love their parks and proud of them.
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There are eight Royal parks in and around London. For of then are situated in the center o f London.
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Hyde park is the biggest of these four. It is famous for its outdoor activities There is a place called the Speakers' Coner in the Park .
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ST Jame`s park the oldest of the London`s parks, This park`s lake has been home to many wild birds. It has a very beautiful view of Buckingham Palace.
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In Kensington gardens, you can see the statue of the famous fairytale hero Peter Pan.
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You can also visit Regent`s park You will find a rose garden here. Science 1828 Regent`s park has been home to the London Zoo.
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Answer the questions. 1. Which of the London`s parks is the biggest? 2. Which of the London`s parks is the oldest? 3. Which of the London`s parks is famous for its Speaker`s Corner? 4. Which of the London`s parks has been home to t he zoo for a long time? 5. Which of the London`s parks has the statue of a fairytale hero?
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