Работа в формате Microsoft Powerpoint The Great Patriotic war посвящена событиям Великой Отечественной войны.
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Вильданов Айнур БРГИ №1 г. Уфа The Great Patriotic WarСлайд 2
Beginning o f the war June 22 , 1941 nazi Germany broke the Soviet-German treaty, its army without declaring war invaded the territory of the USSR. The bloodiest and most brutal of all wars began !
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Nazi Germany and its satellites had concentrated along the border of the USSR nearly 4,000 tanks, about 5,000 combat aircrafts, more than 47,000 guns and mortars. It was the largest invasion force in the history of humanity. WAR
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On Sunday, June 22, 1941, at 4 am fascist troops performed a powerful artillery strike on the borders regions of the USSR.
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May 2, 1945 in Berlin garrison capitulated. After the capture of Berlin, Soviet troops held surgery Prague - last strategic operation during the war. At midnight on May 8 War ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany's armed forces. End of the war! Victory!
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