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Winston Churchill Author: student grade 7 Lyssakov Anastasia AleksandrovnaСлайд 2
The prominent politician Winston Churchill was born' in 1874. He was the son of Lord Randolph Churchill and grandson of the seventh Duke of Marl-borough. He was educated at Harrow and Sandhurst and entered the Army in 1895.
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. As a young army officer, he saw action in British India, the Sudan and the Second Boer War. He gained fame as a war correspondent and through books he wrote about his campaigns.
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Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, Churchill became Prime Minister .
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At the outbreak of the war he was First Lord of the Admiralty and was responsible for the speedy mobilization of the Fleet. He later held office as Minister of Munitions and Minister of War .
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His steadfast refusal to consider defeat, surrender or a compromise peace helped inspire British resistance,during the difficult early days of the War when Britain stood alone in its active opposition to Hitler .
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He left the Conservative Party and joined the Liberals* ranks because of his opposition to the Prime Minister's policy. He held different responsible posts. (
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Churchill had great literary gifts and he wrote many books, including a life of his father and histories of the First and Second World Wars .
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questions 1. when was Winston Churchill born ? 2. who was Winston Churchill ? 3. when was Winston Churchill drafted into the army ?
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answers 1. Winston Churchill was born in 1864. 2. Winston Churchill was an army officer and Prime Minister . 3. Winston Churchill was drafted into the army in 1895.
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