Конференция «Я- исследователь, я открываю мир»
Исследовательская работа
Лимерики и небылицы:
отличия и сходства
Автор: Тихомирова Арина
ученица 7 «Б» класса
Руководитель: Цыцаркина Наталья Сергеевна
учитель английского языка
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"Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 10"
Конференция «Я- исследователь, я открываю мир»
Исследовательская работа
Лимерики и небылицы:
отличия и сходства
Автор: Тихомирова Арина
ученица 7 «Б» класса
Руководитель: Цыцаркина Наталья Сергеевна
учитель английского языка
г. Печора
Theoretical part
2.1 Russian nonsense poems 2.2 Forms of Russian nonsense works 2.3 Writing nonsense poems 2.4 Filming nonsense works
3.1 Comparison of limericks and Russian nonsense works
My work is dedicated Limerick, a special verse in English literature. I made an effort not only to study the characteristics of this literary genre, but also to find similarities with the Russian fables. Choosing a theme work predetermined attention being paid to the problem is currently studying a foreign language through literature and culture. It is known that language reflects the mindset of those for whom it is native.
Objective: - compare limericks and fiction;
is to prove that the stories - is the Russian version of the English limericks.
Objects: limericks and fiction.
Methods: - comparative analysis;
- Comparison.
Hypothesis: limericks and fiction alike.
1.1 The history of the emergence of Limerick.
The first version of the origin: there is an assumption that the word «Limerick» is derived from the Irish word «Laoi meidbreach» or «A merry lay», meaning "cheerful song," such merry songs sung in Irish pubs in the 18th century.
The second version of origin: It is believed that the name "limerick" comes from the refrain of songs performed by Irish soldiers, militiamen who served at the French King Louis XIV. At its soldiers parties, improvising, sang songs, each verse which ended with the refrain, repeated loud chorus - Will you come up to Limerick? (Or, according to another version, Will not you come up to Limerick?) («Would you come back to Limerick?"). Therefore, the English word "limerick" is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable - as well as the name of the city in Ireland, gave the name of this poetic form. Around the history of the origin of Limerick there are many legends and speculation. For example, one of the authors claims that is Aristophanes (V-IV century. BC. E.) Used limericks in his plays; Other researchers have found limerick to describe a lion in the manuscript XIV c., in the British Museum. Limerick is in Shakespeare's plays (mostly these examples relate to episodes related in one way or another with the work of folk songs, such as the song is mad Ophelia in "Hamlet") and Ben Jonson [Baring-Gould 1969].
The most common and most often cited is the theory of the origin of Limerick as a genre, owned by Langford Reed, who not only collected and published limericks, but he wrote them. It is according to this theory limericks were sung, not recited, and this was an improvisation; their content was different, do not change only the refrain, chorus executable.
However, according to another theory, it is believed that the word comes from the name LIMERICK most famous writer of English artist and poet, Edward Lear (1812-1888) (Lear + lyric - ie Lyrics) [2].
Lear limericks - a funny story about the deliberate actions of a very extravagant lyrical heroes and heroines who have certain residence. Characters in his songs and poems were a natural extension of a string of characters chudokovatyh national English folklore. And it is to learn about the life of the poet, met with serious contradictions in life. Man in all respects Unfortunately (because reading his biography, we are constantly confronted with the words "loneliness", "tragedy", "exile"), how could write such a funny poem? Definitely not therefore sunnier!
Thus, a limerick is a genre of literary creation, based on the NCCA plays nonsense, which appeared in the 18th century in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and became popular( all over the world today.(1)
1.2 Biography of Edward Lear
" Father limerick "called the famous English poet, the king of English poetry nonsense (nonsense verse) by Edward Lear (Edward Lear, 1812 - 1888), published a collection of his own limericks (1846), which was called" Nonsense »(« Book of Nonsense »). Lear 212 wrote limericks, most of which were funny, absurd. while the books are usually accompanied by the same absurd illustrations. In essence Lear was a painter by profession, but later he became a poet. And he did not call his humorous poem "Limerick". The word "Limerick" first appeared in print in 1892, after the death of the poet.
Edward Lear was born May 12, 1812, the son of a London stockbroker Jeremiah Lear. He was the 20th child in a family.
About his personal life history is silent, but it can be assumed that Lear was one of those to whom success with women comes too late.
live in a wet climate, and Lear was forced to leave England. With nineteen years, he traveled the world, only occasionally and briefly going home. London - Amsterdam - Bern - Berlin - Dublin - Brussels - Luxembourg - Berlin (Lear, by the way, for some reason could not stand the Germans (as Gogol), and after 1837-the first in Germany did not show up) - Switzerland - Rome - North Italy - Florence - London - Scotland - Rome - Malta - Corfu - Athens - Constantinople - Greece - Albania - Malta - Cairo - Malta - Greece - London - Egypt - Corfu - Bethlehem - Jerusalem - London - Rome - London - Rome - Corfu - London - Corfu - London - Corfu - Crete - Nice - London - Venice - Malta - London - Egypt - Gaza - Jerusalem - London - Ravenna - Cannes - Corsica - London - Cannes - Paris - London - Cannes - San Remo - London - Egypt - Bombay - Ceylon - London - Corfu - Switzerland - London - Switzerland - San Remo - here is a list of his movements around the world, without taking into account the small towns and long hikes. It turns out that Lear, at least, never been detained for more than a year. It drove from place to place homesickness, as corny as it may sound.
Few who accompanied him more than one trip. Basically he was traveling alone. Few friends, companions and casual companions disappeared from his life, one after another; roads diverged in different directions, and from his friends were only letters. Portraits of dead friends, hanging in the living room of his villa, he took out of the framework and outweighed into his bedroom. On the walls of the living room was full of empty frames. The only one who spent close to Lear ten years, accompanying him everywhere and supporting him in all things, was Foss. Lear experienced his cat only two months. He was seventy-six. He was survived by his cat for 2 months.
This is what is called a "die in one day."( 7)
1.3 limerick form
Limerick - a funny short poem consisting of five lines. In addition, the hallmark of a limerick is it the same shape. The first line rhymes with the second, the third - the fourth and the first and second to fifth. The third and fourth lines are usually shorter than the others (especially in the earlier works). As the last line is a kind of conclusion, it may be similar to the first line, and may be terminated by the same word. Limerick usually begins with the words "There was a ...".
Limericks translated and translated into many languages. Limericks made excellent translations Marshak, the best interpreter of English nonsense in our country. Widely known translations limericks, made in, Orlov, S. satin About Astafieva, M. Redkina and other authors. The secret of translation is to keep rhyme, verse limerick size, as well as not to lose his humorous character. Translators often have to change the "geography" of Limerick and the proper names of heroes to save the poetic form and the pun works. (Приложение 1)
1.4 WRITERS Limerick
Langford Reed-founder of the genre, collecting folk art, published limericks and he wrote them.
Many English poets and writers "dabbled" composing limericks (eg, Swinburne, Kipling) atakzhe: English poet Wendy Cope, English writer Lewis Carroll
From Russian (poets ironists): Anatoly Belkin, Irten'ev Igor, Sergei Satin, Sergei Shorgin Olga Aref'eva etc..(Приложение 2)
For example, Rudyard Kipling wrote a limerick about the kid from Quebec, who was once covered with snow. Quebec - a province in Canada, where there are severe frosts. It is clear that even if the "podvorachivaetsja" successful rhyme, you can not move events in Burundi and Tobago. Does not work with Quebec, then let events take place in Antarctica, the North Pole, in Siberia ... By the way, the translator of the geography of Limerick preserved, kept frost and snow, but the neck is "turned" in the eyelids. Different English vernacular can be expressed by any Russian is not very literate catchwords. Translator did not find such catchphrases, but the verb moo says that the hero is not very separate question.
Сильным снегом мальчишку в Квебеке
Завалило по самые веки.
С отмороженным носом
Он мычал, что морозы
Переносит легко он в Квебеке.
Of the children do not remember the famous poem by Lewis Carroll translated by Samuil Marshak:
«Варкалось. Хливкиешорьки
Пырялись по наве,
И хрюкотализелюки,
Как мюмзики в мове. ...» (3)
It is considered the greatest chepushinkoy ever written in the English language. Many words in the poem - invented, or, if you will, designed by Carroll. Even the word «Jabberwocky» means gibberish language.
1.5 Subject modern limericks
Modern limericks cover various spheres of life. However, in contrast to the classical, they lost their extravagance unusual. (Приложение 3)
1.6 How to write a limerick
Limerick consists of only 5 lines. The first, second, fifth line - trehstopnye, third and fourth - dvustopnye. Plot limerick is constructed in two ways.
Option 1.
1 line - who and where (gender and age of the terrain)
2 line - what? (has the quality)
3-4 line - which manifests itself as
5 line - that is the reaction of people
...Жила-была дама приятная,
На вид совершенно квадратная.
Кто бы с ней ни встречался,
От души восхищался:
«До чего ж эта дама приятная!»
Option 2.
1 line - Who and where? (gender, age of the terrain)
2 line - What to do? (commits an act)
3 - 4 lines - What was the result? (Which leads to consequences)
5 line - the response to this act. Moreover, as the end of the last line repeats the first end.
Один старичок на Багамах
Валялся в лиловых пижамах.
Он ел свое манго
Под музыку танго -
Счастливый старик на Багамах!
2.1 Russian fiction.
Russia was a special kind of fairy tales - tales. They incredible intertwined unrelated and unprecedented events and characters. Why call them fables. While in the old days they were other names. One of the most common, "skomoroshina" says the authorship of fables. They came up and told clowns for fun people and his master. In addition to these titles were in tall tales and others, and all the speakers. Pogudkami called them for what they are performed under the beeps - three-jet tools. A "skoklivymi" The song is called fiction for jumping and antics that made clowns during the performance.
In fiction usually describes events specific to a particular locality. But they reversed, distorted and confused. They are often found exaggerated representation of ordinary events. For example, some stories talk about tradition Pomors fish feast. One of them is described by an unusually huge pike, whose "buttocks naedalise" all feasted.
For Russian fables characterized parody features. For example, in the "tales about ice floe" battle described as kitchen brawl. Parody serves not only the individual elements of fairy tales. Buffoons parodied the whole epic, giving them upside down, antiworld.
Stories can act as independent literary works, but more often they play the role of entry to this the epics. His fascinating language, quickly and unpredictably changing events pogudki captivate the listener is prepared for the upcoming fairy tale. (5)
2.2 Form of Russian fairy tales varied:
- Verse (Marshak "scattered in the street Basseyannoy") (4)
- The story (The Adventures of Baron Munchausen)
2.3 Writing fiction (instructions)
1. Look at the world around us and choose some event as a theme. This may be the case, the daily ritual act, boring routine or way of doing something, bored flaw, a flaw in the society or the individual as a human being.
2. Select the main character (a famous fairytale character, animal, nonexistent animal), or leave themselves in this role. For example, Ivan Toporyshkin, the crocodile-headed rooster, etc.
3. Modify the accepted basis for the event or phenomenon. To do this, you can use the techniques of deliberate distortion of reality, full of turncoats, reductio ad absurdum, violations of word meaning.
4. rhymes fiction. The rhythm and rhyme comes to mind easily "fantastic story" nonsense, similar in sound but in the sense of the absurd. And this is exactly what you need. But you can come up with stories and prose.
5. Develop a fiction story. This may be the conversion of the main character, an unexpected performance of his desires, time travel, or fairy tales.
6. Make the ending stories, some of the output to think of situations can be moral, as in the fable.
2.4 A screen adaptation of tales (kak-68278-kak-sochinit-nebylicu)
Fiction characteristic of the folklore, but also found in literature (primarily based on folk stories). Examples include:
• Adventures of Baron Munchausen in the presentation of Erich Raspe
• adventure heroes of the novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel"
• Pomeranian tale of Boris and Stepan Shergina Pisahova
• poem Korney Chukovskiy "Confusion"
• «Laughter and Grief by the White Sea" (1988) - Soviet cartoon tales and fables Shergina Boris and Stepan Pisahova
• A series of cartoons directed by Robert Sahakyants:
o 1982 - "Who will tell a fable?"
o 1983 - "Wow, a talking fish!"
o 1984 - "In the blue sea, white foam ..."
o 1985 - "Look at that, Pancake!"
3.1 Features of the structure and meaning.
Лимерики. | Русские небылицы. |
1) Limerick all starts with the location and character, and only then is an indication that outlandish or unusual happened to the hero. | 1) Many stories begin with a reference to a miracle, and then follows a list of naughty and strange deviations from generally accepted norms and existing |
2) Limericks: AABB - that is the first line rhymes with the second and fifth, and third rhymes with the fourth | 2) Do not have a clear picture of rhyme, although often you will notice the following: AABB CC - the first with the second, and the third with the fourth, fifth sixth. |
3) Limerick is only possible in the poetic form | 3) Fiction is not only poems but also stories |
4) Usually accompanied by illustrations | 4) Usually accompanied by illustrations |
5) exposed to film adaptation | 5) exposed to film adaptation |
6)in Limerick five lines necessarily. | 6) In fiction, any number of lines. |
7) Ability to see the absurdity of life and smiles at him. | 7) Ability to see the absurdity of life and smiles at him. |
Мисс Джуди оставили с носом, | Ехала деревня мимо мужика, Вдруг из-под собаки лают ворота. Выскочила палка с бабою в руке И давай дубасить коня на мужике. Лошадь ела сало, а мужик овес, Лошадь села в сани, а мужик повез. |
Practical Part
Небылицы собственного сочинения:
Её большой подругой считалась стрекоза.
Однажды на прогулке застала их гроза
От страха округлились у тех подруг глаза.
Решили переждать под деревом грозу
Увидели на дереве босую осу.
Оса сидела в шляпе, жевала мармелад
Готовила к собранию научный свой доклад.
Лиса по городу бродила.
Тут увидела козу
Вместе с ней и стрекозу.
Те под деревом сидели
Мармеладки тихо ели.
Подошли они к лисе
Рассказали о весне.
Тут к ним заяц подлетает
На оранжевой метле.
Валентинки им вручает.
С новым годом поздравляет.
Забирает мармелад,
И вручает им доклад.
In London lived a brave man.
It is true, his name is Stan.
He liked to drink tea with his dog.
They drink tea at 5 oclock.
It is true, his dog sang songs.
Однажды рано поутру, я потерял свою трубу.
Я искал её весь день, но вот на двор упала тень.
А на меня напала лень.
И тут стучится пациент, а я вдруг вспомнил, что я врач.
А не какой-то там трубач.
After spending this study, it was shown several structural features and values, as limericks and Russian fairy tales. The main similarity between Limerick and Russian fables remains: The ability to see the absurdity of life and smiles at him.
This study has helped me to meet many famous writers and writer such as: Langford Reed VendiKoup, Anatoly Belkin, Irten'ev Igor, Sergei Satin, Sergei Shorgin Olga Aref'eva.
I also learned a lot about the life and work of Edward Lear. Here is a small excerpt from his curriculum vitae:
"Father limerick" referred to the famous English poet, the king of English poetry nonsense (nonsenseverse) by Edward Lear (EdwardLear, 1812 - 1888), published a collection of his own limericks (1846), which was called "Nonsense» («BookofNonsense»).
In the course of my research were written limericks and fiction. In writing there were some difficulties, because the first time I dabbled in writing limericks and fables. You can immediately tell that the compilation of limericks and stories differ only in that they have a different form of construction. When writing limericks you should stick to the size of 5 lines, and when writing fables number of lines does not have a specific size.
A list of literature
//Логический анализ языка. Концептуальные поля игры. - М.: Индрик, 2006, с. 327-335
Application 1
There was a young lady of Niger, Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger!
Перевод, близкий к оригиналу (автор неизвестен):
В Нигерии девушка гибкая
На тигре каталась с улыбкою.
Однажды катались они до зари,
И девушка вдруг оказалась внутри.
А тигроваморда светилась улыбкою.
Перевод С. Я Маршака:
Улыбались три смелых девицы
На спине у бенгальской тигрицы.
Теперь же все три -У тигрицы внутри,
А улыбка - на морде тигрицы.
Улыбаясь, три смелые леди
Разъезжали верхом на медведе.
Вернулись все три
У медведя внутри,
А улыбка - на морде медведя.
Application 2
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| |
Application 3
Basketball limerick
A basket ball player with bounce
Said, “All my opponents I'll trounce.”
But thanks to a gale
He fell on his tail,
And off in a huff he'd to flounce!
Pumpkin Pie limerick
For a piece of my mom's pumpkin pie
There are kids who would offer to die.,
The aroma alone
Gets right to the bone
And to ask for some more they're not shy!
Rose limerick
A rosebud is Queen of the flowers;
We watch her for hours and hours,
And sometimes I think
She replies with a wink
From the depth of her petal-filled bowers.
An Oak Tree limerick
An oak tree is solid and strong;
Its life span's three hundred years long.
From acorn at birth
To thirty foot girth
Now surely that's well-worth a song!
Thanksgiving Cornucopia limerick
A cornucopia of horn,
Of flowers, of fruit, and of corn,
Delighting the eye,
It gives reason why
You give thanks for the day you were born.
Application 4
Небылицы в стихах
Небылица в лицах, небывальщина,
Да небывальщина, да неслыхальщина.
Старину вам спою да стародавнюю,
Стародавнюю да самую небывалую:
Во хлеву курица ягнилася,
На повети овца гнездо свила.
И гнездо свила на сосне свинья,
На сосне свинья деток вывела;
Деток малых, деточек да поросяточек,
По сучкам они висят да полететь хотят.
Это все, братцы, не чудо, я чуднее скажу:
На ели корова белку лаяла,
Белку лаяла, глаза уставила.
По поднебесьюшку сер медведь летит.
Он ушками, лапками помахивал,
Он черным хвостом да принаправливал.
Это все, братцы, не чудо, я чуднее скажу:
По чистому полю корабль бежит,
Во синем море овин горит.
Именинный пирог
Рождественский венок
Как представляли себе будущее в далеком 1960-м году
Чайковский П.И. "Детский альбом"