Презентация к исследованию на английском языке "Тайны Стоунхенджа: теории создания и версии предназначения" привлечет внимание учителей и учеников своим интересным и довольно объемным материалом по теме. Презентацию можно использовать на уроках английского языка, на кружках и факультативах по предмету. Показана история создания и версии предназначения этого исторического памятника.
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Работу выполнил : ученик 6 класса Арсений Девятилов Руководитель: Мартынова Наталья Николаевна Управление образования администрации Новосибирского района Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение – Плотниковская Средняя общеобразовательная школа №111 Новосибирского района Новосибирской области Научно - практическая конференция средних школьников «Я – исследователь » Секция «Иностранные языки» Research work in English «Stonehenge`s mysteries: theories of foundation and versions of destination ».Слайд 2
EPIGRAPH Three thousand years before Christ was a child, England was beautiful, young and wild. There were people, forests and rivers there, And the magic stones hung in the air.
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Problem question: Stonehenge should be regarded not as an individually existing object but in the complex with the other monuments of ancient culture.
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The aim of the research: to study possible theories of foundation and destination of Stonehenge.
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Tasks to be done: 1.To study literature on the theme . 2. To give an idea of Stonehenge: it`s origin, outer appearance, periods of construction. 3. To discover versions of destination of Stonehenge. 4. To make a survey on the subject of pupils` knowledge of Stonehenge among 5-10 formers. 5. To make the table of Stonehenge`s construction and the table of hypotheses of Stonehenge`s destination. 6. To make a conclusion on the topic.
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Hypothesis Stonehenge as an observatory is considered to be the world astronomical center of ancient civilizations.
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Stonehenge The object: Stonehenge The subject: theories of foundation and versions of destination
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The methods used * Analysis * Comparison * Reading of the press *Illustrative method * Method of evaluation * Some social surveys of the pupils` attitude to one of the oldest and the most famous monuments in the world *Classification * Generalization of the information.
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1.What is Stonehenge? 8 –knew. 52-didn`t know. 2.Where`s Stonehenge located? 6- knew. 54- didn`t know . 3.What do you know about Stonehenge`s foundation? 3- knew . 57- didn`t know . 4.When was it built? 2- knew. 58- didn`t know Results of the Survey
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Results of the Survey 5.What do you know about Stonehenge`s destination? 3- knew . 5 7- didn`t know . 6.Would you like to learn more about Stonehenge and in what way ? а ) they would like to be told , б )they would like to visit it.
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The Result of the Survey According to the survey you can make the conclusion 15 % of people have some kind of imagination what Stonehenge is. The rest of the people 85% would like to learn about this mysterious place of interest .
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The map of Stonehenge`s location Mysterious Stonehenge is located in the southern part of England on Salisbury Plain.
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Stones brought for the construction of Stonehenge . dolerite , rhyolite , tuff and volcanic and calcareous ash Heel Stone `
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Chronological table of Stonehenge`s construction Time of construction Who built Before the first flooding Giants Architectural monument built in 3 stages Between 3.500 and 1.100 BC. Ancient people, farmers from the continent Monument built 3.100 B.C. Tribes living in the British Isles Since 2.665 Christ birth Builders moved on to a new project 500 years of a long interval About 2.100 B . C. the Greeks Etruscans arias After 2 . 000 B.C. Bickers Later 300 years Lovers of travelling, druids( celtic priests) Interval of 400 years Between 1 . 900 and 1 . 600 B.C. Great magician Merlin Before the Romans coming British and Hyperboreas - one nation 16 - 17 centuries farmers At the end of 1994 (professor of Welsh University David Bone determined using the newest method) The age of Stonehenge is 140, 000 years old
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Years of Stonehenge`s Restoration Beginning of 19 End of 19 Stonehenge has been restored several times : at the beginning of the 19-th century, at the end of the 19-th century, in 1911, in 2004. 1911 2004
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Stonehenge`s description 1 = T he Altar stone, six ton monolith green Sandstone from Wales 2-3 = T he mounds without graves 4 = Slaughter Stone 5 = Heel Stone 6 = T wo of the original four vertically standing stones 7 = D itch 8 = The I nner shaft 9 = The outer shaft 10 = Avenue that is , a pair of parallel ditches and ramparts 11 = T he ring 30 holes female pits 12 = T he ring 30 holes male pits 13 = The circle of 56 holes known as Aubrey Holes 14 = Small South Entrance
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In 1740 William Stukeley (1 8 th century ) tried to prove that sun rising on the Day of summer solstice took place in this point coming along the Avenue through the Heel Stone on 22 June every year .
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Some scientists considered Stonehenge Boudicca`s tomb (the British queen). She lost the battle against Romans and took poison after unlucky revolt .
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The chapel was built in 19-15-s centuries B.C. before Roman invaders came. Julius Caesar`s saying is the proof to that. He wrote that this ancient and beautiful building was the ruins of the druids chapel - the city of the Dead.
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Versions of Stonehenge`s destination 1. The place of ritual ceremonies and sacrificial burials. 2.Some scientists considered it the Sun temple 3. The symbol of power of the prehistoric priests . 4. The city of the Dead . 5 . Unfinished NPP . 6. Astronomical observatory of ancient scientists . 7 . The aim of Stonehenge was to watch the Sun and the Moon.
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succeeded in proving that Stonehenge was the biggest observatory of ancient civilizations. People could determine solar and lunar eclipses days of winter and summer solstice. On 12 June he came to Salisbury. He wanted to take pictures of the Sun rising and to prove his theory. But usually on 22 June large crowds of the druids` fans gathered here. Gerald Hawkins the English professor and astronomer
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He knew from preliminary calculations that on 12 June the Sun would rise exactly the same diameter disk on the distance to the East of the Heel Stone . 22 June. At 6:30 in the morning everything was proved and taken the picture with the camera.
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What is Stonehenge built for? 22 June. The Day of summer solstice Druids and their fans gathered together… This is a tourists`centre and a museum in Stonehenge.
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Stonehenge from above
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Conclusion There`s no scientifically proved theory of Stonehenge`s destination nowadays . Perhaps the construction combined three versions of destination in it: the religious temple , the place of ritual ceremonies and burials , the observatory .
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BALLAD Three thousand years before Christ was a child, England was beautiful, young and wild. There were people, forests and rivers there, And the magic stones hung in the air. The people who brought them were strong and brave, And under these stones they found their graves. Where did they come from? Where did they go? Who were these people? We'll never know. Was it a temple? An ancient god's house? Was it a compass for friends from the stars? They built it five thousand years ago, But why did they do it? We'll never know. Now those days are gone and the people are gone, But the midsummer sunrise still shines on the stone. And the midwinter sunset still comes with the rain, And Stonehenge greets them on Salisbury Plain.
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3000 лет до рождения Христа Англия была красива, дика и юна. Там реки текли, леса росли, и разные люди там жили. А в воздухе волшебные камни парили. Люди, принёсшие их , сильны и отважны были, И под этими камнями спрятаны их могилы. Откуда пришли они и исчезли куда? Нам уже, увы, не узнать никогда. Был ли то храм или господа дом? А, может, путь, освещенный огнем? И был он построен 5000 лет назад Нам уже, увы, никогда не узнать. Но дни те прошли, и люди ушли. А камни безмолвные все те же стоят. И люди на Солсбери встречают рассвет и провожают закат И все также тихо молчат.
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Bibliography 1. Ефремов Ю.И. Над бездной веков и культур, «Природа», 1973г., № 8. 2. К.И. Кауфман , М.Ю. Кауфман учебник 6 класса » Happy English . ru » «Баллада о Стоунхендже», издательство «Титул», г. Обнинск, 2013г. 3. Дж. Хокинс, Дж. Уайт, Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа, М., «Мир», 1973. 4. http :// www . okidoki . com / en / rw / index . htm 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File : Stonehenge_plan.jpg 6. »Литературная газета» от 12 декабря 1973 года, № 50 7 Appendix № 1 « The ballade of Stonehenge» 8. Appendix № 2 The translation of the ballad 9. http://www.write4kids.com 10. http://www.worldkids.net/katw/ katw.htm
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