Народный праздник "Иван Купала" на аглийском языке
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Ivana KupalaСлайд 3
The aim : to tell about a Christian celebration « The night of Ivan Kupala »
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Ivan Kupala (Ivanov day, Kupalsky night) — the national holiday of east Slavs devoted to a summer solstice and the highest blossoming of the nature and celebrated in the night of June 23 (on July 6) for June 24 (on July 7).
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Ivanov day has an ancient tradition of celebration practically across all Europe. It is noted in many parts of Europe under the close national name — in Russia, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine. In many countries — a national and church holiday.
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Initially the holiday was connected with a summer solstice. With adoption of Christianity birthday of John the Baptist was dated for this day. Its national name in the different countries is connected with it. In new style date of birth of John the Baptist later, falls on July 7 as the Russian Orthodox Church lives on old style. In Russia the holiday lost astronomical compliance to a solstice. Strict compliance of astronomy isn't present and in other countries: Sweden, Finland, etc.
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Traditions are burn down fires and jump through them, drive round dances, spin wreaths, collect herbs. The holiday begins the night before
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In fiction "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" — Nikolay Vasilyevich's story of Gogol from the cycle "Evenings on the Farm Near Dykanka". The holiday subject Ivan Kupala takes a special place in Sergey Yesenin's creativity. Its poem "Behind the river is devoted to this holiday fires", written in style of a national kupalsky song, with a refrain "oh burn, bathed, oh, bathed" and the repeating last line of a couplet. With Ivanov it is connected in the afternoon as well Yesenin's poem "The mother on the wood went to a kupalnitsa" which action happens just in Kupalsky night (Agrafena Kupalnitsa — Ivanov's eve of day).
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Sayings and signs "Kolya to Ivan millet in a spoon, will be and in a spoon" (south.). "On Ivan put жито it has to vykolositsya, but not come into ear". "Ivanov came day, a grass to collect went". "On Ivan Kupala there are svetlyak". "In Kupalsky night it is impossible to sleep — any evil spirits come to life and prokazit". "First mowing. Come to a kosovitsa" (south.).
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Thank you for attention!
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Использованы интернет сайты ru.wikipedia.org › Иван Купала shuberka.ru › Новости › Праздники › Праздник Ивана Купала prikolnovosti.com›tag/ ivan /
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