Главной причиной исчезновения большинства видов животных является разрушение человеком природной среды их обитания в результате хозяйственной деятельности (соружение водохранилищ, осушение болот, вырубка лесов, строительство дорог и т.д.). Ещё одной причиной является охота, а точнее браконьерство. Прибыль от продажи красивого меха или мяса ставит под угрозу исчезновения многих животных.
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Lunina Svetlana Grevy's zebraСлайд 2
Description The Grevy’s zebra has long heads and necks. The Grevy’s zebra is the tallest of all zebra’s species and also differs from the other species. These zebras weigh 350–450 kg .
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Grevy’s Zebra Diet The Grevy’s zebra are herbivores and mostly consume grasses, however, they will also eat fruit, bark and leaves. Also , Grevy’s zebras need less water than other zebras.
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Grevy’s Zebra Senses Grevy’s zebras have a very good eyesight during the day and night. They have binocular eyesight in the front and can probably see in colour . Grevy’s zebra also have an excellent hearing that can detect sounds in the far away distance. They also have a very keen sense of taste and can detect little changes in the quality of their food.
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Grevy’s zebra is in danger. Grevy’s zebra is on the Red List of disappearing animals because of hunting for its skin, which has a high price on the world market.
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