С чего начинается Родина? Каждый человек ответит на этот вопрос по-своему. В проекте, который выполнен в форме презентации, вы сможете найти не только ответ на английском языке на этот вопрос, но и полезную информацию о достопримечательностях Тулы.
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Слайд 1
The project “My Motherland begins with…” is made by Ivan Kucherov 7 b form school № 60 by name of the Hero of the Soviet Union A.N. Sinitsin . Teacher: Sitnikova E.V. Tula 201 5Слайд 2
Mother+land =Motherland For me my Motherland begins with my native town. It is a place where I was born, a place where I live with my relatives and friends. My Motherland is Tula. I think it’s very important to understand what is Motherland for you. We should know our customs and traditions.
Слайд 3
Tula is an old Russian city. It is connected with the history of the whole Russia. There are a lot of fantastic places in Tula. For example, The Tula Kremlin. It was built in 1509-1520. To my mind, The Kremlin is the heart of my Motherland.
Слайд 4
The Kremlin in its form is a rectangle with the perimeter of one kilometer and occupies an area of 600 square meters. The territory is very clean. I like to go for a walk with my sister, my mother and my father. Best of all I like a new bell tower with a big clock
Слайд 5
My Motherland is a land of patriots In 1976 Tula was conferred upon the honorary title of Hero-City. In 1941 the people of the city rose to the defense of Tula together with the army units. Tula residents showed courage and devotion while Tula factories made tanks and small arms. Tula armourers did the best for the victory. My school was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union A.N. Sinitsin . He was the pilot of the military and air forces of the North See fleet. It’s great to be a part of the history and live in the city of heroes.
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