«Достопримечательности Лондона» (Трафальгарская площадь)
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Муниципальное Бюджетное учреждение
дополнительного образования «Игримский центр творчества»
Творческая работа по чтению
«Достопримечательности Лондона»
(Трафальгарская площадь)
ТО «Говорим по-английски»
Работу выполнила: Николаев Альберт
Педагог ДО: Шевченко Л.Г.
Trafalgar Square
In 1805 England defeated the allied French and Spanish fleets in a great naval battle at Trafalgar; this was a triumphant victory of the British nation over Napoleon. To commemorate the victory of Admiral Lord Nelson at Trafalgar, Trafalgar Square was constructed. The Nelson Column was erected in 1842 in commemoration of Admiral Nelson, who was killed in this battle.
The statue of Nelson on the top of the column was made by a well-known English sculptor Edward Bailey. Round the base there are four bronze carvings representing scenes from famous naval battles. In 1867 four great lions were placed at the foot of the Nelson Column.
On the north side of Trafalgar Square stands the National Gallery, one of the world`s leading art galleries, comprising extensive collections of various European schools of art. The square is popular with visitors who come to relax, watch pavement artists, or eat their lunch and feed the pigeons.
Like Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square is often referred to in the British press as a place where mass meetings and demonstrations are held, the traditional anti-war march among them.
the allied French and Spanish fleets объединенный франко-испанский флот
naval battle морская битва
in commemoration в ознаменование
to erect воздвигать
statue статуя
sculptor скульптор
carving барельеф
extensive collections обширная коллекция
pigeon голубь
anti-war march марш мира
Муниципальное Бюджетное учреждение
дополнительного образования «Игримский центр творчества»
Творческая работа по чтению
«Собор Свитого Павла»
ТО «Говорим по-английски»
Работу выполнила: Ершова Ксения
Педагог ДО: Шевченко Л.Г.
St. Paul`s Cathedral
In the West End of London one can see the famous St. Paul`s Cathedral, the masterpiece of the well-known English architect Christopher Wren. The old building of the Cathedral was sadly in need of repair and Christopher Wren was called on to carry out repairs and alterations, but he was prevented from doing this by the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London that destroyed the old cathedral.
Nearly eight years passed after the fire before the ruins of the old building were cleared away and the new work was begun. When Wren made a start, he picked out a stone from the heap of ruins and found on it a world in Latin which meant «I shall rise again». So he made that the first stone of the new Cathedral. That was on June 21, 1675.
It took him thirty-five years to build the Cathedral. All that time, while doing many other things besides, he labored at this – his greatest work. He was very poorly paid. He didn`t always get his wages. But in spite of these difficulties all was splendidly finished.
The Whispering Gallery which is over 100 feet above the foot of the Cathedral is remarkable for its acoustics. A person standing at the entrance of the Gallery can hear clearly what is said on the opposite side, 107 feet away. Beneath the centre of the dome is the tomb of Lord Nelson killed at the battle of Trafalgar.
Sir Christopher Wren, the great architect of St.Paul`s, died in 1723, aged 91, and was buried in the building which his genius and toil had created.
masterpiece шедевр
architect архитектор
to carry out repairs производитель ремонт, ремонтировать
alteration переделка, изменение
to prevent from предотвращать
wages зд.: плата
remarkable значительный, выдающийся
dome собор
tomb надгробие, могила
toil труд
to create создавать
Write an outline of the text.
Act as a guide of a bus tour around London with a stop at St. Paul`s Cathedral; use the outline as a prompt and any additional source of information you choose.
Read the text and make up a list of historical associations connected with Westminster Abbey.
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