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Topic : « Lake Baikal » Made by Elizabeth Tsehovich 6A form School 180 St- Petersburg 2015 English teacher Lesakova E.N.Слайд 2
New words Resident- житель Reservoir - резервуар, бассейн Origin - происхождение, источник Unique - уникальный Flow out- вытекать To imprison- заключать в тюрьму To contain- содержать
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Lake Baikal, Russia Lake Baikal is located in southern Siberia of Russia . Local residents and many people in Russia traditionally call Baikal a sea , not a lake. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake on the planet, the largest natural reservoir of fresh water.
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Origin The age of the lake is 25-35 million years. Lake Baikal is an unique natural object.
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It’ interesting to know О nly one river , it is Angara , flows out Lake Baikal.
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A legend about Lake Baikal Lake Baikal had 336 sons-rivers and one daughter river Angara. Angara wanted to get married, and her father imprisoned her. She escaped and he threw a rock to stop her. The rock is still there - where the Angara River joins the lake.
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SOME Facts If all the water contained in Lake Baikal will be divided among all the citizens of Russia (141 927 297 people ), each will have about 166.4 thousand c ubic meters of water.
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Интернет ресурсы https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/% D0%91%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB
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