Данная проектная работа выполнена по учебнику "New Millenium English -10", под ред. О.Л. Гроза и др. Unit 7 "Animals".
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Interesting Facts About Cats Author: Akhmadeeva Galina, School № 2, Class 10AСлайд 2
CATS Cat or house cat - a pet, one of the most popular (along with a dog) ” companion animal ”. From the zoological point of view, the domestic cat - feline mammal of the order of prey. Previously, domestic cat is often regarded as separate species. From the stand point of modern biological systematics of domestic cat is a subspecies of forest cat . Being a single hunter of rodents and other small animals, a cat - a social animal, is used to communicate a wide range of audiosignals as well as pheromones and body movement.
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There are about 600 million domestic cats, derived some 200 breeds, from longhaired (Persian cat), to the deprivedwool (Sphynx), recognized and registered by various feline organizations. Over 10 000 years cats are valued by man, including the ability to hunt rodents and other household pests.
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SENSES According to many zoologists, among mammals senses are the most developed in cats. Although hearing is developed worse than, for example, in mice, superior (by human standards) sight, smell and hearing are combined with tactile and taste receptors . C ats are very sensitive animals.
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W HITE COLOR AND DEAFNESS Among the cats completely white color found cats with blue eyes. The reason lies in the presence of cats in the genotype of a dominant epistatic gene W. Such cat s with a probability of 40% are born deaf. This is because under the influence of a dominant gene epistatic color W for all white cats . Deafness may be in both ears (if the cat will be completely deaf) or can be unilateral (if the cat will hear). About 5% of all cats have a white color . Among all white cats deaf cats number increases to 40% if the cat has one eye blue, up to 65-85% if completely white cats are both blue eyes. Deaf cats normally live in the home, but in the feral population or on the street such animals rarely survive. As an amateur feline deafness is considered a vice, so the deaf cats are excluded from breeding programs.
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HABITAT Habitat of the cat as a pet is a human habitation . Depending on the conditions selected for her cat owner, cat can be divided into those who never leave home man, and those who have access outside the home. In northern latitudes, domestic cats like to sleep, soaking up the sun, and begin to feel uncomfortable when the temperature reaches the skin surface at 52 ° C. However, domestic cats are hardly endure the constant heat, but completely white cats and cats with white ears exposed to cancer in a greater degree than their darker counterparts. Cats feel good in a temperate climate, but not in all circumstances - tolerate bad fog, rain and snow. Most cats do not like swimming in water, except for some cat breeds and populations (eg, Van cats and Kuril Bobtail, Bengal cat). However, the muscular system cat makes it a good sw immer .
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