Материал предназначен для изучения учебного материала на уроках английского языка в 8 классе.
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Unit 1 Lesson 1 Holiday timeСлайд 2
Objectives Communication objectives. To talk about summer activities Educational objectives Develop awareness of teenager’s activities Skills development Listening for gist and for detail Expressing opinions about summer activities
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Vocabulary Active: do jigsaw puzzles, go camping, go on an activity holiday, sunbathe, go on roller coasters, go rollerskating, go scuba diving, graceful, lazy, ride a scooter, watch a show at a water park Structures: adverbs with –ly , contrasting good and well , use of fast
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Warm - up Where were you in summer? What did you see? Did you go to the river in summer? How did you spend your free time? What was the weather? Did you go to the camp? Did you make new friends? Did you go sunbathing? Did you go on excursion in summer? What was remarkable for you in summer?
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Ex. 1a Look at the pictures and match them with the activities the teenager are doing 1. ride a scooter 2. go rollerskating 3. do jigsaw puzzles 4. watch a show at a water park 5. go on activity holiday 6. sunbathe 7. go scuba diving 8. go on roller coasters 9. go camping b a c e d
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Ex. 1a Look at the pictures and match them with the activities the teenager are doing 1. ride a scooter 2. go rollerskating 3. do jigsaw puzzles 4. watch a show at a water park 5. go on activity holiday 6. sunbathe 7. go scuba diving 8. go on roller coasters 9. go camping f g h i
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Ex. 1a ANSWERS 1 E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 I 6 F 7 H 8 G 9 A
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Ex. 1b In pairs answer the questions 1. Have you ever done any of these activities? 2. Which of them are new to you? 3. Which of them would you like to try?
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Listening Ex. 2a Listen and tick what activities from Ex 1 the British teenagers did on holiday
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Ex. 2b Listen again and say what Rebecca and George liked or didn’t like about their holiday
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Ex. 2c Say what you liked or didn’t like about your summer holidays. Example: I liked having a lot of free time. I went camping last summer but I didn’t like it because of the mosquitoes.
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Language work. Ex.3a Read what Rebecca said and answer the questions I went on an activity holiday in England . Can you imagine someone ringing a bell loudly at seven in the morning to wake you up ? It was such a loud bell that we couldn’t fall asleep again…
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Questions 1) What was the bell like? 2)How did it ring? 3)Which word is used to describe how the bell rang? Is it an adjective or an adverb? 4)What is the difference in the form of the adverb and adjective?
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Ex.3b.Use the Grammar reference to answer these questions. 1)Do adverbs describe nouns or verbs? 2)How are adverbs usually formed? 3)Which adverbs have the same form as adjectives? 4)Which adverbs is completely different form adjectives? LOOK: Adjective+ly=adverb Slow-slowly Heavy-heavily Simple-simply
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Ex.3c.Look at the pictures in Ex.1a and answer the questions. 1)How is the dolphin jumping? 2)How is the girl sunbathing? 3)How is the boy running? 4)How far has the man dived in the sea?
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Answers. 1)Gracefully 2)Lazily 3)Fast 4)Deep
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Ex.3d.How do you do different activities? Choose a word from the box to answer your partner’s questions. Example: How do you usually do jigsaw puzzles?-Quickly. 1)How/do jigsaw puzzles? 2)How/play football/basketball/table tennis? 3)How/ride a bike? 4)How/shout when you win a match? 5)How/do things on holiday? 6)How/smile on the first day at school? Box Quickly, badly, slowly, fast, carefully, well, loudly, quietly, sadly, happily, lazily, gracefully
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Ex.3e.Play Guess Who Wrote It 1)Write two sentences on a slip of paper about your holiday and the activities you did last summer. 2)Fold your paper over and put it in the box. 3)Take a paper out the box, read it aloud and guess who wrote it. Example: Pupil A: I had a boring holiday. I had to work hard in the garden every day. Pupil B: It’s … Pupil B: I had an exciting holiday. I went scuba diving for the firs time and did it very well. Pupil C:…
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Writing Ex 4. Take part in the internet competition The best summer story. Write about: 1) where you went 2) what you did there 3) how you did things/activities 4) what was interesting 5) what was special
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Example. My first school trip. We went to the Yorkshire Dales last summer. It was one of those activity places where you get a certificate for climbing a mountain. Every night the teachers heard us play-fighting loudly in our room and we pretended to be asleep quietly when they came to shut us up.
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Home work Ex.4, p. 6 - write learn new words by heart. W.B.p.3 - write,read,translate
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Lesson 2. Teenagers and technologies.Слайд 2
OBJECTIVES Communications objectives: to discuss the advantages and disadvantages off using computer Educational objectives: Think critically about the influence of new technology Skills development: reading for gist and for detail.
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VOCABULARY Active: be addicted to, truant from school Collocations: to be addicted to, get a mark, truant from school, to spend money on.
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Warm – up Ex.1a. Write a list of 3-4 important inventions of the last 100 years.
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Ex.1b. In pairs compare your lists and choose the most important invention. Explain your choice . What invention do you use most often ? Why?
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Reading. Ex.2a.Look at the pictures and say what the teenagers are doing.
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Ex.2b. Read the texts and match them with the titles. There is one extra title. 1)Modern technologies and changing lifestyles . 2)Possibilities and dangers of the internet. 3)Technologies help teenagers to study at school. 4)Computers make people dependent on them.
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Ex.2c. Read the texts once again and answer the questions . 1)What popular inventions of the 20 th century are mentioned in the text? 2)How is the lifestyle of teenagers changing with the development of modern technologies? 3)Is it true that many teenagers spend too much time playing computer games? Explain your answer. 4)What may playing computer games result in? 5)What are the pluses and minuses of using the internet?
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Vocabulary. Ex.3a.Read Text B again and answer the questions alongside the text. 1) What does the phrase be addicted to mean? A) love playing video games very much. B) cannot stop doing something 2) What does truant from school mean? A) оставаться в школе в) сбегать из школы. 3) Which is a verb and which is an adjective? A) truant. B) addicted.
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Ex.3b. Match the words from the column A to the words from the column B to make possible expressions. More than one expression is possible with some words. A:become, do, find, get, play, send, use, watch; B:a DVD, a message, a movie, a victim, addicts, an integral part, homework, information, projects, services, telephone, video games.
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Speaking Ex.4.a What are the advantages and disadvantages of using computers?
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Ex.4b Add more ideas to the groups. You may use the ideas from the texts(Ex.2b.)
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Ex.4c. Read the newspaper headline,discuss the situation and make a group decision The parents’ meeting has decided to limit the time for their children to use computers. Follow the steps:1)sit in groups and appoint a chairperson. 2)Take a couple of minutes to think the situation over. 3)Take turns to express your opinions about this parents’ meeting decision: agree or disagree.Give your reasons. 4)Vote for against this and report the results to the class. Language support. 1)I agree that… 2)I don’t agree that… 3)I agree but… 4)It’s true,but… 5)You’re absolutely right. 6)I don’t think the’re right.
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Lesson 5-6 What is it like being a teenager?Слайд 2
Objectives Communication objectives: to talk about teenager’s interests and problems Educational objectives: learn more about British teenagers’ interests and problems Skill development: reading, expressing opinions, writing Structures: articles: a, the and zero-article
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Warm – up Ex.1a In small groups discuss these questions and sum up your discussion for the class. 1. What common problems worry you and your friends? 2. Which of them do you consider the most and the least important?
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Reading Ex. 2a Read and match the headings and the paragraphs. 1 Body image. 2 School. 3 Mobile phones. 4 School uniform. 5 Bullies. 6 Free time. 7 Clothes and looks. Glossary race - cf Russian раса intelligence - ум essential - необходимый For Your Info GSCE - General Certificate of Secondary Education, a school examination which is taken all over Britain by students aged 16
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Reading Ex. 2a Read and match the headings and the paragraphs. 1 Body image. E 2 School. A 3 Mobile phones. F 4 School uniform. B 5 Bullies. C 6 Free time. G 7 Clothes and looks. D Glossary race - cf Russian раса intelligence - ум essential - необходимый For Your Info GSCE - General Certificate of Secondary Education, a school examination which is taken all over Britain by students aged 16
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Ex. 2b Read the texts and complete the table about British teenagers. British teenagers Your class School Time spent at school Number of school subjects 5-10 Time spent on homework every week Reasons for bullying at school Attitude to a school uniform Clothes Attitude to designer labels Reasons for wearing smart clothes Teenagers judge you by your clothes The coolest labels Technology The role of a mobile for a teenager Looks Feeling about looks Attitude to diets Free time The most popular activity Other popular activities
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Vocabulary Ex. 3a Fill in the gaps with the words from the box 1 … homework 2 … wearing / not wearing 3 … their behaviour 4 … designer 5 … the clothes 6 … your weight 7 … a diet? 8 Money … ? 9 … at the weekend About Of On Out By Between Because of
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Answers 1 on homework 2 of wearing / not wearing 3 by their behaviour 4 between designer 5 because of the clothes 6 about your weight 7 on a diet? 8 Money on? 9 out at the weekend
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Ex. 3b In pairs answer the questions in Ex. 3a and say what you both in common. Example: We both spend two hours on homework every day
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Language work Ex.4a Answer the questions alongside the text in Ex. 2a. 1 Why is the define article used here? 2 Why is there no article before the words music and teenagers ? 3 Why is the indefinite article used here?
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Ex.4b Match the sentences with the phrases in box. 1 … homework 2 … exams 3 … trainers 4 … messages 5 … sports club 6 … guitar 7 … school uniform The underlined word: Refers to things in general Refers to a particular thing Is an uncountable noun Refers to any person/thing
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Ex. 4c Fill in the gaps in Ex. 4b with a , an , the or zero article
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Ex. 4d Complete the rules about the articles. 1 we use zero article 2 we use the 3 we use a/an
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Ex. 4e Find more examples in the text to illustrate the rules
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Writing Ex.5a In pairs complete the second part of the table in Ex. 2b
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Ex. 5b Compare your notes with the class and complete the table with the ideas you have learned from the others.
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Ex. 5c Compare the notes in the last two columns in Ex. 2b and answer the question. Do you think teenagers in different countries are the same or different? Give examples.
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Ex. 5d Use your notes and write a paragraph like in Ex. 2a on topic Clothes and looks
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Ex. 5e Help your partner to improve his/her text. Use the following guidelines: 1 Do you understand what he/she wrote? 2 Are there any spelling mistakes? 3 Are there any language mistakes? 4 Are there enough linking of any words in the text? 5 Can you think of any words that can express the ideas better?
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Homework Ex. 6, page 18. Page 171, learn new words lesson 5-6; W/b: page 8-9
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