В работе представлены факты о необычном доме, известным в мире как "Танцующий дом". дом построен в Праге. Многие туристы специально приезжают посмотреть на него
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Презентация По английскому языку Ученицы 6 «А» класса Моисеевой ТатьяныСлайд 2
Dancing House Dancing House - an office building in Prague, in the style of deconstruction, consists of two cylindrical towers: normal and destructive.
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Dancing House is an architectural metaphor of a dancing couple, jokingly called "Ginger and Fred" One of the two cylindrical portions, one that extends upward, symbolizes the male figure (Fred), and the second part of the building is visually reminiscent of a female figure with a thin waist and a flowing dance skirt (Ginger).
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history The house is located in Prague 2, at the corner of Resslovoy streets and the waterfront. The authors of the project - Croatian architect Vlado Milunic and Canadian architect Frank Gehry. Construction was carried out from 1994 to 1996. Construction of the house personally oversaw Vaclav Havel.
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