Представлены факты из истории появления экологической организации Greenpeace и ее деятельность.
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Жучкова Ульяна Герасимова Анастасия Ренжина Виктория ученицы 8 класса ГБОУ СОШ №1465 GreenpeaceСлайд 2
The Greenpeace was developed from a peace movement and anti-nuclear protests in Vancouver, British Columbia, in the late sixties and in the early seventies. Funds were necessary for starting Kamchatka's reasons.
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Someone had an idea to lift a rock concert. Subsequently, presence at a meeting was inflated, money started pouring in. By the end of October the group had earned more than 23,000 dollars.
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Next years the Greenpeace developed in one of the largest ecological organizations in the world. The Greenpeace is known for its direct actions and was described as the most visible ecological organization in the world.
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The Greenpeace lifted environmental protection problems to a fact of common knowledge and influenced both on private and public sector.
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In a continuity of the successful company to reach the Antarctic and ecological Protocol, in 2012 and protests of 2013 with "Save Arctic" banners, were begun.
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To stop drilling on oil and gas, industrial fishing and military operations in the Arctic region completely, "the global sanctuary in the high Arctic" was required from World leaders on the United Nations General Assembly: "We want that they adopted the resolution of the UN expressing the international concern on the Arctic". The resolution to protect very vulnerable wild nature and an ecosystem.
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30 Arctic activists were arrested in the Pechora Sea. Members of Greenpeace were originally accused of the Piracy then later lowered to hooliganism before being passed in the whole ambassador of adoption of law about amnesty of the Russian government.
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Старинная английская баллада “Greensleeves” («Зеленые рукава»)
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