После хорошо проведенного лета ребята с удовольствием делятся впечатлениями. Те, кому не удалось побывать в таких местах самим, могут сделать это виртуально.
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Слайд 1
Khabarova Sofiya Student 5 «А» School № 1465 Moscow , 2013. My summerСлайд 2
Tour around Moscow
Слайд 3
My relatives
Слайд 4
The summer holidays
Слайд 5
The camp
Слайд 6
The museum and p ark in Moscow
Слайд 7
Text In early June , we had bus sight-seeing tour around Moscow . We were on Poklonnaya Hill , on Red Square and in many other places . Then I went to Taganrog . There my grandmothers , grandfathers , sister , brother and other relatives live . I did sport , read books , watched TV , went to the beach and to the park . I and my family spent weekends in the country . In July I went to the camp . I met many new friends . We swam in the sea , played , put performances , did sport , drew . I did not want to go back from the camp . In August I returned to Moscow . I with my mother and Nastya Kamenskaya were in the museum of Moscow , exbidition « The historical costume XIX - XX ». It was very interesting . We were in the park-estate of Trubetskoy . There are a lot of trees , beautiful flowers . This place is very quiet and calm .
Крутильный маятник своими руками
Загадочная система из шести экзопланет
Сказки пластилинового ослика
Рисуем гуашью: "Кружка горячего какао у зимнего окна"