Творческая работа (исследовательского характера). Сравнение достопримечательностей Города, в котором мы живем и столицы страны, язык которой мы изучаем.
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Presentation « Remarkable sights of London and Moscow. Paddington and Kievsky train stations ». Author: Student of class 4 «А» School № 1465 Moscow Khabarova SofiaСлайд 2
History . Paddington station . London Paddington station — one of the biggest railway interchanges of Great Britain. It’s situated in the North-West part of London inside the district with the same name . Paddington’s activity as a train station started since 1838. But existing building was constructed later, in 1854. The first subway train on the Earth arrived to Paddington in 1863.
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History . Kievsky station Kievsky train station is one of the most attractive buildings in Moscow, it’s under the protection of the state . The first building of the station was constructed in 1899. Recent appearance of the station was created in 1914—1918. The first train departed from Kievsky on the 18 th of February 1918.
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Architecture . Paddington station . Paddington’s building author was one of the most interesting British architects Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The project of compass roof was elaborated by his colleague Digby Wyatt. Architectural aspect of the structure is the beautiful specimen of Victorian epoch . Glazed roof is 210 meters long .
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Architecture . Paddington station . The places of interest in the station: the statue of Brunel architect and the mechanical clock made in XIXth century. As well as the monument is dedicated to military railroadmen who died during World War I for their country.
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Architecture . Kievsky station . The building is a specimen of neoclassicism style. The team participated in designing included: sculptor Alyoshin, engineer Shoukhov and designer Regberg. The most attractive detail of station appearance is glazed compass roof, elaborated by Shoukhov. It’s really a huge structure: height 28 meters, width - 48, length - 321. The weight of the structure is 1250 metric tons.
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Architecture . Kievsky station . The building includes the tower with big mechanic clock. The sculptures of eagles were placed in honor of Russian-French war of 1812.
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Paddignton station today . Recently Paddington station includes 14 platforms . 2 separated platforms receive underground trains (Hammersmith-and-City line) . The platforms 6 and 7 are assigned for the trains from Hithrow airport. Paddington station is located close to 3 underground stations as well as Kievsky station. All subway stations are named “Paddington”.
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Kievsky station today . Monthly Kievsky station provides services to 600 thousand people on long-distance trains and 1 million on suburban lines . One platform is assigned for Vnukovo airport trains. Kievsky station is located close to 3 underground stations as well as Paddington station. All subway stations are named “Kievskaya”.
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Something interesting about Paddington station Paddington is mentioned in Agatha Christy’s novel « At 4.50 from Paddington ». Paddington station is a place where the story of small bear from Wild Peru started. Nowadays this bear is named Paddington. There’s a statue placed inside the station devoted to Paddington Bear. It holds the tablet: « Please , look after this bear . Thank you ».
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Something interesting about Kievsky station In March, 2011 the exceptional musical performance “Railroad opera” was provided on the platforms of Kievsky station. Regularly Kievsky station manages Christmas and New year shows for orphans and poor families .
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Finally.. . These two stations are the entrance gates for millions to the capitals of two great powers. Since the moment when the passenger steps to the platform he starts an introduction with the great city.
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Finally.. . And if you would like to go through the entire Europe you have a chance to start on Kievsky station and within a few days to visit numerous countries of our continent and finally find yourself on the platform of age-old Paddington station.
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