Презентация проекта "Традиционная одежда в различных странах мира" (сокращённый вариант) была представлена на школьной конференции. Проект занял 2 место. В своём исследовании учащиеся изучили виды традиционной одежды в англоязычных странах, странах Востока, России, Белоруссии, исследовали роль традиционной одежды в современном мире.
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Traditional and National Costumes School Project Form 6 St Dimitry School 2010-2011 by Elisaveta Barabash, Maria Basilova, Sophia Lazareva, Daria Shevlyakova, Alexander Klevalin, Dmitry Konovalov, Ivan PanfilovСлайд 2
The aims of the presentation to describe national or traditional costumes and compare them to study the role of the national costumes in today’s world 2
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The structure of the presentation 1) Traditional clothes of some English-speaking countries 2) Oriental costumes 3) Traditional costumes of some nationalities that live in Russia 3
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Part 1 Traditional clothes of some English-speaking countries: The British Isles The USA 4
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The National Costumes of the British Isles 5
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Irish National costumes Irish National costumes make you think of Irish folk dancing. Irish women wear a long- sleeved dress, knee-high white socks and black shoes. The favourite colours are green and white . 6
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Green is the national colour of Ireland. The dresses worn by women are copies of the traditional Irish peasant dress. 7
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By the 1880s the traditional costume had gone out of general use . From then on it was worn by women at events such as Royal visits , by choirs at church , for photographs and special occasions. Now it is famous because of Irish dances. 8
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The Welsh costume The Welsh costume is very colourful. Women wear a tall black hat or beaver hat, over a lace cap . Women in the past wore it with a long full skirt and a white apron . 9
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The Welsh costume A shawl , usually red, was worn around the shoulders. The outfit was complete with black shoes and stockings, and ladies carried a basket. 10
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What is the national costume of England? Strange as it may seem, there is no national costume in England. 11
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Morris Dancing You can see some traditional clothes when people perform Morris dances. These dances are performed outdoors in country villages in the summer. They are performed only by men! 12
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The dancers wear white trousers, a white shirt and small bells fixed to their legs . Sometimes morris dancers paint their faces black. Their hats are decorated with ribbons and flowers. 13
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The National costume of Scotland 14
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What does the national costume of Scotland look like? The national costume of Scotland is a kilt , a shirt and a bonnet . Scottish men usually wear a small bag on the belt and a plaid over the shoulder and across the chest. 15
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The Tartan Pattern There are many different types of tartans. Each clan had its own tartan pattern. 16
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When and why do Scotsmen wear the national costume? Nowadays Scotsmen wear costumes on holidays , parades and special occasions, such as weddings. 17
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The bagpipe is the national musical instrument of Scotland. Scotsmen usually wear kilts at folk festivals, concerts and for photographs. 18
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Part 1 (the main points) Nowadays people in Britain, Ireland and the USA wear all kinds of clothes. You can see traditional clothes on special occasions (folk festivals, performances, dances, weddings) Some elements of traditional clothes (the kilt, scarves,jeans) have become very popular and fashionable Britain is a multi-cultural society and in some cities (London or Manchester, for example) you will find many shops with very colourful silk available for making the Sari and other ethnic clothes. 19
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Part 2 Oriental Costumes: A) Japanese traditional costumes (the kimono and samurai costumes) B) The sari (India) 20
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The national costume of Japan Kimono
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HISTORY The kimono is the national costume of Japanese women. It has another name “ gofuku” . It is a piece of linen, usually 4-6 metres long. Japanese women have been wearing the kimono since the 15 th century. And it was a school uniform for girls. 22
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Kimonos are made from fine materials that are like great works of art. The formal kimono was replaced by Western clothes as casual wear in the first half of the 20 th century. To replace – заменить Western - западный 23
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Usually the kimono is painted with national ornaments, hieroglyphs, flowers and dragons. Japanese women often carry fans. Different areas had different designs. Rich women wore kimonos with large belts. 24
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Japanese women often wear kimonos for wedding ceremonies.
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National clothes in India The national dress for women in India is the Sari. Saris are graceful elegant clothing. 26
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National clothes in India The sari is a strip of cloth, whose length is between 4 to 9 meters and its width is about 1,2 meters. 27
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National clothes in India Rich women wore saris made of silk, but most women wore cotton ones. 28
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National clothes in India The s ari is the traditional women clothing not only of India, but also of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. 29
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National clothes in India Traditional Indian wedding dresses are basically bright coloured, mostly red with golden embroidery. White colour is avoided. 30
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National clothes in India One of the most important parts of the bridal wear is the beautiful wedding jewellery. Sometimes its weight is 8-10 kg. 31
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Interesting fact You can see the sari during official ceremonies in India. 32
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Summary of Part 2 Now a lot of people in Japan and India, wear Western-style clothes for office work, but in some parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh traditional clothes are still worn We can see historical samurai costumes only in museums, historic films Japanese women wear the kimono on special occasions, but women from 40 to 60 wear the kimono as casual clothes 33
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National costumes of some nationalit i es who live in Russia Part 3
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New Words narrow - узкий linen - полотно , холст , белье canvas - холст to girdle - подпоясывать outerwear - верхняя одежда kerchief - платок breastplate - нагрудник bast shoes - лапти bloomers - шаровары skullcap - тюбетейка j erkin - безрукавка clog – обувь на толстой деревянной подошве 35
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The Russian national costume Many years ago Russian men wore a shirt and narrow trousers. A shirt of white or coloured linen (canvas) was girdled with a belt. Kaftans (coats) were usually worn over shirts . 36
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Women in the north of Russia wore shirts, sarafans and kerchiefs but women in the south of Russia wore skirts, breastplates and kaftans. On their feet they wore bast shoes (lapti) or boots. 37
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The Ukrainian national costume The Ukrainian national costume is similar to the Russian national costume. Men in Ukraine wore shirts and trousers. Women in Ukraine wore shirts with usual skirts or the ir national skirts (poneva). 38
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On their heads the Ukrainians wore a variety of hats but women thought they must wear kerchiefs. In winter they wore cloaks or fur coats. On their feet Ukrainian people usually wore boots. 39
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The Belorussian national costume In Belorussia men wore trousers, shirts with colourful belts, coats, and green bags. Women wore skirts (as a rule, red), aprons and jerkins. On their feet Bel o ru s sians wore boots or clogs. In the winter the y wore fur coats. 40
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The Tatar national costume Tatars wore shirts and bloomers. In summer they wore kazakins (polukaftans). In winter they wore fur coats. On their heads men wore skullcaps but women wore velvet hats and kerchiefs. On their feet they wore light boots . 41
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In the last part of our presentation we have seen traditional Slavic costumes and other costumes. Now we know that: 1) Russia is a multicultural society and all nationalities have their own traditional clothes 2) Slavic ( Bel o rus s ian , Ukrainian and Russian ) national costumes are similar in some parts, but there are a few differences between them National costumes of different nationalities express their national identity Modern fashion designers are often inspired by folk costumes 42
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When and where do people wear their national costumes? In many countries people wear Western-style clothes and put on their national costumes only on special occasions: folk festivals weddings official ceremonies (in India) national dances and performances 43
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Do people wear national costumes as casual clothes? In some countries (in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) Some elements (women wear fashionable kilts and scarves, sarafans) Jeans (part of cowboys’ clothes) have become popular all over the world Traditional costumes often have an influence on modern fashions 44
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C onclusion National costumes express people’s national character, tastes, traditions and history. 45
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