Герой нашей семьи. Презентация Microsoft Power Point состоит из 11 слайдов. В работе рассказывается об участнике Сталинградской битвы.
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Слайд 1
Hero of our family Danilkina Vera Form 7 Secondary School №2 Melenki Vladimir Region Teacher: Yemel`yanova Ol`ga PetrovnaСлайд 2
It happened on the 22nd of June. The German fascists attacked our country. The Great Patriotic War began.
Слайд 3
There were a lot of great battles. These are some of the most important battles. The Battle of Stalingrad
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The Battle of Moscow
Слайд 5
The Battle of Kursk
Слайд 6
It is my great grandfather Soloviev Aleksey Ivanovich . He was born in 1911. He went to the front when he was 30 years old. During the war he was a signalman. He was given the task to eliminate the undermining of the connection line. My great grandfather fell under the bullets, but fulfilled the task . He was awarded. His award was the medal “For battle merits”. He took part in Stalingrad Battle. Aleksey Ivanovich was lucky. He remained alive in that awful terrible war and came back home when it finished.
Слайд 7
Stalingrad battle was very important and decisive during the war. It contributed a lot in achieving victory. My great grandfather took part in it and I am proud of it.
Слайд 8
My great grandfather returned home from that ruthless war. I think he is a real hero, because he was one of those who defended our Motherland from fascism.
Слайд 9
I remember the battles and the heroes who kept our country free and independent. I am proud of my great granddad and his deed.
Слайд 10
We will remember Many heroes died in that war, but we will remember them and their deeds.
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