Презентация к уроку английского языка к теме "Образование в России" составлена учеником 8 класса "Universities in Russia" может быть использована в качестве наглядного материала к уроку или как опора для составления монологического высказывания учениками по теме, а также может рассматриваться как самостоятельный проект,составленный учеником по английскому языку с использованием компьютерных технологий.
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By Kalyapin Denis 8B form RUSSIAN UNIVERSITIESСлайд 2
Sergey Ozhegov’s dictionary: Education is the process of assimilation knowledge, teaching.
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There are a lot of ways to get a high education. And I’d like to tell you how can you do it in RUSSIA , about our universities. Moscow State University ( МГУ)
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Moscow State University (МГУ) This university was founded in 1755. It was the first university in Russia. It’s named in honour of M. V. Lomonosov. And now, I think, it’s the most popular university in our country. MSU is number 1 in Russia and among Top Ten in the world.
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Moscow State University has 3000 classrooms, 400 scientific laboratories, 21 faculties: Mechanics, Maths, Physics, Biology, Law, Foreign languages, Chemistry, Basic Medicine and others.
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Moscow State University has a rich library. It was opened in 1756. Now it has more than 8 million volumes. It’s the 3 rd largest among libraries in Russia.
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Over the years a lot of world-famous scientists and teachers who have founded many new scientific schools, worked here: Alexander Stoletov, Pyotr Lebedev, Sergey Vavilov, Pyotr Kapitsa, Vladimir Vernadskiy.
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Each year the University sponsors many international seminars, conferences and scientific symposiums.
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The most popular Russian universities: Moscow State University ( МГУ) Moscow State Institute of International Relations ( МГИМО) Moscow Physics-Technical Institute ( МФТИ) Russian Medicine Academy ( РМА) Art Academy ( Академия Художеств)
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Statistics: Have high education Don’t have high education 96 % 4 % People in Russia:
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Thanks for attention!!!
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