Презентация "Hawaii" состоит из 12 слайдов, на которых представлена информация о флоре и фауне штата Гавайи.
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Слайд 1
Hawaii Презентацию подготовила ученица 8 А класса Гусарова Александра 2015 год Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов имени Ю.Н. Янова г. Вязьмы Смоленской областиСлайд 2
Hawaii is the kingdom of the exotic with slender palms, exotic flowers and an indescribable atmosphere of the eternal feast.
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This island is located in the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific ocean. The last Queen was Queen Liliuokalani.
Слайд 4
Humpback whales Humpback whales are extremely impressive marine mammals. Their behavioral characteristics, such as jumps and kicks the tail in the water, cause the wonder and admiration of the people.
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Sea turtles Graceful sea turtles float on the water surface only to breathe air and then dive back into the depths of the ocean. If you are lucky, and you saw one of these huge turtles and mysterious, you can feel a sense of deep respect for these creatures, which can live for 80 years and weigh more than 136 kg.
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Dolphins These wonderful marine mammals are friendly, playful and fun to watch.
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Humuhumunukunukuapua Humuhumunukunukuapua means "triggerfish with a pig snout." This brightly colored fish lives in the waters of all the Hawaiian Islands.
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Pittosporum Pittosporum is one of the most common plants of Hawaii, which were brought to the Islands in 1970. Its height is about 1 meter.
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Rose of Sharon Rose of Sharon is the national flower of Korea, can grow to 4 m in height.
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Hawaiian Islands All six major Hawaiian Islands - Oahu, Kauai, Maui, Big Hawaii Island, Molokai and Lanai, are significantly different from each other. There is all - from tropical blue lagoons, white beaches and black sand, tumultuous waterfalls and wet jungle to unflappable of mountains, active volcanoes and even snow!
Слайд 11
Twilight in Hawaii The twilight here is short enough. After sunset only 15 minutes of light. edge, you've heard about this phenomenon as the "green ray". At some point when the sun disappears below the ocean horizon, you can see the beam of green light, emerges from the waves.
Слайд 12
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