2) Content
3) Seasons
4) 4 seasons
5) Spring
5.1) Signs of spring in nature
6) Summer
6.1) What happens in the summer?
7) autumn
7.1) weather in autumn
8) winter
8.1) what happens in the winter?
9) Astronomical mechanism of change of seasons
10) Conclusion
11) Sources
12) Thank you for your attention!!!
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Слайд 1
ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ СРЕДНЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «АРМАВИРСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ» ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ По дисциплине: «Иностранный язык» на тему: «Времена года» Выполнила студентка группы 1фб Специальности 33.02.01. Фармация Буквич Яна. 22.11.2014Г.Слайд 2
Seasons Seasons - four periods that are conditionally divided the annual cycle. distinguish: Calendar time of the year - in most countries of the world adopted the division of the year into four seasons, three calendar months in each. Astronomical seasons, which are counted from the solstices .
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Russia adopted the following dates: Spring - March 2 (March 1 in leap years) until May 31; summer - from June 1 to August 31; Autumn - September 1 until November 30; Winter - December 1 until March 1 (in non-leap years) - February 29 (in leap years).
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4 seasons distinguish the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter .
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spring Spring - one of the four seasons, after winter and before summer. Consists of three months: March, April and May. Spring - a season of transition, when noticeable increase in the light of the day, the temperature of the environment and activated natural activity of living creatures and plants .
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Signs of spring in nature returning migratory birds . insects emerge from their hiding places . Wake up from winter sleep Bears . melting ice on rivers and lakes . Ground covers young grass .
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summer Summer - one of the four seasons, between spring and autumn, is characterized by the high temperature environment . Consists of three months: June, July and August.
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autumn Autumn -one of the four seasons, between summer and winter. Autumn - the transition season when daylight hours decrease markedly, and gradually decreases the temperature of the environment. Consists of three months : September , October and November.
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weather in autumn In the autumn, on the eve of winter and frost, deciduous plants (trees, shrubs) leaves changing color, fall, shortly trees are bare, without leaves, and yellow grass . cooling occurs people wear warmer clothes. Trees leaves change color and drop them
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winter Winter -one of the four seasons, between autumn and spring. The main feature of this time of year - a steady low temperature (below 0 degrees Celsius), in many parts of the earth falls and falls to the surface snow. Consists of three months: December, January and February.
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what happens in the winter? Snowfall Frost new year Children playing in the snow Sleet Hoarfrost on trees Snowman Drifts Santa Claus Old New Year Carols.
Слайд 12
Astronomical mechanism of change of seasons The main reason for the change of the seasons is the tilt of Earth's axis relative to the plane of the ecliptic. Without the tilt axis length of day and night in any place of the Earth would be the same, and in the afternoon the sun was rising over the horizon at least the same height throughout the year.
Слайд 13
conclusion all seasons are important. they delight us with their beauty and otherness.
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