Natural disaster - a natural phenomenon of an extraordinary nature and leads to disruption of normal activity of the population, death, destruction and destruction of property
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Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования « Армавирский медицинский колледж» Natural disasters Выполнила: Студентка группы 1МС Специальности 34.02.01 Сестринское дело Лопатина Кристина Проверила: Арушанян В.АСлайд 2
Natural disaster - a natural phenomenon of an extraordinary nature and leads to disruption of normal activity of the population, death, destruction and destruction of property
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Geologic natural disasters: Earthquake Volcanic eruption Landslide Sel Landslide Avalanche
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Hydrological natural disasters: Floods Tsunamis Limnological catastrophe
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Atmospheric natural disasters: Hurricane Tornado Drought Hail Snow storm Frost
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Earthquake - tremors or fluctuations in the Earth surface .
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Volcanoes - geological formation on the surface of the earth's crust or another planet's crust where magma reaches the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks and pyroclastic flows.
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Sel - flow with a very high concentration of mineral particles, stones and rock fragments.
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Landslide - slipping and separation of the masses of rocks down the slope under the force of gravity.
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Avalanche - mass of snow slip and fall from the mountains
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Flood inundation areas resulting rise in water level in rivers, lakes, seas of - rain, rapid snowmelt, wind onset of the coast and other reasons that causes damage to health and even lead to their death, and also causes material damage.
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Hurricane - wind destructive power and long duration, the rate of which more than 30 m / sec (on the Beaufort scale, 12 points).
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Drought is a long and significant lack of rain, often at elevated temperature and low humidity, which resulted in the drying up moisture reserves in the soil, which leads to a reduction or loss of the crop.
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