Презентация и выступление к проекту о заимствованиях в английском языке
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Hello, my name is Margarita. The topic of my report is “Borrowings in the English language”. I love the English language – I learn it with a great interest, and I dream of being an interpreter one day. I’ve always been interested how the words appear in a language: do people invent them? My interest only grew with the time, and I asked my teacher. The teacher told me that words appear in a language in different ways: they may be invented, or they may be taken from the other languages, or borrowed. Or do people take them from other languages? Then how do people choose what words to take to their languages? Why are some words forgotten by people? And why there are some words English that are found in the Russian language, for example: temperature, chocolate, cafe, literature? I decided to learn how the English language developed during the centuries. I wanted to know how new words appear in a language. And now I want to tell about the results of my study.
The aim of my work was to find out what languages influenced the English language and what historical events were connected with these influence.
New words are borrowed from one language to another. So, let us define what the borrowing is. A borrowing is a process of taking words from one language to another. It is also a result of this process - a borrowed word, or a loan word.
Borrowing is a result of economical, political or cultural contacts.
Borrowing has come in waves throughout the history of English. Слайд 1.
Let’s look at the most important events that influenced and formed the English language.
Borrowings from the Celtic languages Слайд 2
The history of the English language really started with the invasion of three Germanic tribes – Angles, Saxons and Jutes. They invaded Britain during the 5th century AD. There they met the Celts – the native inhabitants of the British Isles.
Not so many words were borrowed from the Celtic languages, for example:
bard — бард, певец, поэт; bin — мешок, корзина (для вина, зерна);; brock — барсук; down— холм; dun — серовато-коричневый.
Many place and river names are of celtic origin; Aberdeen, Ben Lomond, Dunbar, Kildare, Dunstable, Billigshurt.
Borrowings from the Scandinavian languages(X-XI centuries) Слайд 3
The next invaders were the Norsemen. From the middle of the ninth century large numbers of Norse invaders, Vikings, settled in Britain. The words borrowed from this source include basic words for the subjects of everyday life: anger, angry, fellow, fit, get, hit, leg, low, skill, take, want, week, till, they
Some word building elements were borrowed, for example: Hap- in words happy, happen, perhaps; Weak –in words weaken, weakening
The French borrowings Слайд 4
The borrowings from the French language are connected with the Norman conquest of 1066. King Harold was killed at the Battle of Hastings, and William of Normandy is crowned King of England. Norman French became the language of the courts and of the upper classes; English remained the language of the majority. The French dominated many spheres of daily life. The use of French showed education and prestige, as the nobility were French. The French borrowings included many words from different spheres of life. It should be said that this period was very important, because the French words were used in many spheres of life. They replaced a great number of native English words. Nowadays, 75 per cent of the English vocabulary is connected with this period.
For example:
* Law and government—attorney, bailiff, chancellor, chattel, country, court, crime, defendent, evidence, government, jail, judge, jury, larceny, noble, parliament, plaintiff, plea, prison, revenue, state, tax, verdict
* Church—abbot, chaplain, chapter, clergy, friar, prayer, preach, priest, religion, sacrament, saint, sermon
* Nobility—baron, baroness; count, countess; duke, duchess; marquis, marquess; prince, princess; viscount, viscountess; noble, royal (contrast native words: king, queen, earl, lord, lady, knight, kingly, queenly)
* Military—army, artillery, battle, captain, company, corporal, defense,enemy,marine, navy, sergeant, soldier, volunteer
* Cooking—beef, boil, broil, butcher, dine, fry, mutton, pork, poultry, roast, salmon, stew, veal
* Culture and luxury goods—art, bracelet, claret, clarinet, dance, diamond, fashion, fur, jewel, oboe, painting, pendant, satin, ruby, sculpture
* Other—adventure, change, charge, chart, courage, devout, dignity, enamor, feign, fruit, letter, literature, magic, male, female, mirror, pilgrimage, proud, question, regard, special для презентации не обязательно упоминать все сферы жизни, а из слов выбрать по 5-6 примеров.
Latin borrowings слайды 5-6
Latin loans have a long history and are classified into the subgroups- you can see them on a slide.
There are many international words from Latin that can be found in many languages: obligation, constitution, alibi, agriculture, microscope, modern, laboratory, program, system, socialism, communism, capitalism, climate, radius, tradition
Borrowings from other languages are numerous. There are borrowings from Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, and many other languages in English. We can see the tendency of the English language to borrow a lot of words during the centuries. Thus, borrowing is a productive source of enrichment of the English vocabulary.
That’s all I wanted to tell you today. I may only add that results of my work can be used to organize lessons in English in those classes where pupils are very interested in it and would like to learn more. It may also be used for those who start to learn English as a general introduction. I think when people know something from the history of a language it makes them more interested and motivated learners.
Человек несгибаем. В.А. Сухомлинский
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