Ребята очень многому могут научиться, работая с материалом, захватывающим их внутренний мир. И чтобы добиться лучших результатов в изучении английского языка, я стараюсь развивать творческую самостоятельность учащихся. Данная презентация помогает прививать интерес учащихся к традициям англо-язычных стран и родного Башкортостана.
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Holidays in Great Britain and Bashkortostan. Выполнила: Жердина Анастасия Ученица 5Б класса МБОУ СОШ №4 Ленинского района Городского округа г. Уфа Республики Башкортостан Руководители: Каткова Л. В. Шабрина Р. Р. 2014г.Слайд 2
New Year in Great Britain English people celebrate the New Year on the 31 st of December. There is a great parade in London with a lot of people there. They are: m usicians, conjurers, Santa Claus and different fairy tails characters.
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New Year in Great Britain Holiday Food: an apple pie; Cabben cheese; oatmeal flat cakes opening in the middle; pudding; beefsteaks; - a roasted goose.
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New Year Decorations English people usually decorate their houses and New Year trees with the balls and lights of different colours.
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New Year Presents Their presents are not expensive and they differ from Russian presents. They are: souvenirs; k ey rings; - candles or beautiful spoons and so on.
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New Year in Bashkortostan We celebrate this holiday on the 31 st of December as they do it in Great Britain. We also decorate our flats , houses and New Year trees as in England. But at first we say: “Good bye” to the “old year”, then, after 2a.m. we usually go to the square to congratulate each other.
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Holiday Food Our traditional holiday food is: - “ Oliv’e” salad; “Selyodka pod shuboy” salad; roasted chicken; sandwiches with butter and caviar; - oranges .
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Father Frost Father Frost is one of the main New Year’s symbols in our country. He comes at the New Year eve in each house and leaves presents under New Year tree. He works not alone, Snegurochka helps him, too.
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Halloween This holiday started in Ireland. Halloween was originally a festival of the dead. It is celebrated on the 31 st of October. Halloween means All Hallows Eve. You know , the 1 st of November is All Hallows Day ( День всех святых ) . It is the only time in autumn before the cold days begin when it is still warm enough to go outside and enjoy the beauty of autumn. On that day children wear unusual costumes and masks. They dress up as witches, ghosts, ghouls, bats, evil spirits, skeletons and frighten people. They say “Trick or Treat”. If they get a treat, they go away. But if they don’t, they play tricks.
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Sabantuy Sabantuy is a great holiday for countryside workers in Bashkortostan. It means that the fields job was ended. The holiday begins with Bashkir songs and dances. After the concert different kinds of competitions take place. They are: national fight “koresh”; horses’ races; tug of war; running with buckets on a yoke, and finally, Sabantuy is ended with “batyrs’” fighting.
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Conclusion There are a lot of different holidays in the world. So many p eoples, as many traditions and holidays are. So, I want to tell everybody: “ Take care of our world”!
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