Красочная презентация ученицы 6 класса о Лондонском зоопарке". "London zoo is the oldest scientific zoo in the world. Founded in London on April 27 1828 as the Zoological collections intended for scientific research. Since 1847 open to the public. One of the largest Zoological collections in the UK (as at 2006 - 16 802 individuals of 755 species of animals). Administratively subordinated established in 1826, the Zoological society of Londo. Located at the Northern end of Regent's Park on the border between Westminster and Camden".
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London zooСлайд 2
London zoo London zoo is the oldest scientific zoo in the world. Founded in London on April 27 1828 as the Zoological collections intended for scientific research. Since 1847 open to the public. One of the largest Zoological collections in the UK (as at 2006 - 16 802 individuals of 755 species of animals). Administratively subordinated established in 1826, the Zoological society of Londo . Located at the Northern end of Regent's Park on the border between Westminster and Camden.
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Aquarium The aquarium, which appeared in the Zoo in 1853, is considered the first fixed aquarium in the world.
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"Butterfly world" Opened in may 2006 the exhibition "World of butterflies" is the butterflies and moths of the major regions of the world - Africa, South-East Asia, and Central and South America. Butterflies placed in the environment relevant to their view of flora and fauna (plants, producing the necessary nectar, and the areas of animal reproduction). Here you can see the following types of butterflies, the butterflies-Swifts, butterflies perelivnyy , butterfly-Zebra and butterfly-postmen
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Children's zoo Petting zoo name of Ambika Paul has two sections - care Center for Pets and Corral, where practical exercises are carried out with children. In the Centre of the care of Pets children give advice on the content and care for Pets. In his exposition presents the different types of rabbits, Guinea pigs, mice, rats, stinging insects, chinchillas, degu and snails. In the Paddock contains sheep, Anglo-Nubian goats, pygmy goats, llamas, alpacas, reindeer and pig- tempory . The petting zoo was built in 1994 on donations Sri Sex , made in memory of daughter, Ambika Paul, who died from leukemia.
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The Kingdom Of Gorillas "The Kingdom of Gorillas" - huge (6 000 m2) exhibition, opened by Easter 2007. This structure weight 2385 kg, the construction of which lasted 18 months, was opened by the Duke of Edinburgh on March 29, 2007 and March 30, received its first visitors. The old monkey enclosures appeared a giant island, surrounded by a ditch, and games room, which has become the habitat of a group of Western lowland gorillas. Currently live in a cage three gorillas: Zaire, a 32-year-old female, EFFIE, 14-year-old female and Mjukuu , 9-year-old female is brought from Chessington . This report also contains black-and-white guereza . It also presents mangabe , lizards, many species of birds and monkeys-Diana.
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According to recent reports, the zoo has posted about 17 thousand individuals (755 species of animals, among them 10 thousand invertebrates, about 5 thousand fishes reptiles and 100. Most London zoo animals are not in cages, but in almost free conditions. Zoo staff organized an unusual presentation: at a certain time in the public eye they enter the cells, feed the animals and talk about them. These observations evoke the audience's delight ..
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London Zoo
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